Forvoc Forvoc is a small database with 450 words in 25 languages. Sometime ago I had the idea to compile and select a multi- lingual dictionary, as I could not find anything useul in the bookstores in Germany and England. As I have language guides from all over the word in a lot of languages I thus made a database for the PSION 3a/3c with 31 different fields and selected 450 words for my personal use. When compiling the data to Psion S5 I realized that the datafiles of the S5 does not have so many fields. Therefore, to my regret, I had to shorten the new file to 25 languages. But I think that is quite enough to get a bird-eyes-view of the wonderful world of languages and their connection to others Installation: Make a new folder called FORVOC in SYSTEM\APPS\ and put all the files excluding this textfile in the folder. When you open the Extras you will realize a new application, my Forvoc. My thanks go again to Steve Litchfield who gave me his Trivia.opl with which I made this program. Surely, I can (and will) not guarantee the correctness of the data although I selected the words with great care. I hope this program may be of use to a lot of people out there in the world. Take it for learning or only for joy. Copyright by Eberhard Rompf, Duesseldorf, Germany, e-mail: