401KCALC.ZIP 33139 02-07-95 401k Calculator 2.0 is an Excel 5.0 workbook | that computes the tax deferred benefits of a | 401k savings program and illustrates their | power of compound growth in a graphical | report. It computes California and Federal | taxes using proposed 1995 rates. (Steve | Zynda) (Reg.Fee: $10) CALENDAR.ZIP 19127 06-29-95 Calendar contains a calendar with | appointments, to-do lists, events, and more. | Other features include alarms, speed | searches, delegation and scratch pad. Various | viewing formats include week at a glance, six | months at a glance and daily, plus late lists | and personal to do lists with immediate | access. (Steve Beam) (Reg.Fee: $35) DEPREC8.ZIP 58622 06-06-95 Deprec8 1.02 is an Excel macro application | that generates depreciation schedules for tax | and book purposes. (Ohio Star Software) | (Reg.Fee: $10-$25) EB10A.ZIP 98919 02-07-95 Express Budget 1.0a helps you track your | personal finances using LOTUS 1-2-3 for | Windows R4 or higher . You can register your | expenses, income, and payments using a very | simple and user-friendly interface. A | financial calculator and a math calculator | are included. (Paul Pereira) (Reg.Fee: $?) FUNCMAGC.ZIP 920617 01-24-95 FunctionMagic for Lotus 1-2-3 1.1 is a new | and powerful interface for using the | functions in Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.01/5.0 for | Windows 3.1. Using a native Window interface | of dialog boxes, check, command and radio | buttons, the user can apply Lotus functions | on columns of data without having to know the | exact syntax. (Israel Kehaty) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $40) FW10.ZIP 362299 06-06-95 FlexEasy for Windows 1.0 allows data analysis | and "what-if" calculations to be done in a | free style user-defined format. You start | with a blank worksheet, then add cells, | descriptive text variables, ranges, tables | and graphs wherever desired. Calculations | done in cells refer to variables, ranges, | values in other cells or a location on the | worksheet. (Edward Bale) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10) GENER8.ZIP 55849 06-07-95 Gener8.XLM 1.2 is a Microsoft Excel 4/5 macro | that will generate fixed rate and variable | rate loan schedules. It allows for variable | interest rates and extra principal payments. | (Ohio Star Software) (Reg.Fee: $10-$50) HOTSST.ZIP 415200 05-11-95 HOT Spreadsheet 1.0S is an Excel 4.0 | compatible spreadsheet package for Windows. | It is capable of multiple worksheet editing | and "in cell" editing of formulas. There are | 125 built-in functions, including math, text | handling, statistics, and date/time. Requires | VBRUN300. (Visual Software Design Group) | (Reg.Fee: $25-$50) INA184.ZIP 177386 03-30-95 I'm No Accountant Workbooks for Excel 5.0 | 1.84 is a set of spreadsheet files for Excel | 5.0 which perform single entry accounting | with dialog based payments, income, and | salary transactions. Transactions may be | queried by account name or date range. Ledger | posting is automatic. (Willis E. III Howard) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) JQCALC.ZIP 634696 09-22-94 JQCalc for Windows 1.1 is a full-featured | Windows spreadsheet application. It includes | all the standard math functions. Features | include cut/copy/paste, column and row insert | and delete, auto sum, context sensitive help, | and more. (John Q. Lavelle) (Reg.Fee: $35) LOANER.ZIP 12257 05-10-95 Loaner.XLX 1.1 is an Excel spreadsheet that | allows you to track randomly made/received | loan payments. It calculates the interest | based on the number of days since the last | payment. This is a great tool for tracking | personal loans or loans where interest is | calculated daily. (Ohio Star Software) | (Reg.Fee: $10) MAICOPY.ZIP 35820 05-01-95 MAICopy 1.0 allows Excel users to copy and | paste to non-contiguous areas, copy from | non-contiguous ranges and then fill in areas | of a spreadsheet, and copy non-contiguous | ranges from one sheet and group them together | in a new sheet. ( ADSC) (Reg.Fee: $15) MR3D.ZIP 70733 01-03-95 Mr. 3D allows you to create 3D panels and | labels in Excel worksheets and dialog sheets. | (Minds