LANGUAGE STRINGS: To correct the language strings used in PsioMan, please open this file with your favorite spreadsheet program. First delete the language columns you don't want to correct (please keep the variable names!). Then correct the wrong or untranslated strings and delete completly those rows which are correct or mark the corrected rows (e.g. with an 'X' in the right following cell). After correcting please save the file again as tabulator separated ANSI text file and send the (ZIP compressed) file to my CompuServe ID 100024,333 (Internet: '') or upload it into my BBS. Thank you. Variable names English German French Spanish Italian Dutch Danish Swedish sprAfterOptions Most changes will not take effect immediately! Die meisten Änderungen in den Optionen werden nicht sofort ausgeführt! Les modifications ne seront pas prises en compte immédiatement! Most of the changes will not effect immediately! La maggior parte delle modificazioni non avranno un effetto immediato! Sommige veranderingen zullen pas ingaan na het opnieuw opstarten! Most of the changes will not effect immediately! Most of the changes will not effect immediately! sprAgnAllLists All lists Alle Listen Toutes les listes All lists Tutte le liste Alle lijsten All lists All lists sprAgnAppointment Appointments Termine Termes Appointments Termini Afspraken Appointments Appointments sprAgnDeleteEntry Delete this entry? Diesen Eintrag löschen? Delete this entry? Delete this entry? Delete this entry? Delete this entry? Delete this entry? Delete this entry? sprAgnEditNoRepeated Repeated appointments can't be edited. Wiederholte Termine können nicht bearbeitet werden. Repeated appointments can't be edited. Repeated appointments can't be edited. Repeated appointments can't be edited. Repeated appointments can't be edited. Repeated appointments can't be edited. Repeated appointments can't be edited. sprAgnListsAsPsion Like Psion day view Wie Psion Tagesansicht Semblable à la vue quotidienne sur Psion Like Psion day view Come la vista del giorno sull' Psion Als Psion dagweergave Like Psion day view Like Psion day view sprAgnNotes Notes Notizen Notes Notes Note Notities Notes Notes sprAgnNoToDoAnn To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. Aufgaben und Jahrestage können nicht bearbeitet werden. To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. To-Do's and anniversaries can't be edited. sprAgnSound(0) (Silent) (Ruhe) (Silent) (Silent) (Silent) (Silent) (Silent) (Silent) sprAgnSound(1) Rings Klingel Rings Rings Rings Rings Rings Rings sprAgnSound(2) Chimes Melodie Chimes Chimes Chimes Chimes Chimes Chimes sprAgnSound(3) Fanfare Fanfare Fanfare Fanfare Fanfare Fanfare Fanfare Fanfare sprAgnSound(4) Soft bells Standuhr Soft bells Soft bells Soft bells Soft bells Soft bells Soft bells sprAgnSound(5) Church bell Kirchenglocken Church bell Church bell Church bell Church bell Church bell Church bell sprAgnToDo To-do's Aufgaben Tâches à faire To do's Da fare Actielijsten To do's To do's sprAlarm Alarm Alarm Alerte Alarm Allarme Alarm Alarm Alarm sprAlreadyRegistered This verison is already registered Diese Version ist bereits lizensiert Cette version est deja enregistrée! This Verison is already registered Questa Versione è già registrata. Deze versie is reeds geregistreerd This Verison is already registered This Verison is already registered sprAlreadyStarted The program is already started Das Programm ist bereits gestartet La programme est déjà lancé! The Program is already started Il programma è già stato lanciato. Het programma is reeds opgestart The Program is already started The Program is already started sprAnniversary Anniversary Jahrestag Anniversaire Anniversary Aniversario Verjaardag Anniversary Anniversary sprAskToRegister If you want to work with this program, please register. Wenn Sie dieses Programm einsetzen möchten, lassen Sie es bitte registrieren. Si vous désirez travailler avec ce programme, veuillez vous enregistrer. If you want to work with this program, please register. Se intendete utilizzare questo program, registratevi, per favore. Registreert u alstublieft wanneer u met dit programma wilt werken If you want to work with this program, please register. If you want to work with this program, please register. sprCaptAgnAlarmDays Days &previous: Tage v&orher: Days &previous: Days &previous: Days &previous: Days &previous: Days &previous: Days &previous: sprCaptAgnAlarmEntry Entry with &alarm Eintrag mit &Alarm Entry with &alarm Entry with &alarm Entry with &alarm Entry with &alarm Entry with &alarm Entry with &alarm sprCaptAgnAlarmPreTime Time &before: Zeit &vorher: Time &before: Time &before: Time &before: Time &before: Time &before: Time &before: sprCaptAgnAlarmSignal Sound: &Signalton: Sound: Sound: Sound: Sound: Sound: Sound: sprCaptAgnAlarmTime A&larm at: A&larm um: A&larm at: A&larm at: A&larm at: A&larm at: A&larm at: A&larm at: sprCaptAgnDate &Date: Dat&um: &Date: &Date: &Date: &Date: &Date: &Date: sprCaptAgnEntryDone Entry d&one (strikethru) E&intrag erledigt (durchstreichen) Entry d&one (strikethru) Entry d&one (strikethru) Entry d&one (strikethru) Entry d&one (strikethru) Entry d&one (strikethru) Entry d&one (strikethru) sprCaptAgnEntryStyle Entry style: Eintragformat: Entry style: Entry style: Entry style: Entry style: Entry style: Entry style: sprCaptAgnName Ent&ry: Eintrags&bezeichnung: Ent&ry: Ent&ry: Ent&ry: Ent&ry: Ent&ry: Ent&ry: sprCaptAgnNoteAdd &Add note Notiz &hinzufügen &Add note &Add note &Add note &Add note &Add note &Add note sprCaptAgnTabEntry &Entry &Eintrag &Entry &Entry &Entry &Entry &Entry &Entry sprCaptAgnTabNote &Note &Notiz &Note &Note &Note &Note &Note &Note sprCaptAgnTabStyle &Style Forma&t &Style &Style &Style &Style &Style &Style sprCaptAgnTimedDuration D&uration: Daue&r: D&uration: D&uration: D&uration: D&uration: D&uration: D&uration: sprCaptAgnTimedEnd End t&ime: En&de: End t&ime: End t&ime: End t&ime: End t&ime: End t&ime: End t&ime: sprCaptAgnTimedEntry &Timed entry Eintrag &mit Termin &Timed entry &Timed entry &Timed entry &Timed entry &Timed entry &Timed entry sprCaptAgnTimedStart Start ti&me: Be&ginn: Start ti&me: Start ti&me: Start ti&me: Start ti&me: Start ti&me: Start ti&me: sprCaptAgnYearView Year view: Jahresübersicht: Year view: Year view: Year view: Year view: Year view: Year view: sprCaptAgnYearViewShow S&how in Year view In Übersicht &zeigen S&how in Year view S&how in Year view S&how in Year view S&how in Year view S&how in Year view S&how in Year view sprCaptAgnYearViewSymbol S&ymbol: S&ymbol: S&ymbol: S&ymbol: S&ymbol: S&ymbol: S&ymbol: S&ymbol: sprCaptBackupPath Backup Path: Sicherungsverzeichnis: Chemin d’accès: Ruta de acceso copia seguridad: Percorso backup: Backup pad: Backup Path: Backup Path: sprCaptCancel Cancel Abbrechen Annuler Cancelar Annulla Annuleer Cancel Cancel sprCaptClose Close Schließen Fermer Close Fermare Sluiten Close Close sprCaptDate Date: Datum: Date: &Fecha: &Data: Datum: Date: &Date: sprCaptDelete Delete Löschen Supprimer Delete Delete Verwijderen Delete Delete sprCaptEditEntry Edit event Eintrag ändern Edit event Edit event Edit event Edit event Edit event Edit event sprCaptEditRecord Edit record Datensatz ändern Modifier les données Edit record Edit record Edit record Edit record Edit record sprCaptExpPath &Path &Pfad &Chemin d'accèes &Path &Path &Pad &Path &Path sprCaptFmtBold &Bold &Fett &Bold &Bold &Bold &Bold &Bold &Bold sprCaptFmtItalic &Italic &Kursiv &Italic &Italic &Italic &Italic &Italic &Italic sprCaptFmtStrikeThru Strike&thru &Durchgestrichen Strike&thru Strike&thru Strike&thru Strike&thru Strike&thru Strike&thru sprCaptFmtUnderline &Underline &Unterstrichen &Underline &Underline &Underline &Underline &Underline &Underline sprCaptGoto Go to Gehe zu Aller à Ir a Vai a Ga naar Go to Go to sprCaptLicenseKey &Registration Key: &Lizenzschlüssel: &Code de licence: &Registration Key: Chiave di &Registrazione: &Registratie sleutel: &Registration Key: &Registration Key: sprCaptName &Name: &Name: &Nom: &Name: &Cognome: &Naam: &Name: &Name: sprCaptName2 &Company: &Firma: &Société: &Company: &Società: &Bedrijf: &Company: &Company: sprCaptNewEntry New event Neuer Eintrag New event New event New event New event New event New event sprCaptNewRecord New record Neuer Datensatz Nouvel enregistrement New record New record Nieuw record New record New record sprCaptNextApp &Next appointment &Nächster Termin &Prochain rendez-vous &Next appointment Termine pro&ssimo Vo&lgende afspraak &Next appointment &Next appointment sprCaptOptAlarmWaveFile Wave file for alarms: Wave-Datei für Alarme: Fichier Sons pour alertes: Wave file for alarms: File 'wave' per allarmi: Wave bestand voor alarmen: Wave file for alarms: Wave file for alarms: sprCaptOptAskToExit &Confirm to exit program Programm beenden &bestätigen &Confirmation de fin d’exécution &Confirm to exit program &Confirm to exit program &Confirm to exit program &Confirm to exit program &Confirm to exit program sprCaptOptDial &Dial command sequence: Modembefehl für &Wählen: &Commande de composition d'un numéro: &Dial command sequence: &Dial command sequence: &Dial string: &Dial command sequence: &Dial command sequence: sprCaptOptExtLinkChoose Choose external link program Externes