Registration for 'the last word' 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To register, please return this form with your registration check or money order (Purchase orders are also accepted) to : Gordon Haff Bit Masons Consulting 3205 Windsor Ridge Dr. Westborough, MA 01581 Phone: (508) 898-3321 Name ____________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Phone (_____)_____-______ Where did you get LWORD 1.0 from: BBS Name ________________________________ Number (_____)_____-______ Other electronic service (Compuserve, GEnie, etc.) _________________ Other ______________________________________________________________ Are you a SYSOP or CO-SYSOP (circle) NO - YES ________________________ ____ LAST WORD 1.0 registration................. @ $ 15.00 ea $ _______ (Includes a license for one user and product support for that user plus a diskette with the latest program revision, data files with twice the number of questions, a registration "brander" to bypass any registration reminders, a coupon good for $5 off DF registration, and a free copy of the author's TRIVIA COMMAND game.) ____ LWORD Upgrade ............................. @ $ 5.00 ea $ __N/A__ Non-US Shipping ...............................@ $ 5.00 $ _______ (Payments must be in US Dollars, US bank) TOTAL Enclosed ......................................... $ ____________ Diskette size: 3.5" ____ 5.25" ____ Non-U.S. orders need to include $5.00 extra to cover additional shipping and handling charges. Checks and money orders must be drawn on a U.S. bank. Please send all payments payable in U.S. Dollars. Feel free to attach any other comments or instructions (e.g. program features you'd like to see, or don't send a copy of the program until the next major rev, etc.)