AB_WIN5.ZIP 414115 03-14-95 Address Book 1995 Series 5 is an address | book printing application for Windows. It can | create pocket, purse, or desktop-sized | address books as well as mailing labels and | phone/birthday lists. Up to ten categories | can be assigned to each name, and you can | view or print entries by category. Other | features include international address/phone | number support, up to eight phone numbers per | name, a memo field, and more. (Discoversoft, | Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $10) ADBK20.ZIP 110197 06-07-95 Adr_Book for Windows 2.0 is an address | database program that can print an address | booklet, mailing labels, envelopes, and | several reports. Mailing labels can be | printed by Zip Code order and with all | capital letters for the name and address for | bulk mailing purposes. Envelopes can be | printed in three different sizes with full | font support. (Michael Gardner) (Reg.Fee: $20) ADBPRO20.ZIP 1181939 08-01-95 Address Database Professional 2.0 is a name, | address, phone number, and label manager for | Windows. It prints phone lists, address | books, holiday lists, mailing and file-folder | labels on any type of paper. Other features | include an unlimited amount of free-form | notes for each record, up to 10 customized | fields per file, powerful search facilities, | support for up to 100,000 names, and more. | (Steven P. Miller) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $60) ADDEX1U.ZIP 477595 01-10-95 Addex 1.1 is a simple name and address | program for Windows. (M. Cartledge) (Reg.Fee: | $10 Pnds.) ADDRDB31.ZIP 513263 07-27-95 Address Database 3.01 is a powerful | electronic name and address book for Windows. | Feautures include the ability to maintain a | list of people you generally send holiday | cards and gifts to, print a phone list or | address book of names on standard paper or in | DayTimer Jr. size, print mailing labels, cut | and paste clipboard support, and more. | (Steven P. Miller) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) ADDRESS.ZIP 512621 06-07-95 Address Book (DG) 2.5 is a name, address, and | phone number database package for Windows. | Features include password protection, a phone | dialer, automatic record sorting, | configurable print options, and more. (David | M. Gentils) (Reg.Fee: $0) ADP1_3.ZIP 404344 05-11-95 Auto Dialer Phonebook 1.3 is a database of | addresses and phone numbers for Windows. It | can dial any number in the database, or you | can use a manual dialer to dial any number | you wish. Features include auto redial, | search functions, and the ability to send | sorted reports to screen or a printer. A | modem is required. (Huey L. McPherson) | (Reg.Fee: $15) ADRBOOK.ZIP 66025 03-14-95 Address Book (PJ) 1.0 allows you to store and | retrieve names, addresses, and telephone | numbers in Windows. It stores first name, | last name, 2 lines for address, city, state, | and zip code. It also will allow up to 4 | telephone numbers for home, work, cellular, | and FAX. You can also store up to four E-Mail | addresses. (Philip E. Jurgenson) (Reg.Fee: | $20) AM_30M.ZIP 420313 07-11-94 Address Manager 3.0M helps you track | addresses, phone numbers, comments, and | important dates. Features include 32 user | defined lists, sophisticated searching and | sorting, phone dialing over a modem with | COM3/4 support, multiple viewing options, | customizable fonts and colors, DDE support, | data importing and converting, | internatational formats, envelope printing, | and much more. This is a very professional | package suitable for both home and business | use. (Morrie Wilson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40) BCC10.ZIP 29307 03-16-94 BCC for Windows 1.0 is an electronic business | card index that doubles as a personal address | book. Searches can be performed on last name, | company, or state. (T. Cuscino Consulting | Engineer) (Reg.Fee: $15) BOOKIT_A.ZIP 237275 05-08-95 Book-It 1.00 is a membership and activity | booking system for clubs, hobby groups, etc. | In addition to standard name and address | information, it can track medical conditions, | smoking preferences, and special dietary | considerations. Features include the ability | to print a customized joining/renewal letter | and mailing labels, flexible filtering and | reporting options, context sensitive help, | and more. (Paul Herschell) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $95) BOOKIT_B.ZIP 1334107 05-05-95 See BOOKIT_A.ZIP CALLWIZ.ZIP 1324145 05-09-95 Call Wizard is a lead and prospect database | management package for Windows. It can help | you expedite communications tasks, offers | helpful hints about overcoming stalls and | objections, and can even cheer you when you | do well. A sales script writer is also | included. This is a powerful telephone sales | tool. (HDS - Transoft) (Reg.Fee: $70) CHASER.ZIP 156262 04-17-95 Time Chaser for Windows 4.2 is a PIM/Contact | Manager for Windows. It displays a desktop | "diary" with ToDo's on the left and | Appointments on the right. White and Yellow | Pages phone books are provided, as well as a | Quick Phone Book that uses familiar lettered | tabs. Other features include instant access | to your word processor, month-at-a-glance | calendar, a billing timer, pop-up calculator, | extensive search capabilities, and much more. | Requires VBRUN300. (InfoWare Solutions Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $39) DATASRV.ZIP 263241 07-18-94 Data Server is a name and address database, | phone dialer, and DDE server. It can | automatically insert address blocks, | salutations, and more in DDE compatible | programs like Word for Windows. Changes made | in the database are instantly updated in the | DDE document. The database contains fields | for two phone numbers and a fax number, | several address lines, a note field, and much | more. Data can be exported in several formats | including ASCII, dBASE, and Word for Windows. | (Chris Walker) (Reg.Fee: $0) DELEVON.ZIP 19936 07-18-94 Delevon 1.4 is a simple, yet elegant program | for maintaining a list of names and phone | numbers. It can also dial numbers over a | modem from the phone list or from manual | entry. (Peter Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $0) DESKSET.ZIP 852683 01-10-94 The Desktop Set, Jr. 4.0a is a phone | book/dialer and calendar program. Phone Book | is patterned after a traditional personal | phone book, complete with a custom cover that | you can design. Features include mail merge, | data import/export, reminders, printing, | dialing, "yellow pages", unlimited entries, | network support, and "fuzzy" searches. Memory | Dialer lets you quickly select and dial phone | numbers from a pull-down menu or by entering | numbers on the numeric keypad. A phone log | may be kept. Colorful icons are included for | Fire, Police, Doctor, etc. A Hayes compatible | modem is required. The calendar features | Year, Month, Day, and Month-at-a-Glance | modes. Support is provided for multiple | alarms, floating and recurring events, | user-defined holidays, reminders, phonetic | search, event templates, and more. The | Calendar is fully integrated with Phone Book | and Dialer. This is a very well done package. | Hard disk, EGA/VGA and 512k+ required. (Okna | Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $0) DIALIT.ZIP 273659 03-21-95 Dial-It Pro 3.2.0c is a desktop phone dialing | package for Windows 3.1. It offers full | keyboard access, auto re-dial, credit card | calling with security, speaker control, | filtering, improved help, and more. Requires | VBRUN300. NEW: now stores all files in the | executable directory, improved INI file | handling, support for 14400 baud modems. | (Louis Collado) (Reg.Fee: $20) FAMTRAX.ZIP 323124 03-01-95 FamilyTrax 2.1 helps you organize names, | addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and | anniversaries of family and friends. Features | include up to three phone numbers per entry, | a free-form note field, phone dialer, | reminder system, and more. Requires VBRUN300. | (Howard Rosenorn) (Reg.Fee: $15) FANDF.ZIP 167274 05-30-95 Friends and Family 1.00 tracks addresses, | phone numbers and recurring events | (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) for your | family members and friends. Requires | VBRUN300. (Roger D. McCook) (Reg.Fee: $15) FDIAL.ZIP 92027 09-22-93 FastDial for Windows v. 1.5 maintains a list | of names and telephone numbers, and can dial | numbers over a modem. Requires VBRUN300. (Dan | Nienhuis) (Reg.Fee: $15) FDIAL200.ZIP 186070 01-13-95 FastDial for Windows (PV) 2.00 is a phone | number database and telephone dialing | package. Features include unlimited phone | number entries, a redial function, search | facilities, support for alphanumeric phone | numbers, support for COM 1-4, and more. A DOS | version by Marcus Albrecht is also included. | Requires VBRUN300. (Peter Vanderborght) | (Reg.Fee: $0) FONEBK.ZIP 105760 12-15-94 FoneBook (KK) 1.0 is an address and phone | book for Windows with a birthday reminder | utility and an ODBC database import option. | (Ken Knox) (Reg.Fee: $?) FONEW33.ZIP 322516 08-07-95 DiaLog for Windows 3.32 is a phone dialing | program. Features include envelope printing, | two address books, call logging with optional | job codes, auto-redial, support for | non-numeric characters (eg: 800-2424-PSL), a | stop watch, password protection, a notepad | and more. Requires VBRUN300. (Wolfgang John) | (Reg.Fee: $18) HOMECRD.ZIP 220409 10-11-94 Cards for Windows NT organizes names, | addresses and phone numbers. You can use it | to print Rolodex cards, envelopes, and | labels, and to dial phone numbers. There is | also a facility for dated information such as | birthdays, anniversaries, or appointments, | and the program can remind you when a date is | about to occur. (Bill Rogers) (Reg.Fee: $?) IC2_A.ZIP 855483 02-28-95 IC2 3.0 (formerly InContact!) is a powerful | contact management package for WIN31. | NEW: easier toolbar editing, status line | clock, "right-mouse-click" menus for instant | access to commonly-used actions, up to three | levels of sorting in the contact window, | network compatiblility, and much more. (David | M. Jr. Balmer) (Reg.Fee: $49) IC2_B.ZIP 814444 02-28-95 See IC2_A.ZIP INTERB.ZIP 762491 06-23-95 InterBook is an address book for the | Internet. It allows you to quickly pass the | address to your favorite Internet program. | (Cooper Collier) (Reg.Fee: $10) KBS_PMS.ZIP 206074 07-18-94 KBS: People Management System manages | information about groups of people and their | interaction with your company. It features | fields for Name, Company, Multi-Address, | Multi-Phone, Comments, Multi-Events, | user-defined People Categories, Mail Merge | Export, Date and Time Stamp, and more. (KBS | Systems) (Reg.Fee: $129) LBB_WIN.ZIP 726517 04-20-95 Little Black Book for Windows 3.0b allows you | to store names, addresses, and phone numbers | with up to 64,000 characters of notes per | record. Searches may be performed on any and | all fields, and phone numbers may be dialed | over a modem. All data is stored in Access | 2.0 format, allowing users to create their | own ad-hoc reports. Requires WIN31 and | VBRUN300. (Dave Verschleiser) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $20) MPB_V1.ZIP 79174 12-06-94 My Phone Book 2.0 helps keep track of | personal and business phone numbers and | addresses. Features include phone dialing | over a modem, unlimited entries in each phone | book, individual entry or entire database | printing, mailing label printing, and more. | Requires WIN31 and VBRUN200. (Patrick R. | Rygiel) (Reg.Fee: $0-$15) NAN.ZIP 1227536 05-18-95 NAN is a name and address book for WIN31. It | features fields for home/work/cellular phone | numbers, fax number, and e-mail address, as | well as birthdays and miscellaneous notes. | Other features include formats for foreign | countries, the ability to print a complete | address book or phone numbers only, | import/export facilities for use with the | Sharp Wizard, and more. (Mark T. Milligan) | (Reg.Fee: $10) NDWIN.ZIP 48890 06-01-94 Name Dropper for Windows 1.01 allows you to | store names, addresses and phone numbers | along with up to 64K of notes per record. | Searches can be performed on any field. When | you find the record you are looking for, you | can click on the Dial button to have the | number automatically dialed over a modem. | Requires VBRUN300. (Dave Verschleiser) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $5) OLAB.ZIP 387019 08-07-95 On-Line Address Book is a simple name and | address book for Windows. (Chewy Software) | (Reg.Fee: $5-$20) ORGANIZE.ZIP 99769 01-08-94 Organize! 