Welcome to the Project Gutenberg CDROM! This disc contains the etexts of Project Gutenberg for 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and some of 1996. The etexts on the disc include literature such as Aesop's Fables, Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, and Paradise Lost; popular literature such as Tarzan, Treasure Island, Sherlock Holmes, Les Miserables, and The Secret Garden; historical documents such as the Magna Carta, U.S. Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Inagural Addresses, and the NAFTA documents; references such as Roget's Thesaurus, almanacs, census data, the CIA World Fact Book, "Surfing the Internet", and mathematical constants (pi, e, prime numbers); religious documents such as the King James Bible, and the Book of Mormon. The disc is set up for RBBS, Opus, PCBoard, Wildcat, Maximus, file_id.diz, and Spitfire BBS software. Walnut Creek CDROM 1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Suite 260 Walnut Creek CA 94596 1-800-786-9907 sales +1-510-674-0783 +1-510-674-0821 (fax) orders@cdrom.com