Link-Programm auswählen Choisissez le programme de liaison externe Choose external link program Scegliere un program di connessione esterno ('link') Kies extern link programma Choose external link program Choose external link program sprCaptOptExtLinkProg E&xternal link program: E&xternes Link-Programm: Programme de &liaison externe: E&xternal link program: Program di &connessione esterno ('link'): E&xtern link programma: E&xternal link program: E&xternal link program: sprCaptOptFontSize &Font size for text in windows: Schrift&größe für Texte in Fenstern: Ta&ille de la police de caractères: &Font size for text in windows: &Font size for text in windows: Letter&grootte voor tekst in vensters: &Font size for text in windows: &Font size for text in windows: sprCaptOptHangUp &Hang up command sequence: Modembefehl für &Auflegen: Commande de &raccrochage: &Hang up command sequence: &Hang up command sequence: &Hang up string: &Hang up command sequence: &Hang up command sequence: sprCaptOptHideToolTips &Hide ToolTips &ToolTips ausschalten &Suppression des ToolTips &Hide ToolTips &Hide ToolTips &Verberg ToolTips &Hide ToolTips &Hide ToolTips sprCaptOptInit &Init command sequence: Modembefehl für &Initialisieren: Commande d'&initialisation: &Init command sequence: &Init command sequence: &Init string: &Init command sequence: &Init command sequence: sprCaptOptLanguage &Language... &Sprache... &Langue... &Language... &Lingua... &Taal... &Language... &Language... sprCaptOptLinkBaud &Transfer speed (baud rate) Ü&bertragunsgeschwindigkeit (Baud-Rate): &Vitesse du transfert (débit rate) &Transfer speed (baud rate) &Velocità per il trasferimento (baud rate) &Baudsnelheid &Transfer speed (baud rate) &Transfer speed (baud rate) sprCaptOptOptions Customize Settings Einstellungen anpassen Personnaliser les paramètres Customize Settings Personalizzare gli settings Instellingen Customize Settings Customize Settings sprCaptOptPhoneSymbol Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: Ersatz&zeichen für Telefosymbol: Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: Sign for Psion phone s&ymbol: sprCaptOptPort &Serial port S&erielle Schnittstelle: Port &série &Serial port Interfaccia &serial S&eriële poort &Serial port Serial &port sprCaptOptStandard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standaard Standard Standard sprCaptOptTabAutoOpen Auto &Open Auto Ö&ffnen &Auto Ouvert &Auto Open &Auto Aprire Auto &Open Auto &Open Auto &Open sprCaptOptTabGeneral &General A&llgemeines &Général &General &Generale A&lgemeen &General &General sprCaptOptTabLink &Psion Link &Psion Link &Psion Link &Psion Link &Psion Link &Psion Link &Psion Link &Psion Link sprCaptOptTabPhone P&hone &Telefon &Téléphone P&hone P&hone &Bellen P&hone P&hone sprCaptOptTitleAutoOpen Open the following &files at startup: Die fol&genden Dateien beim Start öffnen: &Ouvrez ces fichiers au démarrage: &Open the following files at startup: &Aprire i files al momento di lanciamento: Open de volgende &bestanden bij starten programma: Open the following &files at startup: Open the following &files at startup: sprCaptOptTitleGeneral General: Allgemeines: Général: General: Generale: Algemeen: General: General: sprCaptOptTitleLink Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link sprCaptOptTitlePhone Phone: Telefon: Téléphone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: sprCaptOptWaveChoose Choose wave file Wave-Datei auswählen Choisir un fichier Sons Choose wave file Scegliere il file 'wave' Kies wave bestand Choose wave file Choose wave file sprCaptOptYearSymbol Show &year symbols &Jahressymbole zeigen Show &year symbols Show &year symbols Show &year symbols Show &year symbols Show &year symbols Show &year symbols sprCaptPath Path: Pfad: Chemin d'accès: Ruta de acceso: Percorso: Pad: Path: Path: sprCaptPhoneCallPhone Call phone number Telefonnummer wählen Composer le numéro d'appel Call phone nummer Call phone nummer Call phone nummer Call phone nummer Call phone nummer sprCaptPhoneCommand &Modem command: &Modembefehl: &Commande modem: &Modem command: &Modem command: &Modem command: &Modem command: &Modem command: sprCaptPhoneDial Dial Wählen Composer Dial Dial Dial Dial Dial sprCaptPhoneHangUp Hang up Auflegen Raccrocher Hang up Hang up Hang up Hang up Hang up sprCaptPhoneSymbol &Phone Symbol &Telefonsymbol &Phone Symbol &Phone Symbol &Phone Symbol &Phone Symbol &Phone Symbol &Phone Symbol sprCaptPrevApp &Previous appointment &Vorheriger Termin &Rendez-vous précédent &Previous appointment Termine pr&ecedente Vo&rige afspraak &Previous appointment &Previous appointment sprCaptPsionSystem Psion System Psion System Psion Système Psion System Psion Sistema Psion Systeem Psion System Psion System sprCaptRunExt Running external application.\l\lPlease exit the external application first! Eine externe Anwendung wurde gestartet.\l\lBitte beenden Sie zuerst die externe Anwendung! Application externe en cours d'exécution.\l\lQuittez d'abord cette application externe! Running external application.\l\lPlease exit that external application first! Un applicazione esterna è stata lanciate.\l\lSortite prima di quest'applicazione esterna, per favore! Externe toepassing wordt gestart.\l\lSluit deze externe toepassing eerst! Running external application.\l\lPlease exit that external application first! Running external application.\l\lPlease exit that external application first! sprCaptSave Save Speichern Enregistrer Save Save Save Save Save sprCaptSearch Search Suchen Rechercher Buscar Cercare Zoeken Search Search sprCaptSearchBackward Backward Rückwärts Amont Backward Backward Backward Backward Backward sprCaptSearchBeginning From beginning Vom Beginn A partir du début From beginning From beginning From beginning From beginning From beginning sprCaptSearchDirection &Direction: Such&richtung: &Direction: &Direction: &Direction: &Direction: &Direction: &Direction: sprCaptSearchEvent Search an event Ereignis suchen Rechercher Search an event Search an event Search an event Search an event Search an event sprCaptSearchFor &Search for: &Suche nach: &Recherche de: &Search for: &Search for: &Search for: &Search for: &Search for: sprCaptSearchInNotes Search in ¬es too Auch in &Notizen suchen Recherche aussi dans les ¬es Search in ¬es too Search in ¬es too Search in ¬es too Search in ¬es too Search in ¬es too sprCaptSearchText Search: Suchen: Chercher: Buscar: Cercare: Zoeken: Search: Search: sprCaptSerachForward Forward Vorwärts Aval Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward sprCaptSerialNo &Serial No.: &Seriennummer: &Numéro de série: &Serial No.: No. di &serie: &Serienummer: &Serial No.: &Serial No.: sprCaptToday &Today &Heute &Aujourd'hui &Today &Oggi &Vandaag &Today &Today sprCaptTransfer Transfer Übertragen Transfert Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer sprCheckFieldStructure Checking structure and names of fields ... Überprüfe Feldbezeichnungen und -struktur ... Vérification de la structure et des noms de zones... Checking structure and names of fields ... Controlle della struttura e dei nomi dei campi ... Controleer structuur en veldnamen ... Checking structure and names of fields ... Checking structure and names of fields ... sprChoosePsionFile Choose Psion file Psion-Datei auswählen Choisir un fichier Psion Choose PSION file Scegliere un file Psion Kies Psion bestand Choose Psion file Choose PSION file sprConvConvert Convert ... Konvertiere ... Conversion en cours ... Convert ... Convert ... Converteer ... Convert ... Convert ... sprConvDetails Conversion &details: Konvertierungs&details: &Détails: Conversion &details: Conversion &details: Conversion &details: Conversion &details: Conversion &details: sprConvDlgConvert Convert files Datei konvertieren Conversion de fichiers Convert files Convert files Converteer bestanden Convert files Convert files sprConvFieldNames Use field names Feldnamen benutzen Utilisez des noms de zones Use field names Use field names Houd rekening met veldnamen Use field names Use field names sprConvFromName ... from file name: ... von Dateiname: ... du nom de fichier: ... from file name: ... from file name: ... van bestandsnaam: ... from file name: ... from file name: sprConvFromType ... from file type: ... von Dateityp: ... du type de fichier: ... from file type: ... from file type: ... van bestandstype: ... from file type: ... from file type: sprConvQuoteMarks Text within quotation marks ('') Text in Anführungszeichen einschließen ('') Texte entre guillemets ('') Text within quotation marks('') Text within quotation marks('') Tekst tussen hakjes ('') Text within quotation marks('') Text within quotation marks('') sprConvSeparator Field separator: Feld-Trennzeichen: Séparateur de zones: Field separator: Field separator: Veldscheidingsteken: Field separator: Field separator: sprConvToName ... to file name: ... nach Dateiname: ... au nom de fichier: ... to file name: ... to file name: ... naar bestandsnaam: ... to file name: ... to file name: sprConvToType ... to file type: ... nach Dateityp: ... au type de fichier: ... to file type: ... to file type: ... naar bestandstype: ... to file type: ... to file type: sprDay(1) Sunday Sonntag Dimanche Sunday Domenica zondag Sunday Sunday sprDay(2) Monday Montag Lundi Monday Lunedi maandag Monday Monday sprDay(3) Tuesday Dienstag Mardi Tuesday Martedi dinsdag Tuesday Tuesday sprDay(4) Wednesday Mittwoch Mercredi Wednesday Mercoledi woensdag Wednesday Wednesday sprDay(5) Thursday Donnerstag Jeudi Thursday Giovedi donderdag Thursday Thursday sprDay(6) Friday Freitag Vendredi Friday Venerdi vrijdag Friday Friday sprDay(7) Saturday Samstag Samedi Saturday Sabato zaterdag Saturday Saturday sprDays days Tage jours days giorni dagen days days sprDayShort(1) Sun Son Dim Sun Dom zon Sun Sun sprDayShort(2) Mon Mon Lun Mon Lun maa Mon Mon sprDayShort(3) Tue Die Mar Tue Mar din Tue Tue sprDayShort(4) Wed Mit Mer Wed Mer woe Wed Wed sprDayShort(5) Thu Don Jeu Thu Gio don Thu Thu sprDayShort(6) Fri Fre Ven Fri Ven vri Fri Fri sprDayShort(7) Sat Sam Sam Sat Sab zat Sat Sat sprDbDeleted Deleted Gelöscht Supprimé Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted Deleted sprDbDeleteRecord Delete this record? Diesen Datensatz löschen? Supprimer cet enregistrement? Delete this record? Delete this record? Delete this record? Delete this record? Delete this record? sprDlgTipDbField Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. Verwenden Sie - , um alle Felder zu erreichen, - , um eine neue Zeile einzufügen. Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. Press - to scroll through all available fields. Press - to insert a new line. sprDlgTipDbFieldExt To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . Um das erweiterte Feld zu verlassen, müssen Sie es erst mit der Schaltfläche an der rechten Seite oder mit verkleinern. To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . To leave this expanded field first shrink it with the button on its right side or with . sprDlgTipTextBox Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. Verwenden Sie die Tastenkombination - für eine neue Zeile und - für einen Tabulator. Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. Use the - combination for a new line and - for a Tabulator. sprDlgTipTip Tip: Hinweis: Tip: Tip: Tip: Tip: Tip: Tip: sprDlgTipUseArrow Use the arrow keys to modify figures. Verwenden Sie die Pfeiltasten zum Ändern der Zahlen. Use the arrow keys to modify figures. Use the arrow keys to modify figures. Use the arrow keys to modify figures. Use the arrow keys to modify figures. Use the arrow keys to modify figures. Use the arrow keys to modify figures. sprDriveNotReady The Drive is not ready:\lDrive Das Laufwerk ist nicht bereit:\lLaufwerk Lecteur non prêt:\lDrive The Drive is not ready:\lDrive Lettore dischi non è pronto:\lDrive Disk is niet gereed:\lDisk The Drive is not ready:\lDrive The Drive is not ready:\lDrive sprEndOfFile End of the file ... Dateiende erreicht ... Fin du fichier ... End of the file ... Fine dello file ... Einde bestand ... End of the file ... End of the file ... sprErrAccessingBackupPath Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. Fehler: Das Sicherungsverzeichnis für das Dialogfeld 'System' ist nicht mehr vorhanden (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Bitte wählen Sie in dem Dialogfeld den Standardpfad erneut aus. Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. Error: The backup path for the System dialog is not available (PSIOMAN.INI: StandardPath=...). Please re-choose the backup path in the System dialog. sprErrExtProgNotFound The path to the external program is invalid! Der Pfad des externen Programms ist ungültig! Le chemin du programme externe n'est pas valide! The path to the external program is not valid! Il cammino d'accesso al program esterno non è valido. The path to the external program is not valid! The path to the external program is not valid! The path to the external program is not valid! sprErrPhoneDialing An error occurred while dialling.\lPlease check modem connection and configuration settings.\lError: Während des Wählvorganges ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\lBitte überprüfen Sie die Modemverbindung und die Konfigurationseinstellung.\lFehler: Erreur de composition du numéro d'appel.\lVeuillez contrôler le raccordement du modem et les réglages de configuration.\lErreur: An error occurred while dialling.\lPlease check modem connection and configuration settings.\lError: An error occurred while dialling.\lPlease check modem connection and configuration settings.\lError: An error occurred while dialling.\lPlease check modem connection and configuration settings.\lError: An error occurred while dialling.\lPlease check modem connection and configuration settings.\lError: An error occurred while dialling.\lPlease check modem connection and configuration settings.\lError: sprErrReadingFileX Error reading file\l Fehler beim Zugriff auf die Datei\l Erreur de lecture fichier\l Error reading file\l Errore leggendo il file\l Er is een fout opgetreden bij het lezen van bestand\l Error reading file\l Error reading file\l sprErrUnknownFieldType Error: Unknown field type Fehler: Unbekannter Feldtyp Erreur: Type de zones inconnu Error: Unknown field type Errore: tipo di campo sconosciuto Fout: Onbekend veldtype Error: Unknown field type Error: Unknown field type sprExportCantCreateFile Unable to create the file. Perhaps it is opened by another application.\lFile: Die Datei kann nicht erzeugt werden. Eventuell ist die Datei in einer anderen Anwendung geöffnet.\lDatei: Creation du fichier impossible. Probablement utilisé par une autre application.\lFichier: Unable to create the file. Perhaps it is opened by another application.\lFile: Creare il file è impossibile. Forse è stato aperto di un'altra applicazione.\lFile: Onmogelijk om het bestand te creëren. Misschien is het reeds geopend door een andere applicatie.\lBestand: Unable to create the file. Perhaps it is opened by another application.\lFile: Unable to create the file. Perhaps it is opened by another application.\lFile: sprExportCutField The following field is shortened to 254 characters:\l Das folgende Feld wurde auf 254 Zeichen gekürzt:\l Cette zone peut contenir un maximum de 254 caractères The following field is cutten to 254 characters Il campo seguente è stato ridotto a 254 caratteri Het volgende veld wordt verkort tot 254 karakters The following field is cutten to 254 characters The following field is cutten to 254 characters sprExportDatabase Export Database Datenbank exportieren Exportation de base de données Export Database Esporto della base di dati Exporteer Database Export Database Export Database sprExportExpFiltered PsioMan will export the filtered records only. If you want to export all records change from list view to record view. PsioMan exportiert nur die gefilterten Datensätze. Wenn Sie alle Datensätze exportieren möchten, wechseln Sie von der Listen- zur Datensatzansicht. PsioMan exporte uniquement les enregistrements filtrés. Si vous désirez exporter tous les enregistrements, passez de la vue présentée sous forme de liste à celle présentée par enregistrements. PsioMan will export the filtered records only. If you want to export all records change from list view to record view. PsioMan fa l'esportazione solo degli records filtrati. Se desiderate esportare tutti i records, si rende dell'elenco alla vista di records. PsioMan exporteert alleen de gefilterde records. Als u alle records wilt exporteren, schakel dan van lijstweergave naar recordweergave. PsioMan will export the filtered records only. If you want to export all records change from list view to record view. PsioMan will export the filtered records only. If you want to export all records change from list view to record view. sprExportExporting Exporting data ... Die Daten werden exportiert ... Exportation de données ... Exporting data ... Esporto dei dati ... Gegevens aan het exporteren ... Exporting data ... Exporting data ... sprExportField Field Feld Zone Field Campo Veld Field Field sprExportFilterAnsi Windows (ANSI) text file (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) Textdatei (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) fichier texte (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) text file (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) text file (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) tekst bestand (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) text file (*.doc)|*.doc Windows (ANSI) text file (*.doc)|*.doc sprExportFilterAscii DOS (ASCII) text file (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) Textdatei (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) fichier texte (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) text file (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) text file (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) tekst bestand (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) text file (*.txt)|*.txt DOS (ASCII) text file (*.txt)|*.txt sprExportFilterCSV CSV (comma separated) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (Komma getrennt) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (séparé par des vigules) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (comma separated) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (separato con virgole) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (komma