14ALL.ZIP 1225814 07-27-95 One For All! 1.01 is an integrated time | management/accounting package for Windows. It | tracks client and prospect information, | provides a daily ToDo list and diary, tracks | income and expenses, and much more. In this | version you will lose active selections as | you move from one module to another. (Herve | Leclair) (Reg.Fee: $60) 3DVCP31.ZIP 743477 08-04-95 Visual Calendar Planner 3.1 is a customizable | calendar program that provides scheduling, | events, memos and appointments. Requires | VBRUN300. (Bok Nan Lo) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) AB31.ZIP 268496 06-20-94 Above & Beyond 3.1 is an advanced time | management system for Windows. (Gregory S | Thorne) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $99) ACCT_MGR.ZIP 152708 01-07-94 Account Manager 1.2 is a flexible time/usage | tracking program for Windows 3.1. It can | track your time for multiple projects and | accounts. You simply punch in when you begin | a project, and punch out when you are | finished. Several printed reports are | available. A DOS command line interface is | provided which allows you to punch in from | DOS. (Winnovation) (Reg.Fee: $25) ACTPLAN.ZIP 59368 01-07-94 Action Planner is a powerful time management | program that helps keep track of priority | items and assists in scheduling your day. It | features a To-Do list, daily task/goal lists, | a appointment schedular, an on-going | Diary/Journal, a reminder board for posting | notes, an on-line tutorial, random | motivational thoughts database, application | launching facilities, and more. Requires | VBRUN, mouse, hard disk, and EGA or better | video. (Human Development Systems) (Reg.Fee: | $25) AGENDA.ZIP 32644 07-31-93 AddSoft Agenda 1.0 calendar program with | built-in appointment scheduler. Requires | VBRUN200. (AddSoft Software) (Reg.Fee: $5) ALARM222.ZIP 162395 06-14-95 Alarm (ST) 2.22 is an advanced desktop | reminder system. Alarms can be set for a | specific date, for specific days of the week, | and for certain repetition intervals. An | adjustable snooze bar is provided for each | message. Messages can have up to six lines of | free-form text. (Stefan Tucker) (Reg.Fee: $10) ANW100.ZIP 738325 07-20-95 Ample Notice for Windows 1.00 is a flexible | appointment calendar/alarm clock package. It | features a variety of options for viewing, | printing, sorting and archiving the | appointment file. (Mark Harris) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $30) APLANR34.ZIP 224762 01-24-95 A Project/Event Planner 3.4 can be used for | quick overall project planning, activity | scheduling, and resource scheduling. You can | easily assign income and costs to events and | resources to estimate a project's income and | cost. Features include defined events that | are tied to predecessors, automatic start and | end time for related events, and the ability | to shift all events in a plan forward or | backward in time. You can define multiple | calendars and use different calendars for | each resource, and the program allows | free-form drawing of events on a scale of | days, weeks, months, or years. On-line help | and sample plans are included. (Layton S. | Fujii) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $37) BR_TIMR.ZIP 227251 04-21-94 Break Timer 1.4 sets off an alarm at a | pre-defined interval to remind people who | work at their workstations for long periods | of time to stop and take a break. (Adams | Software Development) (Reg.Fee: $15) CALQCK22.ZIP 780270 06-15-95 Calendar Quick Scheduling Tool 2.20 is a | calendar creation program with many advanced | task management features. Four different | types of tasks may be tracked, including | specific projects with deadlines, | anniversaries with recurring dates, and more. | Other features include long-range planning | for events up to one year in the future, | workgroup management capabilities, and full | Windows clipboard support. (Brian K. | Holdsworth) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) CBILL12.ZIP 160881 04-28-94 Client Biller 1.2 allows you to maintain a | client database and easily create invoices in | Windows. This is an excellent tool for small | businesses and consulting firms. (New | Executable Workshop) (Reg.Fee: $20-$25) CHRONLOG.ZIP 165877 08-07-95 ChronLOG 1.6 is a group/resource scheduling | package for Windows. It is ideal for | scheduling employees, conference rooms, | equipment checkout/reservations, or any other | shared items. (Art Ullman) (Reg.Fee: $29-$35) DARNW40.ZIP 462921 06-07-95 DARN! Don't Forget! 