Russian,Heccrbq zpsr,02,10,10,Cyrillic,18,12,0,Copyright ©1993 Fairfield Language Technologies@:tyobyf ghsuftn.@:tyobyf ghsuyekf.@Kjiflm ghsuftn.@Kjiflm ghsuyekf.@Vfkmxbr gflftn.@Vfkmxbr egfk.@Rjd,jq gflftn.@Rjd,jq egfk.@Ltdjxrf ht;tn ,evfue.@Ltdjxrf hfphtpfkf ,evfue.@Vfkmxbr ghsuftn d djle.@Vfkmxbr ghsuyek d djle.@Kjiflm ctqxfc ghsuytn.@Ht,=yjr ctqxfc ghsuytn.@Kjiflm ghsuftn.@Kjiflm ghsuyekf.@Ltdjxrf ctqxfc ,eltn htpfnm ,evfue. @Ltdjxrf ht;tn ,evfue.@Ltdjxrf hfphtpfkf ,evfue.@Ltdjxrf ghsuftn.@Vfkmxbr ctqxfc ghsuytn d djle.@Vfkmxbr ghsuftn d djle.@Vfkmxbr ghsuyek d djle.@"nb vfkmxbrb ghsuf/n d djle.@Yftplybr ctqxfc egfl=n.@Yftplybr gflftn.@Yftplybr egfk.@Vfkmxbr gflftn.@Ltdjxrb yt ghsuf/n ctqxfc. Vfkmxbr ctqxfc ghsuytn.@Ltdjxrb yt ghsuf/n. Vfkmxbr ghsuftn.@Ltdjxrb yt ghsuyekb. Vfkmxbr ghsuyek.@Vfkmxbr b ltdjxrb ghsuf/n.@Ve;xbyf ctqxfc ,eltn gbnm vjkjrj.@Ve;xbyf gm=n vjkjrj.@Ve;xbyf dsgbk vjkjrj.@Vfkmxbr ctqxfc ,eltn tcnm [kt,.@Vfkmxbr ctqxfc ,eltn tcnm [kt,.@Vfkmxbr tcn [kt,.@Vfkmxbr c(tk ytvyjuj [kt,f.@"njn vfkmxbr d ifgrt.@ls are jumping.@The man is going to drink the milk. @The man is drinking the milk. @The man has drunk the milk.@The boy is going to eat the bread.@The boy is going to eat the bread.@The boy is eating the bread.@The boy has eaten some bread.@The boy is wearing a hat.@