'Word v6.0 macro to convert the open document into .PRC format for 'use by DOC for the Pilot, written by Rick Bram 'This macro needs a completely blank tempate called "etext.dot" 'Created April 1997 by D A MacLeod, davmac@bigfoot.com Sub MAIN 'file locations MakeDoc$ = "c:\pilot\add-on\makedoc7.exe" InstApp$ = "c:\pilot\instapp.exe" TempDoc$ = "c:\temp\fred.txt" SaveDoc$ = "c:\pilot\add-on\" 'Get information about what to call the PRC file, where to put it and 'a descriptive name for the document Begin Dialog UserDialog 445, 145, "Convert and Install on Pilot" TextBox 165, 15, 250, 18, .DocName TextBox 165, 35, 250, 18, .Path TextBox 165, 55, 150, 18, .FileName Text 28, 18, 125, 13, "Document Name", .legDocName Text 28, 38, 36, 13, "Path", .txtPath Text 28, 58, 76, 13, "File Name", .txtFileName OKButton 330, 80, 90, 21 CancelButton 330, 105, 90, 21 End Dialog Dim dlg As UserDialog dlg.Path = "c:\pilot\add-on\" On Error Goto Done Dialog dlg On Error Goto 0 'Select everything in the current document, create a new document, 'based on etext.dot and copy everything in EditSelectAll EditCopy FileNew .Template = "Etext", .NewTemplate = 0 EditPaste 'Save the data in .TXT format FileSaveAs .Name = TempDoc$, .Format = 2, .LockAnnot = 0, .Password = "", .AddToMru = 0, .WritePassword = "", .RecommendReadOnly = 0, .EmbedFonts = 0, .NativePictureFormat = 0, .FormsData = 0 FileClose 2 'Start makedoc Shell MakeDoc$ + " " + TempDoc$ + " " + dlg.Path + dlg.FileName + ".prc " + Chr$(34) + dlg.DocName + Chr$(34), 0 'Wait until makedoc has finished WaitMsg$ = "Converting " + dlg.DocName While AppIsRunning("makedoc") WaitMsg$ = WaitMsg$ + "." Print WaitMsg$ For Delay = 1 To 100 Next Delay Wend 'Run the Pilot installation process Shell InstApp$ + " " + dlg.Path + dlg.FileName + ".prc", 1 Done: End Sub