----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HandyWare International ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S M A R T S H O P v 1 . 1c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Notice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HandyWare International reserves the right to make improvements in the product described in this text at any time and without notice. This application will perform substantially in accordance with the published specifications and the documentation. Handyware International, when notified of significant errors within 90 days of purchase, will, at its option correct demonstrable and significant program or documentation errors within a reasonable period of time or provide or autorize a refund. Registering this software provides you only a single-user lifetime license for using this product with the full features, the Handyware International internet support and update rights for this product. You won't be allowed to copy, modify or distribute the registration number nor the registred file in any way. By using this software you will be accepting all the terms above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction Thanks for trying our product ! We hope SmartShop will help your lives like it help ours. We, users before everything, always wanted a way to organize our shoppings in super- markets and other convinience stores. Did you remember when you had that sensation that the prices were a little higher? SmartShop will help you prevent this situation, since it keeps track of all prices. If you think that the shop is raising the price too much, you simply start buying in other places. And about forgotten products ? How many times you wanted to eat something only to realize you forgot to buy it ! You only realize it when it's too late ! We tried to make our product as easy as possible to use. It's so easy to use that you can walk at the supermaket with the Pilot in hand, and record all the items you buy in a practical and painless way. Forget those old-fashioned paper lists! You payed for your PDA, now it's time to use it and make your life easier (this is what PDAs are intended for, aren't they?). If don't want to walk with your Pilot, you can also use our program just to record everything when you arrive home. A missing product can always be inserted in next week shopping. You can also record the items you are buying in the shop and them record the prices at the commodity of your home, so minimizing shopping time. If you want to say anything to us, don't wait any more and contact our homepage at "http://w3.openlink.com.br/handyware". We're waiting to hear about your experiences with our product. Your feedback is what will make us add a feature in future versions. And remember: updates are free ! If you want to make any suggestion for future releases, feel free to do it! Maybe the solution you need is the same of other user's, and we can make your desires come true ! II. Using SmartShop SmartShop is made of 3 sections: - Product Window : it's here where you register the name of the products you buy. The product window shows a database of all the products currently registered. When you want to buy something, the first thing you do is add the name of the product to this window, if it isn't already registered. If you want to buy a product (Beer, for example) in more than one place, you have to register it's name just one time. In the other windows you will be able to distribute the products in shops. - Shop Window : The "Shop" is an abstraction of "Product Container". You register here not only the shops you use to buy your products. You can also register something like "HandyMart, Weekly" and "HandyMart, Monthly", so you will able to register the products you buy weekly (like cheese,milk) at HandyMart and the products you buy in the end of the month (like soap). - Buy Window : Here is where you register the products contained in a shop. Here you can register if you already bought the product, the quantity, last month price (LP) and current price (CP) . It's the window you will use the most. When you add a product to a shop, you will be able to choose from the list of products already registered in the Product Window. The prices and quantities you assign to each product are absolutely independent in each shop, like the flag telling if you already bought the product, so you can keep track of prices in many shops and compare them later. Now we will describe the options of all windows in a simple tutorial to make easier for you to handle our software. III. Product Window Every time you run SmartShop, you will be in the Product Window. Note a list in the screen (empty when you run SmartShop for the first time) and 3 buttons. From here you control everything in this window. Let's add some products. Click with the pen in the "New" button in the bottom of the screen. A Window will popup and wait for you to write the product name. When you finish writing the name, click on "Ok". Clicking on "Cancel" will abort the operation without adding anything to the list. Add 3 products: "Beer", "French Fries" and "Eggs". If you want to edit the names, click on