Jump User's Manual
Version 1.0 Beta 3a

Greg Hewgill (gregh@lightspeed.net)

Table of Contents

1 Jump
 1.1 What is Jump?
 1.2 Jump Features
 1.3 The Jump Package
 1.4 Requirements
 1.5 Installation
 1.6 Limitations

2 Using Jump
 2.1 Program Requirements
 2.2 Running Jump
 2.3 Options
 2.4 Program-specific Options

3 Technical Information
 3.1 Native code interface

 A Future Enhancements
 B Thanks to...

1 Jump

1.1 What is Jump?

Jump is a program that allows developers to write JavaTM code for the Pilot handheld PDA from USRobotics. This has nothing to do with the Internet, HTTP, or the World Wide Web, and in particular will not allow you to run or write Java "applets". It does allow you to use a well-designed, easy to learn language to write applications for the Pilot.

Jump works by reading the .class files produced by a Java compiler, creating 68000 assembly language .asm files as output. The .asm files are then assembled by Pila (the Pilot Assembler) to produce a .prc file which can be loaded directly into the Pilot. Jump is essentially the "back end" of a compiler (a Java source-to-bytecode compiler is the "front end").

The .prc files created by Jump are self contained and do not require any Java runtime support to be present on the Pilot.

1.2 Jump Features

There are no features yet. :)

1.3 The Jump Package

The Jump package includes the following files:

File    Description
Readme.txtLast minute notes and revision history. Be sure to read this file!
Jump.exeMain Jump program as a Win32 executable.
Jump.zipJump class files for use on non-Win32 platforms.
Jump.htmJump documentation (this file).
palmos.zippalmos package class and source files.
native-java.asmNative 68K implementations of various java.lang methods.
native-palmos.asmNative 68K stubs for most of the PalmOS API functions.
native-*.asmOther native 68K method implementations.
Jump.propertiesSample Jump configuration file.
DecHex\*Sample program files.
Hello\*Sample program files.
Life\*Sample program files.

1.4 Requirements

Jump requires the following software:

In the ASDK, you will also find lots of tools and information that will be indispensable for developing Pilot applications.

1.5 Installation

NOTE: Do not use PKUNZIP! Use WinZip or another 32-bit unzip program. PKUNZIP, being a DOS program, does not handle long file names and will really screw this up.

  1. Create a directory, for example c:\jump.
  2. Extract the contents of the Jump distribution archive into this directory. Be sure to use the stored directory names so that each sample program ends up in its own directory.
  3. Unzip the palmos package (palmos.zip) into this same directory, making sure you use the directory names stored in the palmos.zip file. The end result should be a bunch of .java and .class files in the c:\jump\palmos directory, not in c:\jump or c:\jump\palmos\palmos.
  4. Modify your Java CLASSPATH environment variable to include the new c:\jump directory. You can do this with a command such as
    set classpath=c:\jump
    See your Java tools documentation if you need more information about the CLASSPATH variable.
  5. Find the classes.zip file that was installed with your Java system, and unzip it into the directory where you found it (be sure to use the stored directory names). Currently Jump does not know how to look inside a zip file for system classes, so this step is necessary for now.

Once the files are properly installed, you should run through compiling one of the sample programs to make sure everything works.

  1. Select the sample program to try. I'll use Hello for this example.
  2. Open a Command Prompt (MS-DOS) window, and change to the Hello subdirectory.
  3. Compile the Hello.java program using your Java compiler (javac for the Sun JDK or jvc for MS Java SDK). This should create the Hello.class file. Example:
    javac Hello.java
  4. Use Pilrc (from the ASDK) to compile the Hello.rcp file. This should create the *.bin binary resources. Example:
    pilrc Hello.rcp
  5. Run Jump to compile the Hello class into a Pilot executable. This should create Hello.prc. Example:
    Jump Hello
If everything goes well, you should now have a Hello.prc file that is ready to load onto your Pilot (or Copilot). If there is a problem, check the following items:

1.6 Limitations

The following major Java language features are not yet implemented by Jump:

There are also some other features not yet implemented:

Some of the PalmOS API functions require the address of a callback routine to be passed to the API function. Examples of these functions are the sorting functions, FrmSetEventHandler, custom list and table draw functions, SlkSetSocketListener, and some others. These functions are not supported by the current version of Jump.

