{TURUN -- A sample program written in Tiny Pascal } var I, J, K, PROBLEM; {*********************} function ISLESS(N1, N2); begin {returns 1 if n10} else isless:=0; end; function ADDEMUP(LOWER, UPPER, SUM); begin end; {makes it a forward declaration} {*********************} function ISEQUAL(N1, N2); begin if n2-n1 then isequal:=0 {false} else if n1-n2 then isequal:=0 else isequal:=1; end; {***********************} function ADDEMUP(LOWER, UPPER, SUM); {SUM is a local} begin sum:=0; while isless(lower, upper) do begin sum:=sum+lower; lower:=lower+1; end; addemup:=sum+lower; { the last one was left out } end; {*********************} function MAIN(SUM, UPPER); begin i:=1; j:=i+5; k:=j-16; problem:=i+(j*k); writeln('I: ', i, ' J: ', j, ' K: ', k, ' Problem: ', problem); write('Enter upper '); upper:=read; sum:=addemup(1, upper); {sum of integers 1..upper} if isequal(sum, (upper*(upper+1))/2) then writeln('Sum = ', sum) else begin writeln('BUG: Sum = ', sum, '; should be ', (upper*(upper+1))/2); end; end;