AAR_WIN.ZIP 242366 07-18-94 Automotive A/R for Windows 1.3 is an accounts | receivable, inventory and invoicing system | for a small automotive parts or service | business. The program can handle up to 2000 | account customers and 5000 part numbers. (Len | Thom) (Reg.Fee: $40) CONCOM.ZIP 260767 05-27-94 Concrete Volume Computer is a Windows | utility that calculates the volume of | concrete needed for poured walls, slabs and | footings in home construction. (Tom Nanos) | (Reg.Fee: $5) D_NEX1.ZIP 844730 06-21-94 DesignsNexus 1.0a is a recordkeeping and | objects reference facility for designers or | users of creative works in any form that can | be stored as binary objects on | computer-readable media. Portions of related | binary objects may be embedded in the data | table itself along with each record, via an | OLE 2-compliant Object Attach window. | Pictures, drawings, images, graphs, | spreadsheets, documents, sound and video | objects may be added, viewed, played, and | usually updated/edited from within | DesignsNexus. Requires WIN31, 386+, 4MB RAM, | HD, and VGA. This is available on four 3.5" | 1.44MB MegaDisks for the special disk fee of | $9.99. (RCCO Research) (Reg.Fee: $30) D_NEX2.ZIP 1192125 06-21-94 See D_NEX1.ZIP D_NEX3.ZIP 1136886 06-21-94 See D_NEX1.ZIP D_NEX4.ZIP 1170226 06-21-94 See D_NEX1.ZIP FCAL12.ZIP 307425 11-08-94 FeeCalc for Windows 1.2 calculates Physician | fees based on a Relative Value System (RVS), | including the Medicare RBRVS. It can | calculate a dynamic Conversion Factor or can | utilize a user supplied one. (Terry Bond) | (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) HBUDGET.ZIP 207357 12-30-94 The Hotel Budget is a spreadsheet model that | helps prepare operating budgets for the hotel | industry. It covers occupancy and ADR | forecasts, food and beverage, telephone, | health club/swimming pool, garage and | parking, guest laundry, and much more. This | is based on the 8th Edition of the Uniform | System of Accounts for Hotels published by | the Hotel Association of New York City and | adopted by the American Hotel & Motel | Association. Requires WIN31 and Lotus 1-2-3 | for Windows version 4 or 5. (Wood Hospitality | Advisors) (Reg.Fee: $59-$99) HSEBIL.ZIP 433590 05-31-95 Billing Partner for Windows helps track | restaurant House Accounts. It creates | customer statements for guest check charges. | You can easily enter guest checks and | payments with on-call customer inquiries. | (Walter Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $95) MAINT2.ZIP 399213 09-15-94 Maintenance Planning and Management for | Windows 1.3E a tool for planning and | management of the maintenance activities of | an industry of any kind that uses equipment | to produce its output. its output. (Borje | Kyrklund) (Reg.Fee: $130) MEDCLAIM.ZIP 1050495 05-30-95 MedClaim for Windows 1.0 handles medical | claims and payments quickly and efficiently. | It tracks all payments, and can print a | medical claim using the standard HCFP-1500 | form as well as Blue Cross/Blue Shield forms. | (Franklin Leibsly) (Reg.Fee: $49) PARTYPRT.ZIP 722853 05-31-95 Party Partner for Windows is a banquet | hall/catering package. It prints customer | agreements, statements, and receipts and | provides a complete audit trail of all | charges made to parties. It also includes | reports to aid in scheduling servers, bus | boys, bartenders, etc. (Walter Elbers) | (Reg.Fee: $495) REPAIRS.ZIP 354369 08-30-94 Repairs Demo for Windows is a limited | invoicing program for a small auto repair | shop. The program does all calculations for | you, based on your shop rate per hour and | labor hourly wages and on your profit margins | for your parts. Invoices can be produced on | pre-printed Adams's forms GT3810. (COMPEAZ) | (Reg.Fee: $150) RNTWZD10.ZIP 111038 06-29-95 Rent Wizard 1.0 helps you keep track of your | rented property. It can keep accurate records | of all your income and expenses as well as | general information about your renters. It | will also let you keep a log of events | associated with your property. The program | will let you print your log or the | income/expense register, and it can produce a | report to help you fill out your income tax | Schedule E forms. It can also produce a full | lease for use with your property that you can | save and print. Requires VBRUN200. (Carl R. | Perry) (Reg.Fee: $15) VIPCRD.ZIP 427557 06-01-95 VIP Partner for Windows creates VIP cards | and maintains VIP lists and fees. This is an | excellent tool to help create better public | relations with your best customers. (Walter | Elbers) (Reg.Fee: $95)