2 Using Jump

2.1 Program Requirements

The only requirement that Jump makes of your source code is that you have a function PilotMain in your main class declared like this:

    public static int PilotMain(int cmd, int cmdPBP, int launchFlags)

This is the function that is called when your application starts. For a normal application launch, cmd will be 0. This function should normally return 0.

Resources are expected to be found in a file called classname.res where classname is the name of the main class passed to Jump. This file is copied verbatim into the classname.asm file.

2.2 Running Jump

To create a .prc file from a .class file, run the Jump.exe program with the name of your main class (the one containing the PilotMain method) on the command line. For example,

Jump Hello

Assuming all goes well, Jump will create a Hello.asm file and automatically run Pila to create a Hello.prc file.

2.3 Options

Jump accepts options anywhere on the command line. The following options are recognized:

Option    Description
-cCompile .class file from .java file using javac if necessary.
-dDelete .asm file after running Pila.
-lPassed on to Pila to generate an assembly listing file.
-oEnable the peephole optimizer.
-sInclude Copilot compatible symbols in the output file.
-vVerbose progress and status output.

You may also create a file called Jump.properties in the current directory. This text file contains lines of the form "name=value". Valid property names are shown in the following table:

Property  Default  Description
javacjavacName of command line Java compiler. Use jvc for MS Java SDK.
optionsOption flags (above) as they would be specified on the command line.
pilapilaName of Pila assembler. May include a pathname if pila is not in your path.

Here is an example of a Jump.properties file (the double backslashes are not a typo, they are required wherever you would normally use a single backslash):

options=-c -o
2.3 Program-specific Options

There are two program-specific options that Jump recognizes. These are specified in a file called classname.jump in the current directory. The valid options are:

Option  Default  Description
appidtestFour-letter PalmOS application ID.
appnameclassnameName of application as it will appear in the Pilot applications list.

Here is an example of a classname.jump file:

appname=Hello World

3 Technical Information

3.1 Native Code Interface

Jump supports the Java native keyword for calling methods implemented in 68K assembly language. This is used by Jump to implement various native parts of the java.lang package, and also to implement the PalmOS API function stubs. The implementations of native methods are loaded from files that begin with "native-" and end with ".asm". There can be as many of these files as you like; they are all searched for native methods.

To create your own native methods, declare a method in a class as native. This indicates to the Java compiler and Jump that the implementation of the method is not in Java, but is an external method. Create a native-*.asm file to hold the implementation of the method, and write the assembler code for the method in this file.

You may put more than one native method implementation in a native .asm file. Each method implementation must be separated by at least one blank line, and method implementations cannot contain any blank lines.

Here is a simple example of a native method declaration and implementation:

  class NativeTest {
    public native static int Add(int x, int y);
          link    a6,#0
          move.l  8(a6),d0
          add.l   12(a6),d0
          unlk    a6

Note that arguments to Java methods are pushed from left to right. This is different from the way arguments are passed to PalmOS API functions.


A Future Enhancements

Here is a list of features that I would like to put into Jump. If you have any features you would like to see in Jump, please let me know!

B Thanks to...

Darrin Massena (Pilot Software Development) for Pila, the Pilot Assembler. Darrin is also leading the effort to put together the Alternative SDK, a suite of tools for Pilot development that is independent of the Macintosh.

Jump is Copyright © 1996 by Greg Hewgill
This document revised 1/2/97
Email: gregh@lightspeed.net
Jump Home Page

Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.