English-German Tutor -------------------- Author: Scott Powell (scottpowell@kagi.com) Version: 1.0 (Shareware) Date: 12/05/1997 Install Notes Simply use 'instapp' to install the tutor.prc and vocab.pdb files onto your pilot. Instructions You will be prompted to translate either an English or German word. Either type in the word in the edit field and press the 'check' button, or just think of it in your mind and press the 'cheat' button to see if you were right. Press the 'next' button to move onto another word. From starting this application, the words in the vocabulary database are 'shuffled', so that you will visit all words in the vocabulary, eventually, without seeing any twice. Once you get to the end the program automatically shuffles again. NOTE: when translating an English noun, you must also select the correct gender to get the 'correct!' message. Registration If you like this program you should register. Using a Web browser refer to: http://www.kagi.com/scottpowell for instructions on how to register. Revision History 12/05/1997 1.0 Initial release Credits thanks to: - John J. Lehett for the GNU 'C' port. - Wes Cherry for 'PILRC' Standard Disclaimer Stuff This program is presented 'as is'. I take no responsibility in any loss of data or productivity in case of operating failures.