Digi-Guppie v0.5 Readme This is the readme file that comes with Digi-Guppie v0.5 This is not a final release, though I believe it to be _bug-free_! ******************Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please delete the old version of Digi-Guppie _before_ installing the new one! I tested installing on top of the old one, and sometimes it worked and sometimes it caused a soft-reset. PLEASE DELETE THE OLD DIGI-GUPPIE _BEFORE_ INSTALLING THE NEW ONE!! I don't want to be responsible for loss of anyone's data! We're a little updated... You can now select one of 3 different guppies, (from the menu or through "command p") as well as tap his tank and make him zip along a little faster! Please visit the Digi-Guppie Homepage for more information. See a FAQ (such as at ) If you need help installing programs to your Pilot. If you really need further documentation on how to use this program, you probably need more help than I can provide... :) You are free to re-distribute Digi-Guppie as long as this file is included in your distribution and that you don't try to pass Digi-Guppie off as your own work. Digi-Guppie is Copyright Chris Hinck, 1997. hinck@pegasus.montclair.edu All Artwork is Copyright Jeff Hinck, 1997. apc@cybernex.net The code should be up at very soon now, in case you're interested in coding. Absolutely _nothing_ is guaranteed to work within Digi-Guppie, in otherwords, as with all Freeware, use at your own risk. I made every effort to test this program within all Pilot/PalmPilot environments, and believe that it is working, but if you find a bug, please mail me at dguppie@leguin.montclair.edu. Do _not_ use the Digi-Guppie in any life-threatening situation that requires a digital fish.