Program name: Turbo Calc (v8.10) Author name: P & M Software Co. Address: 9350 Country Creek #30 Houston, Tx 77036 Telephone Number: None Suggested Donation: $20 Program Description: Turbo Calc is a spreadsheet program written in Turbo Pascal and supports a medium size spreadsheet, 512 rows by 64 columns. The program uses a broad range of mathamatical, statistical, logic, and financial functions. Column width can be adjusted, and text entries are allowed to eighty characters. The program requires a minimum of 256K and can use up to 640K. Turbo Calc will import and export DIF(tm) files. The command mode for Turbo Calc is by letter entry with ALT key, or by selection from an on-screen list that may be displayed by pressing ESC in the program mode.