12CPP.ZIP 326103 03-14-95 12C++ 2.2 is an HP 12C-style calculator for | Windows. (wave software) (Reg.Fee: $25) 1STALERT.ZIP 139104 06-19-95 1st Alert 1.0 allows you to test a credit | card account number against its checksum | value. Fun digitized sound effects are played | when a number is accepted or rejected. | Requires VBRUN300. (Al Meadows) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $11) ADDEASE.ZIP 170464 12-22-94 AddEASE 1.0 is a desktop calculator for | precise bookkeeping and accounting | calculations. The program includes a useful | tape with archiving as well as an | Always-On-Top feature. (CalcTech, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $15) AMO3.ZIP 123819 08-09-94 Master Amortizer 3.0 is an amortization | program for Windows with a number of useful | functions. It can calculate payments, create | a comparative table of payments, and produce | a variable amortization schedule with any | start date and any year end. (Don Norman) | (Reg.Fee: $30) AUTOMILE.ZIP 82498 02-03-95 Automile 2.2 is a record-keeping package for | business travellers. Requires WIN31. | (Billy T. Hale) (Reg.Fee: $15) BBK40W.ZIP 503165 05-11-95 OWL Basic Bookkeeping for Windows 4.0w is an | easy to use single entry bookkeeping system | for small businesses and individuals. It | produces easy to understand income, expense, | profit and general ledger reports. Support is | provided for accounting for multiple | businesses, fiscal/calendar year accounting, | and more. (Otto-Williams Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $39) BBQB_1.ZIP 1216634 08-07-95 Big Brother's QuoteBuilder is a sales | automation package for Windows that helps | start up companies create professional quotes | and invoices on the products and services | they provide or resell to customers. It gives | you immediate control over "Just In Time" | inventory of products or services, customer | and vendor information, new quotes, quote | history, invoices, purchase orders, accounts | receivables, scheduling, and contact | management. Other features include the | ability to print reports/lists/labels, a time | clock feature for employees, and much more. | Minimum requirements include a 386/33, 5MB | free hard disk space, 4MB RAM, and VGA. This | is available of four 3.5" 1.44MB MegaDisks | for the special disk fee of $9.99. (Advantage | International, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $199) BBQB_2.ZIP 1391143 08-07-95 See BBQB_1.ZIP BBQB_3.ZIP 1401571 08-07-95 See BBQB_1.ZIP BBQB_4.ZIP 997371 08-07-95 See BBQB_1.ZIP BCALC.ZIP 222894 09-03-93 Business Calculator for Windows 2.20 is a | powerful financial, accounting, and | statistical tool for WIN31. Financial and | accounting computations include net present | value, internal rate of return, present | value, future value, interest rate, payment, | growing annuity, effective annual rate, | annual percentage rate, amortization, selling | price, margin, markup, and cost. Statistical | functions include mean, standard deviation, | sums, correlation coefficient, intercept, and | slope. It also features the ability to | predict x and y variables in two variable | statistics. (Etling Software) (Reg.Fee: $25) BIDNQTE.ZIP 413337 04-18-95 Bidnqte 1.1 assists small contractors in the | creation of bids, cost estimates and quotes. | It maintains a bid master file with unit | costs and prices, and bid items can be added | by simply scanning the records, double | clicking the mouse and entering the quantity. | Once a bid is created, costs, prices and | quantities can be manipulated as required | until the bid is complete. A sample bid is | included. (I. J. Smith) (Reg.Fee: $35) BIZWIZ.ZIP 169441 01-08-94 BizWiz is a desktop financial calculator | that is fully compatible with the HP-12C | handheld calculator. It also includes leasing | functions, actuarial functions, modified | internal rate of return, markup functions, | and much more. It allows the creation of | calculations of up to 999 steps which can be | saved to disk. PC Week called BizWiz "an | outstanding value" with "gorgeous on-screen | emulation of the HP-12C". (CalcTech, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $40) BUSICALC.ZIP 71867 12-06-94 BusiCalc for Windows 1.0 helps you keep track | of your monthly sales activity. It can also | remind you how much business is left to do | for the month to maintain your