**** WEEK_END Version 1.0 **** Copyright Jean-Philippe PASQUIER - Tedco 1997 WEEK_END is a spreadsheet application for Psion. For installation, just copy WEEK_END.SPR in \SPR\ directory. It purpose is to help you to compute transactions at the end of a week-end with friends. Just type in names, coefficients (for example : 1 for a single, 2 for a couple, ...) and expenses for each. Then tell your Psion to recalc (Psion-*). That's all - A list of transactions to be done is given to you. It had been designed on PSION 3a, but should run on 3c and on Siena. WEEK_END is freeware. Enjoy and ... nice week-end. For any comments, bug reports, ... jppasquier@kagi.com or jppasquier@calva.net Jean-Philippe PASQUIER web : www.kagi.com/jppasquier/