Upgrading from BankPlus v1.x to Version 2.x ============================================ The file structure has been re-written slightly with Version 2.x As well as a structure change, some of the file names have changed. There are four files in the zip: BANKPLUS.OPA - The main program BANKPLUS.PRG - The other half of the program BANKPLUS.HLP - The help file BANKPLUS.UPG - As the file structure changed from version 2.0, a conversion program is needed. This is it. All four files should be installed into the /APP/ directory on your drive overwriting existing versions. If you have files called BANKPLUS.EXT or BANKPLUS.ADN - these can now be deleted. BANKPLUS.UPG can also be deleted once a safe conversion has been done. When you run the program for the first time, the software should spot that there's been a version change, and run the conversion utility (BANKPLUS.UPG). BANKDEF.ODB and BANK.INI will become redundant after the upgrade , and a new file, BANK.CAT (Categories) and BANK.SET will be created. BANK.SET will reside in /OPD/ on your M: drive. This must not be deleted! Once again, please note that the file structure has changed. Even though version 2.x has undergone full testing, you're advised to back up the contents of your /bnk/ directory before running the new software. Regards, Pete Pete Sipple (psipple@cix.compulink.co.uk) http://members.aol.com/petesipple/bankplus.htm