revenues. | Other features include the ability to print | information, instant access to the Windows | calculator, and more. (Digital Workshop) | (Reg.Fee: $15) CALCNETT.ZIP 104792 05-31-94 CalcNett 2.01 is a Windows calculator for | determining the landed cost, list price and | net selling prices for bought in items. The | purchase cost is entered in the selling | country's currency and all prices/costs are | returned in the local currency. (Sirrom | Solutions, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $15 Pound) CSTING.ZIP 592308 05-30-95 Product Partner for Windows allows you to | track and review vendor prices based on a | user-defined time period. Features include | menu costing, and the ability to compare | product usage to product purchased based upon | sales. This is excellent for controlling | vendor prices in a volatile environment, and | can really help control the bottom line. | (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $195) CURCON.ZIP 64365 08-01-94 Curcon 1.1 is an easy-to-use utility for | converting currency values of 19 different | countries. An update screen is provided to | allow modification of exchange rates. | (Sheldon L. Sobel) (Reg.Fee: $10) EASYACTS.ZIP 393511 07-05-95 Easy Accounts 1.0 is an Access 2.0 database | that provides a fully integrated suite of | accounting tools to keep track of budgeted | and actual expenditures and income. This | version is restricted to 100 transactions. | (Phil Daintree) (Reg.Fee: $99) EDD322.ZIP 1309897 08-01-95 Easy Direct Deposit 3.22 is an add-on for | most popular Windows-based accounting systems | that allows you to pay your employees | electronically. A modem is required. | (Jefferson Harkins) (Reg.Fee: $various) EXCHANGE.ZIP 237120 08-15-95 Exchange for Windows 2.31 is a currency | converter for more than a dozen of the | world's most commonly used currencies. | Features include a fully adjustable exchange | rate, built-in calculator, four decimal place | accuracy, Excel export capabilities, and | more. Requires VBRUN300. (Shawn Kresal) | (Reg.Fee: $15) FATTYCLC.ZIP 580253 10-15-93 Fatty Calc Tape Calculator is a calculator | with a tape which works like a simple | spreadsheet. It contains basic calculator | functions, as well as integrated financial | functions, such as calculations for mortgage | payment, and future value of | investment/savings. Tape entries can be | annotated with comments and can be edited, | printed, saved and retrieved as files. Tape | entries can also be copied to the Clipboard | for use in other apps like spreadsheets and | word processors. (Robert J. Piechuta) | (Reg.Fee: $25.00) FFBMGR.ZIP 453255 08-15-95 Financial Freedom Billing Manager 3.20 is an | accounts receivable and billing package | designed for small businesses and | self-employed individuals. (Michael D. | Raustad) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) FINCALCW.ZIP 196813 08-08-95 FinCalc for Windows 2.00 handles financial | calculations related to investments and | lending. It can function as a loan | calculator, with the ability to display and | print amortization schedules considering two | types of interest and real estate taxes. The | investment portion of the program handles | future and present values of deposits and | other business functions. (Joe Piedimonte) | (Reg.Fee: $20) FINMAN.ZIP 502595 05-15-95 Financial Manager for Windows 1.2 helps you | evaluate the performance of your company and | to valuate its shares. Using financial | statements and other management ratios from | top international companies, it helps you | plan your company's need for cash in the near | future and how to identify sources from where | cash can be raised. This is a powerful tool | for the financial manager, and can assist in | developing strategies for improving the | performance of any company. (Borje Kyrklund) | (Reg.Fee: $95) FINWIZ10.ZIP 473737 06-29-95 Financial Wizard (SB) 1.00 is a | business/financial calculator for Windows. | Features include standard financial and | accounting functions, a metric converter, a | payroll calculator, and a tax function. | (Stephen Bell) (Reg.Fee: $20 Pnds.) INV_1.ZIP 80562 02-13-95 Invoice_1 is a simple invoicing program for | Windows. (Steve Hamm) (Reg.Fee: $25) INVIT303.ZIP 259866 06-22-94 Invoice-It for Windows 3.03 allows you to | create and track sales invoices without the | overhead of a