gescheiden) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (comma separated) (*.txt)|*.txt CSV (comma separated) (*.txt)|*.txt sprExportFilterDbase dBASE III database (*.dbf)|*.dbf dBASE III Datenbanken (*.dbf)|*.dbf Base de données dBASE III (*.dbf)|*.dbf dBASE III database (*.dbf)|*.dbf dBASE III database (*.dbf)|*.dbf dBASE III database (*.dbf)|*.dbf dBASE III database (*.dbf)|*.dbf dBASE III database (*.dbf)|*.dbf sprExportFilterWord Word file (*.doc)|*.doc Word Steuerdatei (*.doc)|*.doc Fichier Word (*.doc)|*.doc Word file (*.doc)|*.doc Word file (*.doc)|*.doc Word bestand (*.doc)|*.doc Word file (*.doc)|*.doc Word file (*.doc)|*.doc sprExportItemAnsi Windows (ANSI) text Windows (ANSI) Text Windows (ANSI) fichier Windows (ANSI) text Windows (ANSI) text Windows (ANSI) tekst Windows (ANSI) text Windows (ANSI) text sprExportItemAscii DOS (ASCII) text DOS (ASCII) Text DOS (ASCII) fichier DOS (ASCII) text DOS (ASCII) text DOS (ASCII) tekst DOS (ASCII) text DOS (ASCII) text sprExportItemDbase dBASE III database dBASE III Datenbank Base de données dBASE III dBASE III database dBASE III database dBASE III database dBASE III database dBASE III database sprExportMore4000 The sum of the field lengths exceeds 4000 characters. Die Summe der Feldlängen überschreitet 4000 Zeichen. La somme des longueurs des zones dépasse 4.000 caractères. The sum of the field lengths exceed 4000 characters. Il totale delle lunghezze dei campi è più di 4000 caratteri. De som van veldlengten is mer dan 4000 karakters The sum of the field lengths exceed 4000 characters. The sum of the field lengths exceed 4000 characters. sprExportNoDbaseName The following field numbers have the same dBase field names:\l Die folgenden Feldnummern haben nach den dBASE-Konventionen die selben Feldnamen:\l Les champs suivants portent le même nom dBASE:\l The following field numbers are have the same dBase field names:\l I campi con gli numeri seguenti hanno lo stesso nome di campo dBase:\l De volgende veldnummers hebben dezelfde dBase veldnamen:\l The following field numbers are have the same dBase field names:\l The following field numbers are have the same dBase field names:\l sprExportNoFieldName Please check the field names for blank lines. This field has no name:\lField Bitte überprüfen Sie die Feldbezeichner auf Leerzeilen. Dieses Feld hat keinen Bezeichner:\lFeld Contrôlez les lignes vides dans les noms des zones. Cette zone ne porte pas de nom:\lZone Please check the field names for blank lines. This field has no name:\lField Controllate per favore le linee vuote nei nomi dei campi. Questo campo non hà un nome:\lField Controleert u alstublieft de veldnamen op lege regels. Dit veld heeft geen naam:\lVeld Please check the field names for blank lines. This field has no name:\lField Please check the field names for blank lines. This field has no name:\lField sprExportOnlyProf Export stopped at 10th record. Full function only in professional version Der Export wurde beim zehnten Datensatz gestoppt. Volle Funktionalität dieses Befehls nur in der Professional-Version. Exportation interrompue après 10 enregistrements. Utilisez la version professionnelle. Export stopped at 10th record. Full function only in professional version Esporto fermato al record numero 10. La funzione piena è accessibile solo nella versione professionale. Het exporteren is gestopt bij het 10e record. De volledige functie is alleen in de professionele versie beschikbaar. Export stopped at 10th record. Full function only in professional version Export stopped at 10th record. Full function only in professional version sprExportRecord Record Datensatz Enregistrement Record Record Record Record Record sprExportReplacedLF In the following record the line feeds have been replaced by blanks:\l In den folgenden Sätzen wurden die Zeilenumbrüche durch Leerzeichen ersetzt:\l Dans l'enregistrement suivant, les sauts de ligne ont été remplacés par des blancs:\l In the following record the line feed has been replaced:\l Nel record seguente il line feed (nuova linea) è stato sostituito:\l In het volgende record is de regel doorvoer vervangen:\l In the following record the line feed has been replaced:\l In the following record the line feed has been replaced:\l sprField Field Feld Zone Field Campo Field Field Field sprFileIsChanged The file has been changed in another window or by another application. The function is aborted. Die Datei wurde in einem anderen Fenster oder von einer anderen Anwendung geändert. Die Funktion wurde abgebrochen. Ce fichier a été modifié dans une autre fenêtre ou application. La fonction est annulée. The file has been changed in another window or by another application. The function is aborted. The file has been changed in another window or by another application. The function is aborted. The file has been changed in another window or by another application. The function is aborted. The file has been changed in another window or by another application. The function is aborted. The file has been changed in another window or by another application. The function is aborted. sprFileTooOld This file is too old or missing.\lPlease copy or replace the corresponding file from the latest complete PsioMan version into your program directory. Perhaps you also have to regard your \windows or \windows\system directory.\l\l Diese Datei ist zu alt oder fehlt.\lBitte kopieren oder ersetzen Sie die neueste entsprechende Datei aus der vollständigen PsioMan Version in Ihr Programmverzeichnis. Sie müssen eventuell auch Ihre \windows- und \windows\system-Verzeichnisse übe Ce fichier est trop ancien ou manquant.\lCopiez ou remplacez le fichier correspondant par la version complète et mise à jour du PsioMan dans votre répertoire de programmes. Verifiez également le répertoire \windows ou \windows\system.\l\l This file is too old or missing.\lPlease copy or replace the corresponding file from the latest complete PsioMan version into your program directory. Perhaps you also have to regard your \windows or \windows\system directory.\l\l This file is too old or missing.\lPlease copy or replace the corresponding file from the latest complete PsioMan version into your program directory. Perhaps you also have to regard your \windows or \windows\system directory.\l\l This file is too old or missing.\lPlease copy or replace the corresponding file from the latest complete PsioMan version into your program directory. Perhaps you also have to regard your \windows or \windows\system directory.\l\l This file is too old or missing.\lPlease copy or replace the corresponding file from the latest complete PsioMan version into your program directory. Perhaps you also have to regard your \windows or \windows\system directory.\l\l This file is too old or missing.\lPlease copy or replace the corresponding file from the latest complete PsioMan version into your program directory. Perhaps you also have to regard your \windows or \windows\system directory.\l\l sprFilterAgenda Agenda files (*.agn)|*.agn|All (*.*)|*.* Agenda Dateien (*.agn)|*.agn|Alle (*.*)|*.* Fichiers Agenda (*.agn)|*.agn|Tous (*.*)|*.* Agenda files (*.agn)|*.agn|All (*.*)|*.* Files Agenda (*.agn)|*.agn|All (*.*)|*.* Agenda bestanden (*.agn)|*.agn|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Agenda files (*.agn)|*.agn|All (*.*)|*.* Agenda files (*.agn)|*.agn|All (*.*)|*.* sprFilterAll Psion files (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|All files (*.*)|*.* Psion Dateien (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|Alle (*.*)|*.* Fichiers Psion (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|Tous (*.*)|*.* Psion Files (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* Files Psion (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* Psion bestanden (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Psion files (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|All files (*.*)|*.* Psion files (*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.tbl)|*.dbf;*.wrd;*.agn;*.spr|All files (*.*)|*.* sprFilterDatabase Database files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|All (*.*)|*.* Datenbank Dateien (*.dbf)|*.dbf|Alle (*.*)|*.* Fichiers Fiche (*.dbf)|*.dbf|Tous (*.*)|*.* Database files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|All (*.*)|*.* Files Archivo (*.dbf)|*.dbf|All (*.*)|*.* Database bestanden (*.dbf)|*.dbf|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Database files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|All (*.*)|*.* Database files (*.dbf)|*.dbf|All (*.*)|*.* sprFilterPrograms Program files (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|All files (*.*)|*.* Programme (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.* Fichiers programme (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|Tous (*.*)|*.* Programs (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|All files (*.*)|*.* Programmi (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|All files (*.*)|*.* Programma bestanden (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Program files (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|All files (*.*)|*.* Program files (*.exe;*.pif;*.com)|*.exe;*.pif;*.com|All files (*.*)|*.