ACHA30.ZIP 230165 04-26-95 Acha 3.0 stores any kind of textual | information, organizes it, and instantly | recalls it. This can be used to store names, | numbers, code snippets, passwords, quotes, | etc. Requires WIN31 and the Borland Database | Engine. (Damon Janis) (Reg.Fee: $15) ADDR_WRD.ZIP 118272 04-13-95 Address-In-Word is a database using the | Paradox Engine under Word for Windows Basic. | Some sample and idea files for using the | Engine are also included. (Dan McGinn-Combs) | (Reg.Fee: $?) ADHOC12.ZIP 1345830 03-23-95 Ad Hoc 1.2f is a visual relational database | manager for Windows.You can interactively | design data entry forms, browse | lists/reports, and perform on-screen queries. | Data can be imported or exported to and from | other applications. The WYSIWYG report editor | allows you design and preview several types | of reports and labels. Requires a 286+, | Win31, 4 MB RAM, and 4 MB of disk space. | (Lyle Groome) (Reg.Fee: $70) AOBASE.ZIP 596060 01-07-94 AObase for Windows 1.0 acts as a dBase III+ | database server to other Windows programs | that support Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). It | allows your Windows programs to send commands | to the database server, request information, | load and unload files, and much more, | allowing you to easily and powerfully | integrate your data into other programs such | as WFW. (Alpha Omega Systems and Softwa) | (Reg.Fee: $40) ARCHON.ZIP 316833 07-18-94 Archon is a powerful desktop information | storage/retrieval system for Windows. It | features full text retrieval not only for | text documents but also for spreadsheets and | archive files. Support is provided for | numerous file formats including PKZIP, ARJ, | LHARC, ARC, WinWord, MS-Word, WordPerfect, | Excel, Lotus, Symphony, CorelDraw, Designer, | Pagemaker, Paintbrush, TIFF, and more. Custom | file formats may also be used. It lets you | delete files by dragging them to the trashcan | and start queries with a double-click on the | file cabinet. Other features include | virtually unlimited storage capacity with | floppy disks and optical drives, file | descriptions, long filenames, function key | support, and more. (Ergosoft) (Reg.Fee: $77) BCLIPPER.ZIP 75091 07-18-94 BClipper is a data browser which reads data | files with Clipper (NTX) indexes. Up to 10 | indexes can be open simultaneously. Multiple | instances of the program can be invoked. | Other features include Seek and Filter | commands, resizable data windows, network | support, hotkey support, and more. (Network | Designers, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) BDBASE3.ZIP 72657 07-18-94 BDbase3 1.0 is a data browser which reads | data files with dBase (NDX) indexes. (Network | Designers, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20) BDEPRT.ZIP 172011 05-09-95 BDE Structure Printer provides a method to | obtain a hard-copy report of a database table | structure. Requires the Borland database | engine. (Lance C. Leverich) (Reg.Fee: $15) BIRTHLIS.ZIP 162892 07-19-94 Birthlis 2.0 is a birthday, anniversary and | special day reminder database for WIN31. The | database will also hold names, addresses, and | phone numbers. It can also print phone, | birthday and address lists. It can be added | to your startup group to give you advance | notice of any special occasion. (John Hickey) | (Reg.Fee: $49) CBASE.ZIP 31811 01-17-95 cBase 1.69 tracks hardware/software | information in Windows. Requires VBRUN300. | (Richard Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $35) DBASE121.ZIP 1664916 06-16-95 Database Browser for Windows 1.21 allows you | to edit, query, sort, and print Microsoft | Access 1.1, dBASE III/IV, FoxPro 2.0/2.5, | Paradox, and Btrieve files. Records are | displayed in a scrollable grid in which | columns may be moved and resized with the | mouse. (Peter Redei) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $63) DBDRAW.ZIP 206992 11-29-94 Database Draw is an Entity-Relation Modeling | program for Windows which enables you to | diagram your database. (I.D. King) (Reg.Fee: | $219) DBTRACE1.ZIP 98006 12-12-94 dbTrace 1.0 is a Microsoft Access 1.0, 1.1, | and 2.0 database documenter that traces | database objects. It can be used to trace a | database for documentation reasons or can be | used to examine the characteristics of an | unknown database. (DataBase Management) | (Reg.Fee: $10) DESKPAD.ZIP 49691 07-18-94 Deskpad 1.0 is a desktop scratch pad for | creating free-form notes. Up to eight 8K | notes with descriptions