full blown accounting system. | The program includes an on-line Window to | Customer and Product files to allow you to | quickly create invoices without typing | addresses and product descriptions over and | over again. It automatically produces | reports of sales by customer and salesman, | sales tax reports, and discount analysis by | salesman, customer, and product line. | Invoices may be imported into your | spreadsheet or database manager for futher | analysis. Files are maintained in standard | Dbase format for easy access by other | programs. Requires VBRUN300. (Eastern Digital | Resources) (Reg.Fee: $35) LEXTR2_5.ZIP 387594 05-31-95 Land Extractor for Windows 2.5 is a powerful | tool for real estate appraisers and | consultants. It allows you to find land value | quickly from improved sales, and works with | all type of properties. Features include | excellent graph and printing options, | comprehensive on-line help, an MDI interface | with toolbar, and more. (Steven A. Plotkin) | (Reg.Fee: $60) MARGCAL.ZIP 75343 10-14-93 Margin Calculator 2.0 is a dedicated | financial calculator which determines | margins, cost, or sell price. You enter any | two of the variables, and it provides the | third. An Enhanced Calculator mode adds | optional fields for discount and list price. | Requires VBRUN300. (Stan Silverman) (Reg.Fee: | $10) MATHWIZ.ZIP 95618 07-05-95 The Math Wiz Gamer 2.0 is a simple math drill | for WIN31. You can select addition, | subtraction, multiplication, or division and | set a limit on how high the facts should go. | After five correct answers, a screen pops up | and displays a colorful kaleidoscope. | Requires VBRUN200. (Ben Winter) (Reg.Fee: | $0) MBA_CAL.ZIP 249414 10-21-93 M-B-A-nalyst 3.0 is an easy-to-use financial | calculator which emulates the popular Texas | Instruments BA-II Plus. (CalcTech, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $35) MILLIE.ZIP 147706 01-03-95 MILLIE Expense Writer for Windows 3.0 tracks | business expenses by client, by category, or | by method of payment. Other features include | the ability to track two defineable taxes, an | on screen ledger by category, on screen | preview of reports, and more. Requires WIN31 | and VBRUN300. (InfoWare Solutions Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $29) MWPR17.ZIP 112967 08-14-95 Medlin Windows Payroll Writing 1.7 is a | payroll writing program for small to medium | sized businesses. Features include built-in | State and Federal tax tables, up to four | user-set deductions (tips, 401K, medical | insurance, local taxes, etc.), report | printing for any period, support for up to | three other income fields, and more. (Jerry | Medlin) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $38) NETPAY10.ZIP 1011754 06-20-95 NetPay Plus 1.0 is a powerful all-purpose | payroll assistant for Windows. It allows you | to easily prepare payroll checks, prepare | periodic bonus or commission pay checks, | calculate the gross pay amount needed to | yield a specified after-tax pay amount, and | much more. It also provides a convenient look | up system for various state payroll tax rates | and wage base limits, and regulatory agency | addresses and telephone numbers for all 50 | states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico. | (Symmetry Software Corporation) (Reg.Fee: | $149+) NETSHT10.ZIP 544895 07-06-95 NetSheet 1.0 allows you to print a complete | cost breakdown, which you can take to a | listing appointment to show your potential | client what the net proceeds will be. When | your buyer makes an offer, you can quickly | show both buyer and seller all the cost | involved in the transaction. You can even | design and add your own logo to the page. | This is a very professional package. (Real | Tools) (Reg.Fee: $30) OPNHM310.ZIP 277264 07-16-95 OpenHome 3.10 is an open home announcement | generator designed for Mortgage Bankers and | Realtors. It provides a one-sheet information | packet for prospective home buyers, listing | important information in an attractive way. | You simply provide key information about the | property for sale and the program produces a | simple table showing the perspective buyer | the financial requirements for purchasing the | property in a straightforward fashion. | (Thomas A. Early) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $100) PAYCHK25.ZIP 138379 04-19-95 PayCheck