HangMan V1.0 (C) M.Avey 1995. This program is for the Psion series 3A only. Installation:- -------------- UnZip HANGMAN.ZIP and copy the files to your 3A as follows:- File Location ---- -------- HANGMAN.OPA APP (Any drive) *.ODB OPD\HANGMAN (Any drive) *.HLP OPD\HANGMAN (Any drive) The *.ODB files are the category words for use with the program. The only one you actually require is the COMPUTER.ODB file. THIS MUST BE PLACED IN THE DIRECTORY SHOWN OR THE PROGRAM WILL NOT WORK (it will display a warning to this effect). The other *.ODB files need not be used if you so require. The game should be fairly self explanatory! On-line help is provided by pressing the 'Help' key (surprisingly!). Any comments\suggestions\criticisms\money to:- M.Avey 39 Union Street Cheltenham Glos GL52 2JN email: maveya@cix.compulink.co.uk Hope you enjoy the program. It's beerware. If you use this and enjoy it and you happen to bump into me in a pub, you have to buy me a pint!!! There aren't that many words with this version, hence it being free, but you can add your own words and, indeed, I would encourage users to create their own category files and upload them to CIX for us all to share. Instructions on creating your own files are included in the on-line Help. No responsibility can be taken if your computer blows up when using this program etc.....