1.62 is a Personal Information | Manager for Windows. It looks and feels like | a diary, making it easy to use. It will allow | you to build and maintain To-Do lists, | personal and business contacts, appointment | and project management, along with short, | middle and long term planning. It has user | defined categories and several suggestions | are included on how to handle random | information and using multiple diaries. It | allows you to launch any calendar program | including Windows Calendar. Photocopy and | Insert options make it possible to make books | or files out of keywords. A pop-up calendar | is also provided. (Kwek Sing Cher) (Reg.Fee: | $35) PHNBOOK.ZIP 303478 07-15-94 Phone Book is a simple name and address | program for Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (Mike | Arias) (Reg.Fee: $1-$5) PHONBKNT.ZIP 384250 12-06-94 Practical PhoneBook for NT 3.0 is a powerful | name and address database for Windows NT. | Features include up to eight phone numbers | per entry, up to 50 categories, information | sharing between group members, multi-party | network chatting, search capabilities, | auto-dialing, and more. (Gary Chizhevsky) | (Reg.Fee: $35) PHONE.ZIP 1221417 04-10-95 Phone WAV is a sound effects WAV file. | (Reg.Fee: $0) PMASTE.ZIP 317823 07-12-95 Phone Master 4.60 is a powerful phone number | tracking package for Windows. Requires | VBRUN300. (Thomas Ens) (Reg.Fee: $25) ROLODECK.ZIP 61125 12-01-94 RoloDeck for Windows 1.03 is an electronic | name and address database. It can track up to | 5000 cards, with each card capable of 300 | characters on 8 lines. (Michael R. Henning) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $8) SPEAKOUT.ZIP 119994 03-21-95 Speak Out 1.0 maintains names of all U.S. | Senators, along with their addresses, | telephone/FAX numbers, and e-mail address. It | also allows the creation of additional | categories and indices, and tracks | information on other pertinent individuals. | (Main Street Technologies) (Reg.Fee: $10) SPEAKUP.ZIP 352442 04-04-95 SpeakUp 2.1 is a database of names and phone | numbers for members of the U.S. government. | It contains phone and fax numbers for the | 104th Senate and House of Representatives, | the President and Vice President, all 50 | governors, staff directors, and the Supreme | Court. Searches can be performed on any word | in the database. (Christopher G. Moon) | (Reg.Fee: $25) TDEX65.ZIP 959144 03-14-95 Teledex Contact Wizard for Windows 6.5 is a | powerful contact tracker/name and address | database package. It allows auto dialing with | up to two telephone numbers per record with a | single mouse click. Large comments fields, a | company name field, and a large remarks field | are also provided. This is suitable for both | home and business use. (Clint Wax) (Reg.Fee: | $?) TELADD10.ZIP 1169427 05-22-95 TelAdd 1.0 is a telephone and address | database for Windows. Features include fields | for four phone numbers and one fax number, a | free-form note field, the ability to print | labels and envelopes, comma or tab delimited | import/export, telephone dialing over a | modem, and more. (RANK Enterprises, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $?) TFMAIL.ZIP 185331 07-20-94 The Gray Tree Frog Address System 7/14/94 is | a name, address, and phone number management | package. Requires VBRUN300.es VBRUN300. | (Jonathan R. Schwartz) (Reg.Fee: $10) W_PAGES.ZIP 832165 02-08-95 WinPages 1.00 allows you to access every | white page directory in your area code. You | can search for businesses and residents by | name, address, city, zip code, telephone | number, or type of listing. Other features | include export functions, the ability to | print records, and the ability to dial phone | numbers over a modem. Requires WIN31, | VBRUN300, 4+ MB RAM, a hard drive, and a | mouse. (Infotech Development) (Reg.Fee: $30) WADDRS.ZIP 13128 04-19-95 Win Address 3.0 is a simple name and address | database for Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (G. | L. Liadis & Associates) (Reg.Fee: $0) WINDAT3.ZIP 491708 08-08-95 Windata 3.0 is a simple Windows database | application which is configured with field | names to provide customer/client database | functionality. (Glen Johnson) (Reg.Fee: $15) WINDIAL.ZIP 56070 08-23-93 WinDialer 4.0 is a Windows name and address | database with a built-in phone dialer. | Requires VBRUN300.