How to Make Mrs. Fields Cookies for FREE! ----------------------------------------- A cookie connoisseur inquired about obtaining the recipe for Mrs. Fields Cookies and was told by a sales clerk at a Mrs. Fields store that the recipe was available for $25.00. The clerk gave her a number to call to order the recipe. When she called the number, she was told that the recipe was available to the public. When asked how she wanted to pay for the recipe, she indicated by credit card and gave her credit card number to the person taking the order. The recipe arrived, so did the credit card receipt indicating that she had paid $250.00 for this precious recipe. After contacting her attorney, she was told that the deal was legal and she had to pay $250.00, and not $25.00 Her revenge is giving this recipe to everyone she possible can. The recipe has been tried and it is difficult to tell the difference between home bakes with this recipe and Mrs. Fields store bought cookies. Judge for yourself - This recipe is FREE... Page 1 of 2 Mrs. Fields $250.00 Cookies --------------------------- Cream Together: 2 Cups Butter 2 Cups Sugar 2 Cups Brown Sugar Add: 4 Eggs 2 Teaspoons Vanilla In Separate Bowl: 4 Cups Flour 5 Cups Oatmeal (put small amounts in blender after measuring until it turns to powder) 1 Teaspoon Salt 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder (a pinch more to make softer) 2 Teaspoons Baking Soda Mix All Ingredients Together and add: 24 Oz. Bag of Chocolate Chips 1-8 Oz. Plain Hershey Bar, Grated 3 Cups Chopped Nuts (any kind) Place Golf Ball Sized Cookies 2" Apart on Ungreased Cookie Sheet. Bake at 350 for 6 Minutes. This Makes Approximately 112 Cookies. Please assist in the endeavor by passing this file along to any system where it is not yet posted. COOKIES.TXT May 27th, 1896 Page 2 of 2