Disk No: 819 Disk Title: Crossword Creator PC-SIG Version: 4 Program Title: Crossword Creator Author Version: 4.00 Author Registration: $25.00 Special Requirements: Printer. CROSSWORD CREATOR can be used by anyone who enjoys designing or solving crossword puzzles. It provides the tools you need to lay out a puzzle on the computer's screen, define clues for each word, save your design on disk, and produce professional-looking printouts of your crosswords. Enhancements include: a 50-page manual, an installation utility, a configuration file, support for all types of printers (including lasers), and an automatic word placement feature that will actually build a puzzle for you, using words you enter. File Descriptions: CONFIG CWC A sample configuration file. CWC EXE The CROSSWORD CREATOR program. ???????? CWP Printer definition files (15 files). ENGL CWH English version help file. ENGL CWL English version language file. MOVIES CLU Sample clue file. MOVIES PUZ Sample puzzle file. README CWC Miscellaneous notes (Please read!). REGISTER CWC Registration/upgrade instructions. SPORTS CLU Sample clue file. SPORTS PUZ Sample puzzle file. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988,89 PC-SIG, Inc.