* sprFilterTable Spreadsheet files (*.spr)|*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* Tabellen Dateien (*.spr)|*.spr|Alle (*.*)|*.* Fichiers Tableur (*.spr)|*.spr|Tous (*.*)|*.* Spreadsheet files (*.spr)|*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* Files Foglio (*.spr)|*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* Spreadsheet bestanden (*.spr)|*.spr|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Spreadsheet files (*.spr)|*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* Spreadsheet files (*.spr)|*.spr|All (*.*)|*.* sprFilterWave Wave form files (*.wav)|*.wav|All (*.*)|*.* Wave Dateien (*.wav)|*.wav|All (*.*)|*.* Fichier Sons (*.wav)|*.wav|Tous (*.*)|*.* Wave form files (*.wav)|*.wav|All (*.*)|*.* Files wave form (*.wav)|*.wav|All (*.*)|*.* Wave form files (*.wav)|*.wav|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Wave form files (*.wav)|*.wav|All (*.*)|*.* Wave form files (*.wav)|*.wav|All (*.*)|*.* sprFilterWord Word files (*.wrd)|*.wrd|All (*.*)|*.* Word Dateien (*.wrd)|*.wrd|Alle (*.*)|*.* Fichiers Texte (*.wrd)|*.wrd|Tous (*.*)|*.* Word files (*.wrd)|*.wrd|All (*.*)|*.* Files Testi (*.wrd)|*.wrd|All (*.*)|*.* Word bestanden (*.wrd)|*.wrd|Alle bestanden (*.*)|*.* Word files (*.wrd)|*.wrd|All (*.*)|*.* Word files (*.wrd)|*.wrd|All (*.*)|*.* sprInfoLicTo Licensed to: Lizensiert für: Enregistré pour: Licensed to: Licensed to: Gebruiksrecht aan: Licensed to: Licensed to: sprInfoLicVer valid for version: gültig für die Version: valide pour la version: valid for version: valido per versione: geldig voor versie: valid for Version: valid for version: sprInfoNotLic1 This version is not licensed. Dieses Programm ist nicht lizensiert. Cette version est pas enregistrée. This version is not licensed. Questa versione non è licenciata. Voor deze versie is geen gebruiksrecht verleend. This version is not licensed. This version is not licensed. sprInfoNotLic2 Please register soon. Lassen Sie Ihr Programm bitte lizenzieren. Veuillez l´enregistrer dans peu de temps. Please register soon. Registratevi presto, per favore. Wacht a.u.b. niet met registeren. Please register soon. Please register soon. sprInfoSerNo Serial No.: Seriennr.: Numéro de série: Serial no: Numero di serie: Serienr.: Serial no: Serial no: sprInfoSubTitle The Psion Series 3a data manager Der Psion Serie 3a Datenmanager Le gestionnaire de données pour le Psion série 3a The Psion Series 3a data manager Il data manager Psion Series 3a De Psion Series 3a data manager The Psion Series 3a data manager The Psion Series 3a data manager sprIniNoPsionFile The following file, specified in the 'Auto Open' option, is not a Psion file:\l Folgende Datei der 'Auto Öffnen'-Option ist keine Psion-Datei:\l Le fichier ci-après des options 'Auto Ouvrir' n'est pas un fichier Psion:\l The following file from the 'Auto Open' options in no Psion file:\l Il file seguente nell'opzione 'Auto Aprire' non è un file Psion:\l Het volgende bestand in de 'Auto Open' opties is geen Psion bestand:\l The following file from the 'Auto Open' options in no Psion file:\l The following file from the 'Auto Open' options in no Psion file:\l sprIniWriteFail An error occured while writing to the PSIOMAN.INI file. Fehler beim Schreiben in die Datei PSIOMAN.INI Erreur d' écriture du fichier PSIOMAN.INI Error writing the file PSIOMAN.INI Errore scrivendo il file PSIOMAN.INI Fout bij het wegschrijven van het bestand PSIOMAN.INI Error writing the file PSIOMAN.INI Error writing the file PSIOMAN.INI sprLangChooseOption Choose this option Wählen Sie diese Option Choisissez cette option Seleccione este opción Scegliere pulsante Kies deze optie Choose this option Choose this option sprLangLanguage Language Sprache Langue Lengua Lingua Taal Language Language sprLangLanguageName English Deutsch Français Español Italiano Nederlands Denmark Swedish sprLinkCaptChoosePath Choose Psion path: Psion Pfad auswählen: Choisissez le chemin Psion: Choose Psion path: Choose Psion path: Choose Psion path: Choose Psion path: Choose Psion path: sprLinkCaptTransFile File to transfer: Zu übertragende Datei: Fichier à transférer: File to transfer: File to transfer: File to transfer: File to transfer: File to transfer: sprLinkConnected Connection established. Start backup on Psion now... Verbindung hergestellt. Starten Sie jetzt die Dateisicherung auf dem Psion... Connexion établie. Démarrez votre copie de sauvegarde sur le Psion... Connection established. Start backup on Psion now... Communicazione stabilita. Lanciate il backup sullo Psion addesso... Verbinding opgebouwd. Start nu Backup vanaf de Psion... Connection established. Start backup on Psion now... Connection established. Start backup on Psion now... sprLinkConnectedTransfer Connection established. Choose a Psion path to copy the file to... Verbindung hergestellt. Wählen Sie einen Psion-Pfad in dem die Datei kopiert werden soll... Connexion établie. Choisissez un chemin sur le Psion pour lequel copier le fichier... Connection established. Choose a Psion path to copy the file to... Connection established. Choose a Psion path to copy the file to... Connection established. Choose a Psion path to copy the file to... Connection established. Choose a Psion path to copy the file to... Connection established. Choose a Psion path to copy the file to... sprLinkConnecting Trying to establish a connection... Versuche eine Verbindung herzustellen... Tentative de connexion... Try to establish a connection... Stabilimento della communicazione ... Poging tot maken van verbinding... Try to establish a connection... Try to establish a connection... sprLinkCopyTools Copying communication tools to Psion... Kopiere Kommunikations-Hilfsprogramme zum Psion... Copie des outils de communication sur le Psion... Copying communication tools to PSION... Copiando gli utili di communicazione al Psion... Kopiëren van communicatiebestanden naar Psion... Copying communication tools to Psion... Copying communication tools to PSION... sprLinkCopyToolsAsk PsioMan needs the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD in the windows directory. Do you want to copy them? PsioMan benötigt die Dateien PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG und SYS$TYCL.PDD im Windows-Verzeichnis. Sollen die Dateien kopiert werden? PsioMan requiert les fichiers PRCENWIN.EXE, SYSRPCS.IMG et SYSTYCL.PDD dans le répertoire WINDOWS. Désirez-vous les copier? PsioMan needs the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD in the windows directory. Do you want to copy them? PsioMan ha bisogno degli files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG e SYS$TYCL.PDD nel ripertorio di WINDOWS. Volete copiargli? PsioMan heeft de bestanden PRCENWIN.EXE, SYSRPCS.IMG en SYSTYCL.PDD nodig in de windows directory. Wilt u deze kopïeren? PsioMan needs the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD in the windows directory. Do you want to copy them? PsioMan needs the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD in the windows directory. Do you want to copy them? sprLinkDisconnecting Disconnecting... Verbindung abbrechen... Déconnexion... Disconnecting... Disconnecting... Verbinding afbreken... Disconnecting... Disconnecting... sprLinkErrFileInUse The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l Die zu übertragende Datei ist noch von einer Psion-Anwendung geöffnet:\l The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l The file you want to transfer is currently being used by a Psion application:\l sprLinkFailed Connection failed... Verbindung fehlgeschlagen... Connexion impossible... Connection failed... Communicazione fallita... Verbinding mislukt... Connection failed... Connection failed... sprLinkNoCommUtils You need the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD for the link. Please install the program again or download the latest update. Sie benötigen für die Verbindung die Dateien PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD. Bitte führen Sie erneut die Installation durch oder laden Sie das neueste Programm-Update. La connexion requiert les fichiers PRCENWIN.EXE, SYSRPCS.IMG et SYSTYCL.PDD. Relancez la procédure d'installation ou procurez-vous une version complète et mise à jour. You will need the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD for the link. Please get the latest and complete update. You will need the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD for the link. Please get the latest and complete update. U heeft de bestanden PRCENWIN.EXE, SYSRPCS.IMG en SYSTYCL.PDD nodig voor de link. Gebruik alstublieft de laatste en complete update. You will need the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD for the link. Please get the latest and complete update. You will need the files PRCENWIN.EXE, SYS$RPCS.IMG and SYS$TYCL.PDD for the link. Please get the latest and complete update. sprLinkNoIniSettings Please choose Customize from the Utilities menu and select Link Comm Port and Baud Rate first. Bitte wählen Sie Anpassen aus dem Menü Extras, um die Link-Schnittstelle und -Übertragungsrate vorher auszuwählen. Choisissez la commande Personnaliser dans le menu Outils pour définir le port de communication et la vitesse de transfert. Please choose Customize from the Tools menu to