4.00 is an automatic | reminder system for Windows. It can pop up | every day, to give you plenty of warning so | you can purchase cards or presents, plan | parties, or prepare for meetings. (Dan | Veaner) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30-$40) DMNDR.ZIP 428548 05-09-95 Daily Reminder 1.0 helps organize your daily | routine. It provides a calendar, personal | To-Do pad, alarms for meetings or | appointments, a phone number list with | dialer, and inspirational quotations. (AZTECA | Software) (Reg.Fee: $15) DRTIME.ZIP 169100 07-18-94 Dr. TimeClock 1.4 keeps track of employee | times and projects. It allows employees to | password protect their time records. All time | records can be printed, edited and deleted. | Requires VBRUN200. (MossMan's Crazed | Computer) (Reg.Fee: $30) ELEC_MOM.ZIP 80135 01-07-94 Electronic Mom is an appointment/event | reminder. You can have from 1 to 31 days | advance notice for each event. (Matthew | Welch) (Reg.Fee: $10) EMPSCH.ZIP 434988 05-30-95 Scheduling Partner for Windows helps | schedule employee time and pre-determine | labor costs. This is a powerful tool to | assist in holding the line on labor costs. | (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $95) ESA_WIN.ZIP 549736 07-06-95 Employee Scheduling Assistant for Windows | 1.07 is an easy-to-use schedular designed for | institutions with mostly full-time employees. | It can keep track of vacations, shift | assignments, and much more. It includes a | helpful example with fictitious | departments/employees to get you started. | Distribution graphs display the hour by hour | coverage for each day. (Jan G. Jansen) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $49.50) HT123.ZIP 88031 05-03-94 HTime 1.23 is a WIN31 task-tracking | application for single or multi-user systems. | (Hware Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $35) JULIE.ZIP 31062 07-18-94 Julie 1.0 is a Julian date converter and | range finder. Click on a day in the calendar | to get its Julian date. Click on two dates to | get the number of days between them. VBRUN | required. (Anthony R. Montoro) (Reg.Fee: $7) MGCAL.ZIP 4353 07-18-94 mgCAL is a simple, but handy, calendar | display. Clicking on the scroll bar changes | the display a year at a time. Clicking on the | scroll arrows changes a month at a time. | Requires VBRUN. (Mike Gillie) (Reg.Fee: $0) MINICAL.ZIP 135821 11-23-93 Mini Calendar for Windows 1.3 is a handy | scheduling, calendar, clock package for | Windows 3.1. Any type of free-form | information about upcoming events can be | entered directly into the calendar's two-week | display. Up to 640 characters of text per day | is allowed, and you can expand the date box | to read additional text. Two different types | of repeating alarms are available, complete | with WAV sound file support. A schedule of | events can be printed. Other features include | a pop-up monthly calendar, full cut and paste | support, search functions, and a unique | graphic help system. (Tom Murrell) (Reg.Fee: | $15) ML_WIN.ZIP 171380 01-03-95 MainLine for Windows 2.3b is a Windows | implementation of a DOS-based project | management program. Features include | interactive WYSIWYG graphical development of | project Gantt/Pert chart, easy data entry, | and the ability to handle up to 150 tasks and | milestones over a five year duration. (Bob | Kochem) (Reg.Fee: $30) NAG5.ZIP 61342 07-18-94 Nag 5.0 is a desktop date reminder and time | tracking system. It is designed to be run at | start-up and can be set up to activate only | when an event is scheduled. Events can be | categorized as business, medical, | miscellaneous, etc., and assigned priority | codes. A tickler function lets you enter | recurring events that fall on a particular | day of the week. A time-tracking feature will | keep a log of time spent on a project. (Denam | Systems) (Reg.Fee: $15) NBABB.ZIP 26280 12-22-94 NBA Basketball Schedules for Almanac is the | complete 1994-95 season schedules of all NBA | teams for use with the latest release of | Almanac for Windows, a popular Windows | calendar application. All game times will | display and print in your own local time, or | any time zone that you choose using Almanac's | point-of-reference feature. Requires Almanac | 3.5+. (Leonard A. Gray) (Reg.Fee: $?) NCAABB.ZIP 33180 12-22-94 NCAA Basketball Schedules for Almanac | contains the complete 1994-95 season | schedules of NCAA basketball teams for use | with the latest release of Almanac for | Windows. Schedules include ACC, Atlantic, Big | East, Big 10, MAC, Metro, Pac 10, and SEC | conferences. Requires Almanac for Windows | 3.5+. (Reg.Fee: $?) NOTICE.ZIP 335878 03-16-95 Notice for Windows 1.00 (formerly Reminder | for Windows) is a desktop reminder system. | You simply create a data file with specific | dates and times, put the program in your | Startup group, and it