AFDPOST.ZIP 798491 03-22-95 AFD Postcode 3.0 provides Windows and DOS | users with the ability to quickly enter UK | addresses from the UK postcode. It knows | every street address in the UK, and provides | fast and accurate access to this data from a | few keystrokes. (David Dorricott) (Reg.Fee: | $154 Pnds) AREA_ZIP.ZIP 1810004 07-17-95 Area Code/Zip Code Database is a Microsoft | Access 2.0 database that instantly looks up | any area or zip code in the US. Due to the | large size of this file, it is available on | CD-ROM only. (Paul Marks) (Reg.Fee: $10) QPOST21.ZIP 1437639 04-06-95 QuickPost for Windows 2.1b assists in finding | Australian postcodes. Features include | automatic searching as you type, hotkey | interface with WinWord and WordPerfect, | clipboard support, and more. (Creative | Visions Software) (Reg.Fee: $39 AUD) ZDD130A.ZIP 1111207 05-01-95 Zippidy Do Da 1.30 is a ZIP/Area code lookup | program for WIN31. It can search by Zipcode, | state, area code, city or sound of the city | name. Supports reporting and custom reports | via SQL queries. It also shows the time at a | selected city vs. your local time. For those | without CDs, this is available on two 3.5" | 1.44MB MegaDisks for the special disk fee of | $9.99. (SMI Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $25) ZDD130B.ZIP 821366 05-01-95 See ZDD130A.ZIP ZIP3D.ZIP 138573 04-03-95 Zip3D 1.0 is a Zip Code/City State locator | for Windows. This version contains a database | of cities and town beginning with A, B, or C. | Requires VBRUN300. (Peter Macdonald) | (Reg.Fee: $?)