select link comm port and baud rate first. Scegliete Personallizzare dal menu Utili per regolare l'interfaccia e la verlocità (baud rate). Kies alstublieft Instellingen van het Gereedschap menu om com port en baud rate te selecteren. Please choose Customize from the Tools menu to select link comm port and baud rate first. Please choose Customize from the Tools menu to select link comm port and baud rate first. sprLinkNoLink The Psion is not responding. The Baud Rate setting is probably not correct. Please change and press OK to continue. Set 'Link' to run at Der Psion antwortet nicht. Wahrscheinlich ist die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit nicht korrekt eingestellt. Bitte Ändern und zum Fortfahren OK auswählen. Setzen Sie in 'Rechnerkopplung' die Baud-Einstellung auf Votre Psion ne répond pas. La vitesse n'est probablement pas la bonne. Corrigez-la et choisissez le bouton OK pour continuer. Réglage de la vitesse à Your Psion is not responding. The Baud rate setting is probably not correct. Please change and press OK to continue. Set 'Link' to run at Il Psion non risponde. Probabilmente la velocità (baud rate) non è giusta. Modificatela e scegliete OK per continuare. Mettete per il 'Link' la velocità Uw Psion reageert niet. De Baud rate instelling is waarschijnlijk onjuist. Pas deze alstublieft aan en druk op OK om door te gaan. Stel 'Link' in op Your Psion is not responding. The Baud rate setting is probably not correct. Please change and press OK to continue. Set 'Link' to run at Your Psion is not responding. The Baud rate setting is probably not correct. Please change and press OK to continue. Set 'Link' to run at sprLinkNoResponse The Psion is not responding. Please check that the Psion computer is connected to the 3-Link cable and is switched on. Please check and press OK to continue. Der Psion antwortet nicht. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob das Gerät mit dem 3-Link verbunden und eingeschaltet ist. Danach bitte OK zum Fortfahren auswählen. Votre Psion ne répond pas. Vérifiez que le Psion est bien allumé, et bien raccordé au câble 3Link. Choisissez le bouton OK pour continuer. Your Psion is not responding. Please check that your Psion computer is connected to the 3-Link cable and is switched on. - Please check and press OK to continue. Il Psion non risponde. Controllate per favore il cablaggio dello PSION (3-Link). - Dopo premete OK per continuare. Uw Psion reageert niet. Controleer alstublieft of uw Psion computer is verbonden met de 3Link kabel en aan staat. Controleer dit en druk op OK om door te gaan. Your Psion is not responding. Please check that your Psion computer is connected to the 3-Link cable and is switched on. - Please check and press OK to continue. Your Psion is not responding. Please check that your Psion computer is connected to the 3-Link cable and is switched on. - Please check and press OK to continue. sprLinkOK OK - Code OK - Code OK - Code OK - Code OK - Code OK - Code OK - Code OK - Code sprLinkSearchDirectory Searching directories on the Psion ... Suche die Verzeichnisse auf dem Psion ... Recherche de répertoires sur le Psion ... Searching directories on the Psion ... Searching directories on the Psion ... Searching directories on the Psion ... Searching directories on the Psion ... Searching directories on the Psion ... sprLinkUnknownError Unknown error. Please check port settings... Unbekannter Fehler. Bitte Schnittstelleneinstellungen überprüfen... Erreur non répertoriée: Vérifiez la paramétrisation du port de communication Unknown error. Please check port settings... Errore sconosciuto. Controllate il regolamento dell'interfaccia... Onbekende fout. Controleer de poort-instellingen... Unknown error. Please check port settings... Unknown error. Please check port settings... sprLinkWaiting Waiting... Warte... En attente... Waiting... Aspettando... Wachten... Waiting... Waiting... sprLinkXParSet In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. In der Datei 'PSIONPRC.INI' in Ihrem Windows-Verzeichnis enthält der Eintrag 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' den Parameter '-x'. Bitte entfernen Sie diesen Parameter ('-x'), damit der Psion die PC-Laufwerke verwenden kann. In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. In the file PSIONPRC.INI in your Windows directory the entry 'Engine=prcenwin.exe -x' contains the '-x' parameter. Please remove this parameter ('-x') to make the Psion able to use the PC drives. sprMenuAbout &About... I&nfo über... &A propos... &Acerca del... &Inform. su PsioMan... I&nfo... &Om... &Om... sprMenuArrSymbols &Arrange Symbols &Symbole anordnen &Réorganiser les icônes &Arrange Symbols &Disponi icone &Pictogrammen schikken &Arranger symbols &Arrange Symbols sprMenuAutoOpen &Auto open &Auto öffnen &Auto Ouvert &Auto open &Auto apri A&uto open &Auto open &Auto open sprMenuCascade &Cascade Über&lappend &Cascader &Cascade Sovra&pposte &Trapsgewijs &Overlappet &Överlappande sprMenuChangeView &Change view Ansicht &wechseln &Changer de vue &Change view &Change view &Change view &Change view &Change view sprMenuClose &Close S&chließen &Fermer &Close &Chiudi &Sluiten &Luk &Stäng sprMenuContents &Contents &Inhalt &Index &Indice &Summario &Inhoud &Contents &Contents sprMenuCopy &Copy &Kopieren Co&pier &Copy &Copia K&opiëren K&opier Ko&piera sprMenuCustomize &Customize... &Anpassen... &Personnaliser... &Personalizar... &Personalizza... &Instellingen... &Tilpas... &Anpassa... sprMenuDeleteEntry De&lete entry Eintrag &löschen De&lete entry De&lete entry De&lete entry De&lete entry De&lete entry De&lete entry sprMenuDeleteRecord De&lete Record Datensatz &löschen S&upprimer l'enregistrement De&lete Record E&limina record &Wis record De&lete record De&lete Record sprMenuDial &Dial Telefonnummer &wählen &Composer le numéro d'appel &Dial &Dial &Bellen &Dial &Dial sprMenuEdit &Edit &Bearbeiten &Edition &Edit &Modifica Be&werken &Rediger &Redigera sprMenuEditEntry &Edit entry Eintrag be&arbeiten &Edit entry &Edit entry &Edit entry &Edit entry &Edit entry &Edit entry sprMenuEditRecord &Edit record Datensatz be&arbeiten &Modifier l'enregistrement &Edit record &Edit record &Edit record &Edit record &Edit record sprMenuExit E&xit &Beenden &Quitter &Salir &Esci &Afsluiten &Afslut &Avsluta sprMenuExport &Export... E&xport... &Exporter... &Export... &Esportazione... &Exporteren... &Export... &Export... sprMenuFile &File &Datei &Fichier &Archivo &File &Bestand &Filer &Arkiv sprMenuFileInfo File &information Datei&informationen &Informations associées au fichier File &information File &informazione Bestands&informatie File &information File &information sprMenuFilter &Filter &Filtern &Filtre &Filter &Filtro &Filter &Filter &Filter sprMenuGoto &Go to... &Gehe zu... &Aller à... &Go to... &Vai a... &Ga naar... Gå &til... &Gå till... sprMenuHelp &Help &Hilfe &Aide &Ayuda &? &Help &Hjælp &Hjälp sprMenuLicense &License &Lizenz &Licence &Licence &Licenza &Registratie &License &License sprMenuLicInfo &Order form &Bestellformular &Bon de commande &Order form &Formulario per commanda &Bestelformulier &Order form &Order form sprMenuNewEntry &New entry &Neuer Eintrag &New entry &New entry &New entry &New entry &New entry &New entry sprMenuNewRecord &New record &Neuer Datensatz &Nouvel enregistrement &New record &Nuovo record &Nieuw record &New record &New record sprMenuNews &News &Neuigkeiten &Nouvelles &Nouveau &News &Nieuws &News &News sprMenuOpen &Open Ö&ffnen... &Ouvrir &Abrir... &Apri... &Openen... Å&bn... &Öppna sprMenuPsionLink Psion &Link... Psion &Link... Psion &Link... Psion &Link... Psion &Link... Psion &Link... Psion &Link... Psion &Link... sprMenuSaveSorted &Save as sorted Sortiert &speichern &Enregistrer en ordre de tri &Save sorted &Save sorted &Bewaar gesorteerd &Gem sorted &Spara sorted sprMenuSearch &Search &Suchen Rec&hercher &Search C&erca &Zoeken &Søg &Sök sprMenuShowCrossedToDo Show &crossed-out to-do's Zeige &durchgestrichene Aufgaben Afficher les tâches &biffées Show &crossed out to do's Mostrare pendenze &cancellate Toon &doorgestreepte actie items Show &crossed out to do's Show &crossed out to do's sprMenuSystem Psion S&ystem Psion S&ystem Psion S&ystème Psion S&ysteme Psion S&istema Psion S&ysteem Psion S&ystem Psion S&ystem sprMenuTileHor Tile &horizontal Ü&bereinander Mosaïque &horizontale Tile &horizontal Mosaico &horizontale &Horizontaal schikken Side om side &horizontal Sida vid sida &horizontal sprMenuTileVer Tile &vertical &Nebeneinander Mosaïque &verticale Tile &vertiacal Mosaico &vertiacale &Verticaal schikken Side om side &vertical Sida vid sida &vertical sprMenuUtilities &Utilities E&xtras O&utils U&tilidades Va&rie E&xtra F&unktioner E&xtra sprMenuView &View &Ansicht &Vue Ver &Visualizza &Beeld &Vis Vi&sa sprMenuWindow &Window &Fenster &Fenêtre &Window Fi&nestra &Venster &Vindue F&önster sprMonth(1) January Januar Janvier January Gennaio januari January January sprMonth(10) October Oktober Octobre October Ottobre oktober October October sprMonth(11) November November Novembre November Novembre november November November sprMonth(12) December Dezember Décembre December Dicembre december December December sprMonth(2) February Februar Février February Febbraio februari