will pop up with the | appropriate reminder. (MC Software) (Reg.Fee: | $10) PROJCLK.ZIP 17621 03-20-91 Project Clock 1.0 allows you to monitor and | optionally record time usage on various | projects. It runs unobtrusively as a digital | clock icon and shows elapsed time rather than | wallclock time. You can also create and view | a project log file with optional comments. | (Robert A. Heath) (Reg.Fee: $7) PSTAR110.ZIP 434602 06-20-95 PlanStar 1.10 is a powerful resource | scheduling system for Windows. It allows you | to manage any resource (people, places, | things, activities) in one integrated system. | Features include complete hour and dollar | control, resource utilization displays in | event log and calendar views, and automatic | warning of scheduling conflicts. Printing | options include formatted schedules, | calendars, and reports. Requires VBRUN300. | (Doug Patrick) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $49-$69) PUNCH100.ZIP 162135 07-17-95 Punch Clock 1.0 allows you to easily punch | into and out of projects as necessary and | generate custom reports that total hours for | each project by the day, week, month, | quarter, year, or report period. Requires | VBRUN300. (Eric J. Weber) (Reg.Fee: $20) QUIKCAL.ZIP 44918 08-19-93 QuikCal 3.0 is a small calendar/appointment | utility. It displays a month at a time. Up to | five events can be entered per day. A list of | events for the month can be printed. (Alan | Johnson) (Reg.Fee: $10) REMIND18.ZIP 36584 05-13-94 Remind 1.8 reminds you of upcoming events | when you start Windows. Requires VBRUN300. | (Levi Nigg) (Reg.Fee: $0) REMINDER.ZIP 48977 04-10-95 Reminder for Windows 2.0 reminds you about | the important events every time you turn your | computer on, or at your request. (Alexander | Shender) (Reg.Fee: $24) REMINDJA.ZIP 5164 12-15-94 Reminder (JA) is a pop-up reminder system | that works when you start up Windows. | Requires VBRUN300. (Joe Atiyah) (Reg.Fee: $0) REMINDW.ZIP 54295 07-11-95 Remind Me! for Windows 1.0 reminds you of | upcoming important dates and events. You can | determine how many days notice you will | receive. A complete listing of events may be | printed. Requires VBRUN300. (RSE, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $15) RM_20A.ZIP 239871 10-22-93 Windows Reminder 2.0a is a powerful time and | task manager. It allows you to set up to-do | lists for yourself and others to keep track | of appointments, tasks, and important events. | Alarms can be set to display a message or to | run other programs. As an icon, the program | can optionally display the date and time. | Other features include a repeat option for | daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and | end-of-month, options to display the date in | the icon, a display graph of scheduled times, | Microsoft Mail and DDE support, and more. | (Morrie Wilson) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $60) RMD230A.ZIP 183802 06-08-95 Windows Reminder (LED) 2.30a maintains a "to | do" or task list of items that you want to be | reminded of. This is suitable for both home | and business use. (LED Software, Inc.) | (Reg.Fee: $40) SCTODO.ZIP 157840 03-06-95 Spud City To-Do 1.1 is a powerful "To-Do" | list management package for Windows. Features | include user-defined colors, the ability to | add priority codes to tasks, several sorting | options, printing capabilities, multiple | alarms, and much more. Requires VBRUN300. | (Spud City Software Co.) (Reg.Fee: $15) SH_SCHED.ZIP 7334 07-13-95 Quick & Dirty Scheduler 1.2a is a simple | appointment scheduling application for | Windows. Requires VBRUN300. (Steve Hufnagel) | (Reg.Fee: $0) SNPLAN53.ZIP 227965 08-14-95 snPlaner 5.3 is an appointment scheduler for | WindowsNT/95. (Softwarebuero N. Schaefers) | (Reg.Fee: $36) SVTIME.ZIP 308713 07-18-94 SVTimeClock 2.0 keeps track of chargeable | time while working in Windows. It tracks | Start Time, Elapsed Time, Charge Time, and | Billable Dollars. Client, Job, and Work | information is stored in dBASE compatible | files. Printed reports include Work Reports, | Client lists, and Job lists. Other features | include a pop-up "To-Do" list, the ability to | handle non-$ currency, and more. This is very | simple to set up and use. (Rob Stevens) | (Reg.Fee: $40) TASKPL29.ZIP 161400 10-12-94 Professional Task Planner for Windows 2.9 is | a graphic project management utility for | WIN31. It can display every task required to | complete a project, warn you of delays or | stoppages, track costs, and keep track of who | is doing each task and when. You can quickly | and easily look at what needs to be addressed | today, this week, month etc. Requires | VBRUN300. (InfoWare Solutions Inc.) (Reg.Fee: | $49) TH_TODO.ZIP 261413 02-10-95 Things To Do Today 2.0 is an electronic | "To-Do" pad for Windows. (Andrew Pine) | (Reg.Fee: $5) TIMCLK.ZIP 429729 06-01-95 Time Partner for Windows is an employee time | clock. It features the ability to edit time | and print time worked for a specified period | of time (week, two weeks, bi-monthly, | monthly, etc.). (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $45) TIMECLK.ZIP 178318 11-17-94 PC-TimeClock for Windows 1.1 keeps track of | time you've spent on your computer. Time is | charged to one or more projects from your | list by "punching in" when you begin work on | each project. (Kenneth A. Reek) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $18) TIMEFILL.ZIP 44025 08-08-95 TimeSheet Filler 1.31 automates the process | of filling in weekly time sheets. It can | automatically remember your name, department, | employee code, and your regular codes and | descriptions. It will also automatically work | out the period of the last sheet, and set the | start and end dates for the next time sheet. | Requires VBRUN300. (Jey Burrows) (Reg.Fee: | $various) TIMELG.ZIP 94738 11-14-94 Time Log 1.5c allows you to log, total, and | print dates and amount of time spent on any | number of projects. Requires VBRUN300. | (Timothy J. Denihan) (Reg.Fee: $17) TIMELOG.ZIP 415622 01-04-95 Responsive Time Logger for Windows Demo is a | time-tracking package for Windows. This | version limits the number of tasks in your | database and you may not print time reports. | (Responsive Software (USA)) (Reg.Fee: $?) TIMEMSTR.ZIP 165106 07-12-95 Time Master 3.3 is a powerful time/task | organizer for Windows. It allows you to | quickly type in tasks and list them by | priority, sound alarms when it is time to | leave for a meeting, print out to-do lists, | and much more. Requires VBRUN300. (Thomas | Ens) (Reg.Fee: $25) TIMETOO.ZIP 37615 11-11-94 TimeToo 2.0.sw will run a program or display | a message on a user-specified time and date. | Up to 50 message/program selections can be | maintained. An optional beep can be sounded | when the message pops up. (David B. Hughes) | (Reg.Fee: $2) TMTR102.ZIP 152283 08-08-95 TimeTracker for Windows 1.02 is an easy to | use time-tracking utility for attorneys, | consultants, graphic designers, or anyone who | bills for time. Features include the ability | to run multiple instances of the program, | printed time reports, the ability to export | time events to a tab delimited file, | extensive online help, and more. (Maui | Software) (Reg.Fee: $20) TODO167B.ZIP 15834 08-10-95 TODO List 1.67B is an easy-to-use To-Do list | for Windows. (Justin Mierta) (Reg.Fee: $5) TODO21.ZIP 80764 04-03-95 The TODO List 2.1 is a pop-up To Do list for | Windows. Features include full clipboard | cut/copy/paste support, up to 21 entries per | day, printing capabilities, a phone list, and | more. Requires VBRUN300. (Greg DiGiorgio) | (Reg.Fee: $5) TODOW106.ZIP 120187 03-16-94 ToDoWin 1.06 is a to-do list manager with | pop-up calendar and more. (Brad P. Smith) | (Reg.Fee: $25.00) TSKTRAK.ZIP 84146 09-09-94 TaskTracker 1.1a allows you to measure the | time spent on tasks or with clients as you do | the work. It remembers the elapsed time for | each task you define, and has the ability to | send your task information to other programs | for formatting and printing. Other features | include an auto-save function, extensive | on-line help, project file merging, a command | menu with access to other Windows programs, | and much more. Requires VBRUN100. (Barry | Seymour) (Reg.Fee: $20) TTDW14.ZIP 68631 03-21-95 ThingsToDo 1.4 allows you to track your | calls, meetings, and other tasks. Extensive | free-form notes, telephone numbers, dates and | other important information can be assembled | into a weekly on-screen list that can also be | printed. Other features include comprehensive | search capabilities, hotkey support, and | more. (David J. Merk) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $35) TTPLUS.ZIP 184835 08-04-95 Time Trakker Plus for FoxPro 5.47 is a time | and billing package for Windows that allows | you to track time, expenses and sale items | for billing and invoicing. Requires FoxPro | for Windows 2.6. (Rick Strahl) (Reg.Fee: | $49-$199) TTRACK1.ZIP 278631 05-12-94 Time Tracker for Windows 1.0 pops up at a | given interval and asks you what you are | doing. It will keep a log of your activities, | and store a client list and past activities. | This is an excellent tool for consultants. | (Bradley S. Murray) (Reg.Fee: $10) TTRAX.ZIP 26917 07-03-93 Time Trax 1.0 tracks | birthdays/holidays/appointments. (Reg.Fee: $?) TYKE15.ZIP 355854 02-22-95 Tyke 1.5 watches your work in Windows and | automatically measures how