for Windows 2.5 is a simple to use | employee payroll program. It can calculate | federal tax, Medicare, Social Security, and | state taxes for all 50 states plus the | District of Columbia. Support is provided for | commission, extra pay, overtime, and extra | deductions. All paycheck records may be saved | to disk and/or printed. Other features | include support for hourly and salaried | employees, optional confirmation dialogs to | check your entries, and an easy | question/response interface. This is very | easy to learn to use and can save many hours | looking up tax tables. Requires WIN31. (JSR | Software) (Reg.Fee: $39) PERS_INV.ZIP 86196 01-07-94 Personal Invoicer is an Excel for Windows | invoicing program geared toward consultants, | small businesses, and freelancers. Features | include sequentially numbered invoices and | menu/hotkey operation. It also saves/reuses | client data, keeps an invoice database, | reports on aging accounts/client activity, | automatically calculates applicable sales | tax, and prints envelopes. There are a | maximum of ten invoices allowed at a time. | Excel 3.0+ is required. (Commercial Video | Services) (Reg.Fee: $39) PP11.ZIP 24115 01-16-95 Profit Partner 1.1 performs break-even and | profit analysis calculations in Windows. This | can help determine the extent to which your | ideas for a product or service can be turned | into a profitable venture. Requires VBRUN200. | (Jerry Stavreff) (Reg.Fee: $12) QUOTSUM.ZIP 64528 03-03-95 QUOTSUM 4.40S is a structured quotation | system template for Quattro Pro for Windows. | It provides a structured method of entering | project costs to develop selling price. | (Consulting Associates) (Reg.Fee: $69) RATECAL.ZIP 18407 05-11-94 The Rate Calculator 1.0 is an application | that converts a dollar amount in one time | base to all other major time bases instantly. | This is an excellent tool for those who | negotiate a fee for their services. Requires | VBRUN300, and Masked Edit and Common Dialog | VBX's from VB3 Pro. (Forward Software | Development) (Reg.Fee: $5) SFP300.ZIP 202790 07-05-95 Sales Forecast Pro 3.0 defines, maintains, | summarizes, prints, and graphically presents | your sales opportunities. It allows you to | create a powerful database tracking | descriptions, success probability | percentages, sales cycle status values, etc. | Other features include standard and custom | horizons for 1 to 12 months, multiple record | classes (Actual, What If and Closed), tabular | summaries and reports sorted in up to six | different ways, and more. Requires VBRUN300. | (iSBiSTER International, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $45) TRAKW411.ZIP 735002 06-15-95 POSi-Track for Windows 4.11 is an | inventory/POS package for WIN31. It provides | a wide range of inventory functions, as well | as invoicing, order entry, purchase orders, | and over 45 reports. Other features include | support for Canadian GST and postal codes, | serialized and non-serialized stock tracking, | B-Tree style indexing for fast data access, | network compatibility, and more. (Terry | Swiers) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $159) WINBID10.ZIP 589144 08-10-95 WinBid Pro 1.0 provides independent | contractors with an easy way to keep track of | customer data and bid estimates, and assists | in the elimination excessive paperwork. (John | Granzella) (Reg.Fee: $24) WINV_1A.ZIP 1308590 07-19-95 WInvoices Lite 1.0d is a powerful | invoice/work order package for Windows. It | maintains a detailed customer database with | billing and shipping addresses, contact | names, and phone numbers. The parts database | has fields for part name, number, cost, and | freeform notes. All reports may be previewed | before printing. This is available on two | high density disks for the special disk fee | of $9.99. (Dave Verschleiser) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $23-$40) WINV_1B.ZIP 136519 07-19-95 See WINV_1A.ZIP XPTRKR2B.ZIP 1311178 07-19-95 ExpenseTrakker 2b fills out and prints | detailed expense forms in WIN31+. This | includes a primary expense form with plenty | of room for all the usual details. It also | provides a continuation form which allows | entry of a purpose/justification and a | narrative of results of the business trip, | etc. There is also room for detailing | entertainment expenses. (Ed Marion) (Reg.Fee: | $299)