February February sprMonth(3) March März Mars March Marzo maart March March sprMonth(4) April April Avril April Aprile april April April sprMonth(5) May Mai Mai May Maggio mei May May sprMonth(6) June Juni Juin June Giugno juni June June sprMonth(7) July Juli Juillet July Luglio juli July July sprMonth(8) August August Août August Agosto augustus August August sprMonth(9) September September Septembre September Settembre september September September sprMonthShort(1) Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Gen. jan. Jan. Jan. sprMonthShort(10) Oct. Okt. Oct. Oct. Ott. okt. Oct. Oct. sprMonthShort(11) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. nov. Nov. Nov. sprMonthShort(12) Dec. Dez. Déc. Dec. Dic. dec. Dec. Dec. sprMonthShort(2) Feb. Feb. Fév. Feb. Feb. feb. Feb. Feb. sprMonthShort(3) Mar. Mär. Mar. Mar. Mar. mar. Mar. Mar. sprMonthShort(4) Apr. Apr. Avr. Apr. Apr. apr. Apr. Apr. sprMonthShort(5) May Mai Mai May Mag mei May May sprMonthShort(6) Jun. Jun. Jun. Jun. Giu. jun. Jun. Jun. sprMonthShort(7) Jul. Jul. Jul. Jul. Lug. jul. Jul. Jul. sprMonthShort(8) Aug. Aug. Aoû. Aug. Ago. aug. Aug. Aug. sprMonthShort(9) Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Set. sep. Sep. Sep. sprNoAgendaFile This file is not in Psion Agenda format:\l Die Datei ist keine Psion-Agendadatei:\l Ce fichier n'a pas le format Agenda Psion:\l This file is no Psion Agenda file:\l Questo file non è un file dell'Agenda dello Psion:\l Dit bestand is geen Psion Agenda bestand:\l This file is no Psion Agenda file:\l This file is no Psion Agenda file:\l sprNoDatabaseFile This file is not in Psion Database format:\l Die Datei ist keine Psion-Datenbankdatei:\l Ce fichier n'a pas le format Fiche Psion:\l This file is no Psion Database file:\l Questo file non è un file del programma Archivi dello Psion:\l Dit bestand is geen Psion Database bestand:\l This file is no Psion Database file:\l This file is no Psion Database file:\l sprNoDescriptiveRecord The file contains no descriptive record. Fehler: Die Datei enthält keinen 'Beschreibungssatz'! Erreur: Aucune enregistrement description dans le fichier Error: The file contains no descriptive record Errore: Il file non contiene un record di descrizione. Fout: Het bestand bevat geen beschrijvend record Error: The file contains no descriptive record Error: The file contains no descriptive record sprNoFileSelected No file has been selected. Es wurde keine Datei ausgewählt Aucun fichier sélectionné No file has been selected Nessun file è stato scielto. Er zijn geen bestanden geselecteerd No file has been selected No file has been selected sprNoPhoneField This database has no phone field defined. In der Datenbank wurde kein Feld als Telefonfeld definiert. Aucune zone définie comme numéro d'appel dans la base de données. In this database no field is defined as phone field. In this database no field is defined as phone field. In this database no field is defined as phone field. In this database no field is defined as phone field. In this database no field is defined as phone field. sprNoPsionFile This is not a Psion file:\l Die Datei ist keine Psion-Datei:\l Ceci n'est pas un fichier Psion:\l This file is not a Psion file:\l Questo file non è un file Psion:\l Dit bestand is geen Psion bestand:\l This file is not a Psion file:\l This file is not a Psion file:\l sprNoRecords No database open or no records in this database Es ist noch keine Datenbank geöffnet worden oder die Datenbank enthält keinen Datensatz. La base de données n'est pas ouverte ou ne contient aucun enregistrements. No database open or no records in this database Nessuna base di dati è aperta, oppure non ci sono records nella base di dati. Geen database geopend of geen records in deze database No database open or no records in this database No database open or no records in this database sprNoSpreadsheetFile This file is not in Psion Spreadsheet format:\l Die Datei ist keine Psion-Tabellendatei:\l Ce fichier n'a pas le format Tableur Psion:\l This file is no Psion Spreadsheet file:\l Questo file non è un file Psion Foglio:\l Dit bestand is geen Psion Spreadsheet bestand:\l This file is no Psion Spreadsheet file:\l This file is no Psion Spreadsheet file:\l sprNoWordFile This file is not in Psion Word format:\l Die Datei ist keine Psion Word-Datei:\l Ce fichier n'a pas le format Texte Psion:\l This file is no Psion Word file:\l Questo file non è un file Psion Testi:\l Dit bestand is geen Psion Word bestand:\l This file is no Psion Word file:\l This file is no Psion Word file:\l sprOf of von de of di van of of sprOneMoment One moment please ... Einen Moment bitte ... En attente ... One moment please ... Un momento per favore ... Een ogenblik alstublieft ... One moment please ... One moment please ... sprOnlyProfVersion This function is only available in the professional version! Diese Funktion ist nur in der Professional-Version verfügbar! Cette fonction n'est disponible que dans la version professionnelle! This function is only in the professional version available! Questa funzione è solo disponibile nella versione professionale! Deze functie is alleen in de professionele versie beschikbaar! This function is only in the professional version available! This function is only in the professional version available! sprOpenPsionFile Open Psion file Psion-Datei öffnen Ouverture d'un fichier Psion Open Psion file Aprire file Psion Open Psion bestand Open Psion file Open Psion file sprPasswProtected This file is password protected:\l Die Datei ist kennwortgeschützt:\l Ce fichier est protégé par un mot de passe:\l This file is password protected:\l Questo file è protetto con parola d'ordine:\l Dit bestand is beveiligd met een wachtwoord:\l This file is password protected:\l This file is password protected:\l sprPsionAgenda Agenda Agenda Agenda Agenda Agenda Agenda Kalender Dagbok sprPsionDatabase Data Daten Fiche Datos Archivi Data Data Data sprPsionSpreadsheet Sheet Tabelle Tableur Hoja Foglio Sheet Regneark Kalkyl sprPsionWord Word Word Texte Texto Testi Word Tekst Text sprReadingFileToMemory Reading file into memory ... Lese die Datei in den Speicher ... Chargement du fichier en mémoire ... Reading file into memory ... Leggendo file in memoria ... Inlezen van bestand ... Reading file into memory ... Reading file into memory ... sprReady Ready Bereit Prêt Ready Pronto Gereed Ready Ready sprReallyExit Do you really want to exit the program? Wollen Sie das Programm verlassen? Etes-vous sûr de vouloir quitter le programme? Do you really want to exit the program? Volete veramente uscire dello programma? Wilt u het programma echt verlaten? Do you really want to exit the program? Do you really want to exit the program? sprReallyFileDelete Do you really want to delete this file:\l Wollen Sie diese Datei löschen:\l Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce fichier?\l Do you really want to delete this file:\l Do you really want to delete this file:\l Weet u zeker dat u dit bestand wilt wissen:\l Do you really want to delete this file:\l Do you really want to delete this file:\l sprRecord Record Satz Enregistrement Record Record Record Record Record sprRegistrationFailed The registration process has failed.\lPlease check your entries. Die Registrierung ist fehlgeschlagen.\lBitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Angaben. Votre licence n'est pas valide. Veuilliez vérifier vos données. Registration is failed.\lPlease check your entries. Registrazione sbagliata.\lControllate le entrate per favore. Registratie is mislukt. Controleer uw gegevens. Registration is failed.\lPlease check your entries. Registration is failed.\lPlease check your entries. sprRegistrationFailedIni The license entries in the PSIOMAN.INI file are wrong.\lPlease start the register procedure again. Die Lizenzeinträge der Datei PSIOMAN.INI sind fehlerhaft.\lBitte führen Sie die Registrierung erneut durch. Votre enregistrement de licence dans le fichier PSIOMAN.INI est pas valide. Veuilliez recommencer la procédure d'enregistrement The license entries in the PSIOMAN.INI are wrong.\lPlease start the register procedure again. Entrate di licenza sbagliate nel PSIOMAN.INI.\lRincominciate la procedura di registrazione ancore una volta. De gebruiksrechtgegevens in PSIOMAN.INI zijn fout. Start de registratieprocedure opnieuw. The license entries in the PSIOMAN.INI are wrong.\lPlease start the register procedure again. The license entries in the PSIOMAN.INI are wrong.\lPlease start the register procedure again. sprRegistrationNote1 This program version is not licensed.\l\lIf you want to have a licensed version of this program, please print the order form from the help file. Diese Programmversion ist nicht lizenziert.\l\lWenn Sie dieses Programm lizensieren möchten, drucken Sie einfach das Bestellformular aus der Hilfedatei. Ce programme n'est pas enregistré.\l\lSi vous desirez obtenir une licence de cette version, imprimez le bon de commande du fichier d'aide. This program version is not licensed.\l\lIf you want to have a licensed version of this program, please print the order form from the help file. Questa versione non è licenciata.\l\lSe desiderate una versione licenciata del programma, stampate il formulario nel file di aiuto. Voor deze programmmaversie is geen gebruiksrecht verleend.