WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FALAND This document is addressed to newcomers to Faland. Please be assured, foreigners are welcome here. However, if you are here involuntarily, we will understand your desire to try to find your way back home. Whether you are seeking a way home or would like to stay and make a new home here, it is hoped that the following information will be of value to you. The territory of Faland is comprised of several million square legons, one legon being the distance King Mordat of the Ancients was able to walk in 1000 paces while traveling on a good road over level ground. Most of the territory is sparsely inhabited with the bulk of the population living in and around five farm settlements. It is in the most northeasterly of these, Or'gn, where most foreigners gain entry into Faland and where this pamphlet is available. The farmland is a relatively safe region except on starlit nights (the moon lights the night sky in cycles of 15 nights followed by 15 nights when stars alone light the way). Outside the farmlands dangerous animals abound and place at serious risk the weak and ill prepared. The climate of Faland is mild, with 24 hour days divided into three 8 hour periods in the local time-keeping tradition. Most people dress lightly, the typical attire consisting of sirkeln and mokads, which are supplied to all foreigners. The male sirkeln is little more than a loin cloth and belt with pockets and attachments where a few essentials can be carried. The female sirkeln includes a light blouse. Mokads are light weight, calf-length boots. Sirkeln and mokads are of such durability that they never need to be replaced. The roads and pathways of Faland are well traveled, particularly in the farmlands. The peasants are largely benign. However, in all areas of Faland you may be challenged by warriors, most of whom are members of a warrior's guild and obey strict rules of honor. You may speak with, fight, yield to, or run from these individuals. In some cases, outside the settled farm areas, you may be attacked by renegade warriors. You will need to defend yourself against these or will be forced to run from them. In the dark regions of Faland (i.e. in caves, dungeons, mines, etc) there are a number of 'demons'. These are semi-intelligent creatures that are always dangerous and will usually attack without warning. If you enter such regions BE PREPARED! Supplies, including food, water, tools, weapons, etc. are available at most settlements. Or'gn has the most complete selection but certain specialty items can only be obtained in other places. The rall is the basic unit of exchange and is minted as a one ounce gold coin. The em, worth 0.01 ralls, is a one ounce silver coin used in making change. These coins can be exchanged for goods at the markets and in a few other places. You can also sell goods at the markets. As a foreigner, you are given the status of warrior and are treated accordingly. You cannot own property or run a fixed business. You are, neverthless, expected to make a living through your own efforts. You can buy and sell goods and can, if you choose, do quite well as a hunter. Some merchandise (i.e. wood, sand, and oil) are available as natural resources and can be claimed by anyone finding them. It is also possible to find and salvage various items of treasure (principally religious ikons of stone, bronze, silver, or gold and various items of jewelry). Treasure becomes the property of the finder and can be disposed of as the owner sees fit. You may also gain wealth as a fighter, winning tribute in battle with honorable warriors or taking money from renegades. If you want to find your way back home, you cannot do so from a position of weakness. Strength is gained only through accepting the challenge of warriors and prevailing in the resulting combat. The wise fighter knows when to refuse a challenge, when to accept, and when to yield if the fight goes badly. Be advised, before accepting a challenge, you should always have money to pay tribute if you lose. You can survive and prosper here if you keep your eyes and ears open. Examine interesting items, read notices, talk to peasants, shopkeepers, and warriors, work diligently and fight effectively; do these things and you will find life here pleasant and your stay productive. Good luck and may your life be long and successful!