can be accessed with | a single mouse click. VBRUN required. (Gordon | L Smith) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) DINDEX.ZIP 519367 03-30-95 dIndex Pro 2.7 is a database system for | Windows with extensive label/form design and | printing features. This version will not | save. (DL Technology) (Reg.Fee: $154) DTSW1.ZIP 490508 06-09-94 dtSearch for Windows 3.0 is a powerful text | retrieval program. Ami Pro, WordPerfect | WordStar, MS Word, MS Works, Multimate, RTF, | and ASCII files are supported. It can perform | indexed and unindexed searches, as well as | wildcard, boolean, phrase, proximity, and | segment searches. Other features include | network support, international language | support, application launching, and more. | (Sanjay Kanade) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $149) DTSW2.ZIP 152663 06-09-94 See DTSW1.ZIP EZB.ZIP 82702 07-06-95 EZB 2.2 is an easy-to-use database package | for Windows. It comes with several | pre-defined database structures, or you can | create your own from scratch. Features | include automatic indexing of all fields for | fast retrieval, a free-text search option, | combined searches on more than one field, and | more. (Bernd Harmsen) (Reg.Fee: $15) EZDB.ZIP 52530 06-10-94 EZ DB 1.0 is a simple, easy database program | that is command-line driven. While this | approach is somewhat crude in design, the | fact that you are prompted one each line for | what to enter does make the program fast and | easy to use. (Michael Daconta) (Reg.Fee: $0) FILEIW1A.ZIP 594956 11-09-94 FileIt for Windows 1.10 is an easy to use | freeform database package for WIN31. It | allows you to store just about any kind of | information, with no database setup required. | Features include support for records up to | 32KB, text file import and export, powerful | search capabilities, clipboard support, an | online diary, and more. (Brian Rondel) | (Reg.Fee: $34) FILEIW1B.ZIP 405498 11-09-94 See FILEIW1A.ZIP FNTBRW.ZIP 28485 12-15-94 Fntbrw is a FoxPro Win library which allows | you to have up to 100 Fonts and/or Colors in | the same browse window. Fonts and Colors can | be selected by conditions, and the Font | and/or Color is automatically refreshed in | the browse. You can have up to 20 browse | windows at the same time having those | possibilities. (Reg.Fee: $?) FONRATES.ZIP 394761 05-18-95 FoneRates Lite 1.0.0 contains a MS Access 2.0 | database that performs a comparison of the | user's current long distance rates against a | database of over 100 rate plans and then | gives a list of up to ten plans which would | save the user money. Plans from AT&T, MCI, | Sprint, and many others are included. (Todd | Espy) (Reg.Fee: $25+) FOTOBASE.ZIP 96435 03-16-95 FotoBase 2.2a is a WIN31 database which | records details of photographs taken, and | allows those which match any selection | requirements to be quickly located. (Mike | Parsons) (Reg.Fee: $15 Pnds.) FOXPAK20.ZIP 196990 06-22-95 FoxPak 2.0 is a powerful toolkit for FoxPro | 2.5/2.6 for DOS and Windows. (Jigsoft) | (Reg.Fee: $49) FOXSQZ.ZIP 96894 05-17-95 Foxsqz 1.8d provides seamless data | compression and archiving inside FOXPRO. This | does not require the Run command, and | supports both Windows and DOS. NEW: option | to erase not format the target diskette and | the number of file specifications is limited | only by memory. (Master Creative Software, | Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $69) HBUILT.ZIP 18255 08-07-95 HBUILT.WDB is an MS Works database that | contains a significant number of single | engine, land-based home built aircraft using | engines between 80-200 HP. This data was | gathered from several sources, but mainly | from the December, 1994 issue of "Kitplanes" | which lists over 500 home-built aircraft and | their specifications. (Reg.Fee: $0) INFOTREE.ZIP 363174 03-28-95 InfoTree 2.3 is a free-form information | storage and retrieval package for Windows. | Features include a built-in text editor for | the creation and maintenance of information, | full Windows font support, a multi-level | structured view of information, organization | by subjects within folders, unlimited | user-defined keywords for indexing purposes, | network support, and much more. Requires | VBRUN300. (iSBiSTER International, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $40) INS1.ZIP 199704 08-01-95 INS1 1.01 is a multi-user database for use | with Windows for Workgroups. A standalone DOS | version is also provided. This version | supports up to