Unlimited, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $11) NUDGER.ZIP 43570 01-03-95 Mr. Nudger is a 17-button toolbar that makes | nudging and resizing drawing objects in Excel | extremely simple. (Minds Unlimited, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $11) OBMAN106.ZIP 79329 08-11-94 Objectives Manager Workbook for Excel 5.0 | 1.06 provides dialogs to add, delete, select, | rank and print goals or objectives with | deadlines. Each objective may have action | items that are open, achieved, or deferred. | Landscape printouts make an impressive record | of major milestones leading to reach your | objectives. Requires WIN31, Excel 5.0, 512K | RAM and 500K disk space. (Willis E. III | Howard) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) ONTRACK.ZIP 196535 03-28-95 On Track 2.1 is a financial management tool | for Excel 5.0. This is completely menu and | dialog box driven, and can handle up to five | accounts and 30 budget categories. It can | also track investments such as stocks, bonds, | and mutual funds. (David Allan) (Reg.Fee: $15) PLAYWAV.ZIP 57965 03-28-95 Playwave lets you pick a WAV file from a | list and play it once or continuously. | (McKellar Engineering) (Reg.Fee: $3) PRINTSEL.ZIP 16012 07-06-95 PrintSelector allows you to control your | printer settings either from a menu or by | inserting codes into your files which a TSR | will translate into printer control codes | from within any program as you print the | file. A non-TSR can also be used to print the | files from DOS. (Brook King Systems) | (Reg.Fee: $29) SHOPTRAK.ZIP 119145 04-19-95 XL-ShoppingTracker 1.0 is a collection of | XL-compatible spreadsheets that enable you to | compute, print, and keep track of your | grocery shopping expenses, onhand supplies, | coupons, and rebates. (Steven Clark) | (Reg.Fee: $23) TALKBACK.ZIP 117911 04-03-95 TalkBack 1.1 is a number proofreader for | Excel 5.x. It uses digitized WAV files to | read off a list of numbers for you to proof. | (P. Scott Antony) (Reg.Fee: $10) TALKBK.ZIP 240454 04-03-95 TalkBack (16-Bit) will speak your data from | an Excel 5.x worksheet. Requires a 16-bit | sound card. (P. Scott Antony) (Reg.Fee: $10) VARPMT.ZIP 101130 06-01-95 DataMagic Variable-Payment Amortization | Schedule and Graphs demonstrates a loan | savings amortizer for Excel 5. It graphically | displays the result of making any type of | extra payments on loans or mortgages. | (Richard Sittig) (Reg.Fee: $20) VISTA10.ZIP 438380 08-15-95 VistaCalc 1.0 is a powerful spreadsheet | program for WIN31. Its user friendly | interface enables you to easily create | everything from your own personalized budget | plan to financial and accounting | presentations for the office. (Brandon | Fridley) (Reg.Fee: $30) X_TAB.ZIP 367924 01-07-94 X-Tab does cross-tabulations of databases in | Excel spreadsheet files. It processes similar | types of database information to make | patterns in the data more evident. The | results can be presented in both graphical | and tabular formats. Excel 3.0+ is required. | (Personal Instruments, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $25) XLCNVERT.ZIP 115434 04-18-95 XL Conversion+ 1.1 contains 670 custom | functions for converting units of measure in | XL 5.x. Functional areas include temperature, | velocity, acceleration, volume, area, work, | length, weight, and more. (P. Scott Antony) | (Reg.Fee: $10) XLPOWR.ZIP 336574 03-21-95 The Power Utility Pak for Exel 2.0 provides | 17 new utilities, 17 new worksheet functions, | and enhanced shortcut menus for Excel 5.0 for | Windows. It also adds a new Utilities menu | and a custom toolbar. (John Walkenbach) | (Reg.Fee: $39) XLSEXE.ZIP 683525 04-07-95 Xlsexe 2.0 can easily create fully functional | executable EXE Windows programs from Excel | 4.0 or 5.0 XLS worksheets with no programming | required. You can custom design the startup | screen with your own bitmap. Requires | VBRUN300. (Bob Lundin) (Reg.Fee: $40) XLTRAIN.ZIP 219504 02-09-95 XL-Trainer 1.1 is a collection of | spreadsheets that enable you to track your | exercise progress in running, walking, | swimming, and biking. Requires Excel for | Windows 4.0 or higher. (Steven Clark) | (Reg.Fee: $13)