long you spend on | each task or document. The resulting database | can be consolidated on applications or tasks, | sorted and printed. (Derek Cohen) (Reg.Fee: | $30) USAGE.ZIP 10760 03-16-94 Computer Usage Log 1.1 lets you record the | time and purpose each time you use the | computer. Requires VBRUN300. (Thomas Jr. | Cuscino) (Reg.Fee: $10) UZPRO1.ZIP 290129 04-27-95 UZPronto 1.10 is a powerful appointment | calendar specifically designed for laptop | computers running Windows. It allows you to | schedule one-time and recurring events, and | notifies you before they become due. Several | calendars are provided which you can include | in your own customized appointment book. (Uwe | Zimmermann) (Reg.Fee: $15) VISUAL.ZIP 150823 04-22-94 VisualOutliner 1.0 is an organizational tool | for Windows. It allows you to create a | graphic outline of related items radiating | from a core theme. This is excellent for | creating To-Do lists, project planning, etc. | Several sample files are included to help get | you started. (B. Williams) (Reg.Fee: $49) W3.ZIP 2036868 06-22-95 Win, What, Where 3.0 is a powerful time and | usage monitor for Windows 3.1. It will | display when a program started and how long | it ran, a list of activities by program name | and window caption, and the location of the | program and its associated files. Other | features include detailed report generation, | automatic history deletion after a | user-specified time, daily summary | information, and much more. Due to the large | size of this file it is available on CD-ROM | only. (Richard Eaton) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $37) WATCHDOG.ZIP 252782 07-18-94 Watchdog 1.0d provides a unique way to track | your work at the computer. It will | automatically build a database of programs, | tasks, and documents you have been using | along with how much time you have spent on | them since they were started. The log is | saved to disk, and can accumulate time spent | on tasks with are run over a number of days | or Windows sessions. (Derek Cohen) (Reg.Fee: | $25) WDATES12.ZIP 376343 05-16-95 WinDates 1.2 allows you to keep track of | important dates to remember during the year. | It automatically calculates and reminds you | of many important holidays such as Mother's | Day and Father's Day which can be hard to | remember since they may fall on a different | date each year. (Rockin' Software) (Reg.Fee: | $10) WINALA.ZIP 37774 07-31-93 WinAlarm is a simple desktop reminder | system. Requires VBRUN200. (Nathaniel S. | Johnson) WINDIARY.ZIP 109977 11-24-93 WinDiary 1.6a is a combination appointment | calendar/diary for Windows. You simply click | on any given day and enter any type of | free-form information you wish. Information | can be exported to any Windows text | processor, including an Auto export function | to Word for Windows. A "thumbnail" view of | activities can be printed on a single page. | You can also set Alert-Reminders for | important events up to six days in advance, | and important days can be color-coded. | Requires VBRUN200. (Nathaniel S. Johnson) | (Reg.Fee: $30) WINGDAT.ZIP 59399 04-20-95 WingDate 3.6 is a simple desktop reminder | system. It provides a quick visual reminder | of upcoming important events. A list of | events is displayed in Month/Day order with | the current date or next most significant | date highlighted. Requires VBRUN300. (Mark | Taylor) (Reg.Fee: $10) WINOTD.ZIP 163263 10-17-94 On This Day for Windows 2.0 is an event | database/calendar that can print historical | information about a specific date. The date | can be displayed in Gregorian, Hebrew, | Islamic, and Julian format. The databases | supplied include information on famous | birthdays, religious holidays, and monthly | events. You can also create your own personal | database with any text editor. The date of | Easter can be calculated for any requested | year. The program can also calculate the | phases of the moon, solstices, and equinoxes. | A DOS version of this program is also | available. (Wayne Geiser) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $30) WNMDR33.ZIP 340101 06-29-95 WinMinder 3.3 will automatically keep you | reminded of important events. You can create | single, monthly, or annual reminders and you | can specify the amount of notification given. | A list of events may also be printed. (Carl | R. Perry) (Reg.Fee: $8) YELLOW.ZIP 73368 04-20-95 Yellow Sticky 4.00 is a daily To-Do manager | for WIN31. It displays the current month and | the following month, and lists current and | previously unfinished projects. This is an | excellent tool to help you prioritize daily | tasks. (Michael R. Henning) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: | $15)