five systems. (Richard Lewis) | (Reg.Fee: $25) JOURNL.ZIP 400478 06-14-93 Journal Program 3.0 is a free-form text | information manager. Up to 400 topics can be | stored in up to eight different user-defined | categories. Information can be directly typed | in, copied from the clipboard, or imported | from existing text files. Topics can be | easily moved from category to category, and | search features allow you to search on any | word. VBRUN100 is required. (Gordon L Smith) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) KWICFILE.ZIP 172260 07-17-95 KWIC-FILE 1.2 is an automated document filing | system which lets you file and retrieve | documents by the words contained in the | documents. Documents can be created using | AMI-PRO, Word for Windows, Word Perfect or | they can be ASCII text files. This version | stops working after 30 uses. (KWIC-SYSTEMS) | (Reg.Fee: $49) LIBRAR2.ZIP 1512532 03-21-95 The Librarian 2 will store file objects in | an Access Database. It allows source code, | documents, etc. to be stored in a central | location that can be accessed remotely. All | objects stored are fully text searchable. | (Ken Bergmann) (Reg.Fee: $?) LIFESVR.ZIP 1077308 06-05-95 LifeSaver (EB) 1.0 is an easy-to-use record | keeper for Windows. It allows you to keep | track of everything from medical records to | identification numbers so that in case of | accidental loss, you can straighten matters | quickly and easily. Features include password | protection, the ability to create your own | customized categories, printing facilities, | duplicate file location, and more. (Eli | Ben-Shoshan) (Reg.Fee: $15) MAGCAT.ZIP 153343 01-08-94 MagCat is a magazine article cataloging | system. It has fields for article name, | location, a short description, and a list of | keywords used to search for the article. | Printing options let you print the entire | database or just the results of a search. | (JDS Systems) (Reg.Fee: $30) PCINV96.ZIP 142736 05-17-95 PC Inventory 0.96 is a Windows database for | hardware settings and driver information, as | well as manufacturer info (phone numer, email | address, etc.). (Mike Baharmast) (Reg.Fee: | $10) PMUTIL.ZIP 104453 07-15-94 Piramid Manager's MS Access Database | Maintenance Utility is a compact/repair | utility for MS Access databases. Multiple | databases in the same directory can be | selected for compact/repair operations. You | may also encrypt/decrypt the database, | compact to the same name or rename it. | Requires VBRUN300, VBDB300, MSAES100, and | MSAJT100. (Kevin Moss) (Reg.Fee: $15-$30) PRIMABAS.ZIP 1058701 05-31-95 SPCS PrimaBase 3.13D is a powerful relational | database management system for WIN31. | Features include barcode support with | printing, 200 fields per record, unlimited | number of records per database, free form | memo fields up to 32K, a duplicate record | purging option, support for up to 15 indexes | with 5 sublevels, network support, and much | more. A personal Political Action Committee | infobase of the 104th Congress is included. | (Scandinavian PC Systems) (Reg.Fee: $199+) QUIKNT.ZIP 265801 09-08-93 Quiknote 2.0 is a small free-form note | manager. It is ideal as a personal | information manager, contact manager, or | Windows Cardfile replacement. Features | include: sorting, filtering, autodial phone | numbers and searching. RV2V101.ZIP 736992 04-27-95 RV2 1.01 is a unique database for WIN31 that | allows you to view, index, and annotate | information. You can easily view and index | existing image and text files, mix different | types of data in one set, add notes and | hotspots, search and browse intuitively, and | generate simple data display forms. Requires | a 386 or better with a minimum of 4MB RAM, | and a hard disk. (David Pitt) (Reg.Fee: $48) SC2232.ZIP 130329 03-16-95 SC-Scripter for NT 2.2 is a fast and easy SQL | Server management assistant for Windows NT | that can increase developer and database | administrator productivity. It will generate | Transact-SQL scripts for entire databases or | individual objects. This program can be a | valuable tool in moving, restoring and | examining databases. Requires network or | local access to a SQL Server, Windows NT 3.1 | or 3.5, and Sybase/Microsoft SQL Server | Netlib (version 4.21 or above) (Henrik Bruun) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $39) SCV232.ZIP 142551 01-18-95 SC-Scripter 2.0 is a fast and easy SQL Server | management assistant for Windows NT that can | increase developer and database administrator | productivity. It will generate Transact-SQL | scripts for entire databases or individual | objects. This program can be a valuable tool | in moving, restoring and examining databases. | (Henrik Bruun) (ASP) TIMECC.ZIP 11305 04-19-95 Time Differential Pop-up Calculator contains | a MS Access database which provides a pop-up | calculator that will calculate and display | the difference between two times | (starting/ending or from/to). Time is | displayed in both hours, minutes, seconds and | decimal. In addition, the decimal difference | is posted to the clipboard automatically. | (TMH Solutions) (Reg.Fee: $0) TUNEUP.ZIP 1342854 08-01-95 Tune Up Timer 3.0 repairs and compacts MS | Access databases on timed intervals with full | event logging and reporting. You can set | timer intervals to daily/weekly/monthly, and | choose a day of the week, day of the month | and exact time for a repair to begin. (James | Schneider) (Reg.Fee: $39) UPSIZE.ZIP 49006 05-19-95 Upsizing Expert is a Paradox for Windows 5.0 | expert, which generates SQL code based on | existing Paradox tables. (ISC Consultants | Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $?) VIABAS14.ZIP 369541 02-28-95 ViaBase 1.4 is an easy-to-use database | builder and editor for Windows. Its drag and | drop interface allows you to use character, | numeric, list, date, note, picture/sound, | formula, or data lists fields to record your | database information. Requires VBRUN300. | (Casey Butler) (Reg.Fee: $50) WFB20.ZIP 321105 04-14-94 Wyndfields Bronze 2.0 is a relational | database program for Windows. It maintains | multiple indexes for quick and easy accessing | of data. String and math functions can be | used in searches, as well as in calculated | fields. Databases may be linked to each | other, allowing you to extract related data | from them with one query. Data can be printed | on labels, such as names and addresses, and | in detailed reports. (Thomas J Mosbo) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $99) WIN_DBU1.ZIP 1018474 05-02-95 WIN::dBU 2.1b allows you to create, open, | index, modify structure, delete, and pack | Clipper/dBase files. Other features include | the ability to use Foxpro compound CDX files | and the ability to open and/or recover .NTX | and .CDX files in the same workarea.. | (Christopher Remington) (Reg.Fee: $50-$100) WIN_DBU2.ZIP 1257826 04-30-95 See WIN_DBU1.ZIP WINBR16A.ZIP 1349343 07-19-95 WinBrowse 1.6a is a multiple database utility | for Windows. It allows browsing, editing, and | reporting using popular database formats such | as dBase, FoxPro, Paradox, and Access. You | can also covert between formats. Requires | VBRUN300. This version does not include data | editing capability or data conversion. | NEW: now available on TWO disks for the | special disk fee of $9.99. (Dave | Verschleiser) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $27) WINBR16B.ZIP 436197 07-19-95 See WINBR16A.ZIP WINFILE2.ZIP 159796 09-01-94 WinFile 2.0 is a WIN31 database manager for | storing, retrieving and printing free-form | text information. Features include font | support, phone dialing over a modem, random | text searching, date stamping, and more. | Requires a 386/20 or better. (Roger C. | Spaeder) (Reg.Fee: $8) WINWAMP.ZIP 334552 04-23-94 Wampum for Windows .9 beta is a | dBASE-compatible database management system. | Support is provided for standard dBASE files | plus BMP images as memo fields. Features | include powerful browse and edit modes, | network compatibility, automatic file and | record locking, and full compatibilty with | WAMPUM for DOS. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. (Ward | Mundy) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $39) WNDWN30.ZIP 97449 01-10-95 WindBase 3.0 helps simplify data collection, | storage and retrieval in WIN31. It allows you | to design custom data entry forms and at the | same time create the database to match. It | will also allow you to index and reindex your | data by a single field or multiple fields. | You can create, store and view multiple | database files all at the same time. When you | are ready to print your data, WindBase will | print it in the same custom layout or let you | reorganize the data to best fit your needs. | (Bradley Nicholes) (Reg.Fee: $25) WORKS.ZIP 405398 05-16-95 Works Management Demo is a works management | system that automates complex clerical | procedures in banking, insurance, and general | business environments. Requires MS Access | 2.0. (System Park) (Reg.Fee: $0)