\l\lIndien u een geregistreerde versie wilt hebben, print dan het bestelformulier uit de helpfile. This program version is not licensed.\l\lIf you want to have a licensed version of this program please print the order form from the help file. This program version is not licensed.\l\lIf you want to have a licensed version of this program, please print the order form from the help file. sprRegistrationNote2 You access the order form by choosing Order form the Utilities menu. Please fill out the form and send it by mail or fax it to the printed adress.\l\l Sie erhalten das Bestellformular, indem Sie den Befehl Bestellformular aus dem Menü Extras wählen. Füllen Sie es aus und schicken oder faxen Sie es an die angegebene Adresse.\l\l Ce formulaire est accessible en choisissant la commande Bon de commande dans le menu Outils.\l\l You access the order form by choosing Order form the Utilities menu. Please fill out the form and send it by mail or fax it to the printed adress.\l\l Per accedervi, scegliete Formulario di commanda nel menu Utilities. Please fill out the formular and send it by mail or fax to the printed adress.\l\l Kies Bestelformulier uit het menu Extra. Zend ons het ingevulde en ondertekende formulier.\l\l You access the order form by choosing Order form in the Utilities menu. Please fill out the formular and send it by mail or fax to the printed adress.\l\l You access the order form by choosing Order form the Utilities menu. Please fill out the form and send it by mail or fax it to the printed adress.\l\l sprRegistrationNote3 If you have bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. Haben Sie eine Diskettenversion gekauft, starten Sie bitte das Setup-Programm erneut. If you bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. If you have bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. If you bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. If you bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. If you bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. If you have bought a disk version please re-run the setup program. sprRegistrationTimeOut The non-registered version exits after 30 minutes of usage! Die nicht-registrierte Version wird nach mehr als 30 Minuten Benutzung geschlossen! Dans une version non enregistrée, l'application se ferme automatiquement après 30 minutes! The non-registered version exits after more than 30 minutes of usage! The non-registered version exits after more than 30 minutes of usage! The non-registered version exits after more than 30 minutes of usage! The non-registered version exits after more than 30 minutes of usage! The non-registered version exits after more than 30 minutes of usage! sprSearching Searching ... Suche ... Rechercher ... Searching ... Ricercando ... Zoeken ... Searching ... Searching ... sprSearchListEntries Searching list entries ... Suche Listeneinträge ... Rechercher les éléments de la liste ... Searching list entries ... Ricercando le entrate nell'elenco ... Zoeken lijst ingaven ... Searching list entries ... Searching list entries ... sprSeries3Agenda The file is in Series 3 Agenda file format and can't be opened:\l Die Datei ist eine Serie 3 Agenda-Datei und kann nicht geöffnet werden:\l Ce fichier est un fichier Agenda de la Série 3 et ne peut être ouvert:\l The file is a Series 3 Agenda file and can't be opened:\l The file is a Series 3 Agenda file and can't be opened:\l The file is a Series 3 Agenda file and can't be opened:\l The file is a Series 3 Agenda file and can't be opened:\l The file is a Series 3 Agenda file and can't be opened:\l sprTextNotFound Search text not found ... Suchtext nicht gefunden ... Texte introuvable ... Search text not found ... Testo ricercato non trovato ... Zoektekst niet gevonden ... Search text not found ... Search text not found ... sprTipChangeDate Change date Datum ändern Changer la date Change date Data di modificazione Wijzig datum Change date Change date sprTipChangeView Change view Ansicht wechseln Changer la vue Change view Change view Change view Change view Change view sprTipClose Close file Datei schließen Fermer le fichier Close file Fermare il file Sluit bestand Close file Close file sprTipCopy Copy to Clipboard In die Zwischenablage kopieren Copier dans le presse-papiers Copy to Clipboard Copiare nel Clipboard Kopieer naar klembord Copy to Clipboard Copy to Clipboard sprTipDate Date Datum Date Date Date Datum Date Date sprTipEditEvent Edit current event Aktuellen Termin ändern Edit current event Edit current event Edit current event Edit current event Edit current event Edit current event sprTipEditRecord Edit current record Aktuellen Datensatz ändern Modifier l'enregistrement courant Edit current record Edit current record Edit current record Edit current record Edit current record sprTipFilter Filter records Datensätze filtern Filtrer les enregistrements Filter records Records filtrati Filter records Filter records Filter records sprTipGoToDate Go to date Gehe zu Datum Aller à une date Go to date Andare a data Ga naar datum Go to date Go to date sprTipLink Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link Psion Link sprTipNewEvent Enter a new event Einen neuen Termin eingeben Enter a new event Enter a new event Enter a new event Enter a new event Enter a new event Enter a new event sprTipNewRecord Enter a new record Einen neuen Datensatz eingeben Insérer un nouvel enregistrement Enter a new record Enter a new record Enter a nieuw record Enter a new record Enter a new record sprTipNextAppoint Next appointment Nächster Termin Prochain rendez-vous Next appointment Termine seguente Volgende afspraak Next appointment Next appointment sprTipOpen Open a file Eine Datei öffnen Ouvrir un fichier Open a file Aprire un file Open bestand Open a file Open a file sprTipPhone Dial phone number Telefonnummer wählen Composer un numéro d'appel Call phone number Call phone number Call phone number Call phone number Call phone number sprTipPrevAppoint Previous appointment Vorheriger Termin Rendez-vous précedent Previous appointment Termine precedente Vorige afspraak Previous appointment Previous appointment sprTipPsionSystem Psion System Psion System Psion Système Psion System Psion Sistema Psion Systeem Psion System Psion System sprTipSearchEvent Search event Ereignis suchen Rechercher un evénement Search event Search event Search event Search event Search event sprTipSearchRecord Search record Datensatz suchen Rechercher un enregistrement Search record Record da ricercare Zoek record Search record Search record sprTipSearchText Search Text Text suchen Rechercher un texte Search Text Ricercare testo Zoek text Search Text Search Text sprTipTextToSeaFil Text to search or filter Zu suchender oder filternder Text Text à rechercher ou à filtrer Text to search or filter Testo da ricercare o filtrare Te zoeken of te filteren tekst Text to search or filter Text to search or filter sprTipTextToSearch Text to search Zu suchender Text Text à rechercher Text to search Testo da ricercare Te zoeken tekst Text to search Text to search sprToDo To-do Aufgabe Tâche To do Da fare Actielijst To do To do sprToManyWrongTries Registraion: Too many tries. The program will now terminate. Registrierung: Zu viele Versuche.\lDas Programm wird beended. Trop de tentatives d'enregistrement: Fin du programme! Registraion: Too many tries. The program will be terminated. Registrazione: Troppo entrate. Il programma sarà chiuso. Registratie: Te veel pogingen. Het programma wordt beëindigd. Registraion: Too many tries. The program will be terminated. Registraion: Too many tries. The program will be terminated. sprTransChangedFile This file has been changed. The changes are already written to your hard disk. \l\lDo you want to copy this changed file to the Psion?\l Die Datei wurde geändert. Die Änderungen wurden bereits auf die Festplatte geschrieben. \l\lWollen Sie die geänderte Datei jetzt auf den Psion übertragen:\l Ce fichier a été modifié. Les modifications ont été transférées sur votre disque dur.\l\lDésirez-vous copier le fichier modifié sur le Psion?\l This file has been changed. The changes are already written to your hard disk. \l\lDo you want to copy this changed file to the Psion:\l This file has been changed. The changes are already written to your hard disk. \l\lDo you want to copy this changed file to the Psion:\l This file has been changed. The changes are already written to your hard disk. \l\lDo you want to copy this changed file to the Psion:\l This file has been changed. The changes are already written to your hard disk. \l\lDo you want to copy this changed file to the Psion:\l This file has been changed. The changes are already written to your hard disk. \l\lDo you want to copy this changed file to the Psion:\l sprWeek Week Woche Semaine Week Week Week Week Week sprWrongKeyLenght The Key is not of 19 characters. Der Schlüssel hat nicht 19 Zeichen. Le code de licence ne contient pas 19 caractères The Key is not of 19 chars La chiave non hà 19 caratt. De sleutel bevat geen 19 karakters The Key is not of 19 chars The Key is not of 19 chars sprYears years Jahre années years anni jaar years years ### End of File ###