the product name and select "Edit". You will be able to edit the product name. Note that changing the product name will change this product in ALL shops that have the product. The prices, quantities and the flag will be unchanged, however. Cliking on "Delete" erases the item selected by the pen, removing it of all shops. A confirmation is asked before the delete process happens effectively. Now that you added 3 products, let's go to the Shop Window. Click on the "Menu" button on your Pilot. Select the "Product" Menu, and click on the "Shop List" option. IV. Shop Window Now you will be able to create shops to hold your products. The workings of this window are absolutely identical to Product Window's. Let's add a shop. Click the "New" button and add write "HandyShop". You can edit and delete this name like you do with the products. Now let's add the products to this shop. Click on the "HandyShop" entry and the click on the "Menu" button. Select the "Buy" menu and you will see 2 options: - New : Choosing new, all the flags telling if you buyed a product will be reset, so the next time you enter the shop, all the products will be in the "Not Bought" state. The prices registered for the "Current Price" entry will be copied to "Last Price" (see later), so you will be able to keep track of the prices. The quantities stay unchanged. - Resume : You resume a shopping. Nothing changes in the products registered in the shop. Since the shop has no products, you can choose any option. Choose "New", for example. V. Buy Window When you choose "New" or "Resume", will be brought to this window. You will see 3 buttons in the bottom of the screen, a column of boxes and 2 lists. The bigger list in the center of the screen hold the names of the products. The narrower in the right show the quantities of each product. The boxes are the "Buy Flags", telling if you bought or not a specific product. Since you have no products in the list, everything is disabled. Let's add some products to the "HandyShop" (note the title in the top of the window). Click on the "New" button and a small version of the Product Window will popup. Choose "Eggs" and click on the "Ok" button. The "Cancel" button would abort the operation and no products would be added. Now you will see the name "Eggs" and the quantity "1" in the right. The default quantity of any product is 1. Now let's change some things. Click on the "Eggs" name and the click on "Edit". In this window you will be able to edit the quantity and the price. The starting price defaults to 0.0. You see the "Last price" , defaulted to 0.0. Change the quantity to 3, clicking on the quantity field and the change the price to "1.00". Click on the "Ok" button to confirm the changes. The "Cancel" button would ignore your changes and keep the old values. You are seeing now 3 as the quantity. Notice that the new value appears below the ListBox. Click on the box left of the "Eggs" entry. Now the box is checked. It would mean that you bought eggs. Like the Product and Shop Windows, you can delete the entry or add more entries in the list. Now, if desired, you can see the total spent for all the products purchased in that shop by clicking the "Menu button" and choosing the "Total" option. Click on the "Menu" button and choose the "Exit" option on the "Buy" menu to return to the Shop Window. When you arrive at "Shop Window", click on the "HandyShop" name and then on the "Menu" button. Choose the "New" option in the "Buy" menu. Now we are again in the Buy Window. Note that the checkbox is reset, what wouldn't happen if you choosed "Resume" instead of "New". Now select the "Eggs" entry and click on "Edit". Note that "1.00" become the Last Price. VI. Backing-up your database Backing-up your lists follows the same regular procedures of other programs. When you HotSync with the desktop, all the databases of the current installed applications are automatically backed-up. The only detail for SmartShop is that it splits your data in 3 databases. When you want to install the backup data, you use the Install Tool of the Pilot Desktop and install the following files which will be located in your default backup path: PRODUCT_DATABSE.PDB SHOP_AUX_DATABSE.PDB SHOP_DATABASE.PDB VII. Registering the software At first, visit our homepage at "http://w3.openlink.com.br/handyware" to know the procedures to be done in order to get the software with its full features. Then, click on the "Menu" button in the Product Window. Click on the "Register" option in submenu "Options". The Register Window will ask for your name and your code, which will be sent by e-mail to you after the payment. If you don't register it, the program will work with a built-in limit of 10 products, 3 shops and 6 products per shop. If you do, the release version raises all limits to 255. VIII. Known limitations - The prices currently only accept the "." character as a separator. This funcionality probably will be extended in the future. XI. Keep in Touch! Check out the HandyWare site periodically at "http://w3.openlink.com.br/handyware" to get the free updates to this version and new products, or e-mail us to make any suggestion : handyware@openlink.com.br