BUZZWOR.ZIP 1164 05-29-89 Buzzword is a list of funny data processing | definitions. COMIC.ZIP 46495 09-15-93 Captain Comic 3 is a terrific run-and-jump | type arcade game with great graphics -- true | arcade quality. EGA or better required. | (Michael Denio) (Reg.Fee: $10-$20) DOCTORS.ZIP 10954 09-26-92 Lowdown On Doctors contains 60 quotes, | quips, sayings and jokes about doctors, | physicians, surgeons and psychiatrists. | (Barry Fetter) (Reg.Fee: $0) JQ15.ZIP 314523 11-08-94 Jokes & Quotes 1.5 is a daily message display | system that can also be run from a network. | It contains nearly 4000 jokes, quotes, | stories, and maxims that can be selected from | 25 categories. Network features include | global messages to all users, special | messages to selected users, administrator | controled categories, and more. (Michael L | Wester) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $15) MOLESIZE.ZIP 1110 10-04-93 The Size of the Mole 1.0 is an amusing text | file that tries to convey in everyday terms | the enormous size of a quantitative unit | known as a "Mole". (Reg.Fee: $0) MURPHY.ZIP 273439 07-13-95 Murphy's Law displays one of Murphy's laws | or some other clever quote each time you boot | up. (Charles J.C. Lyall) (Reg.Fee: $0) NYC_JOKE.ZIP 136737 02-04-94 The NYC Cab Driver's Joke Disk contains a | dBase-compatible database of 100 jokes. It | allows you to search, browse, and print the | jokes, and add your own. The jokes provided | on this disk include groaning one-liners, | knock-knock jokes, and some seriously | off-color stories. (Joke Disk International) | (Reg.Fee: $5-$18) POLLAW.ZIP 12146 09-10-92 Lowdown on Lawyers and Politicians is a | pithy collection of quotes, quips, sayings | and jokes about politicians and lawyers. The | authors, dates and sources are given if | known. Example: "Lawyers are the only persons | in whom ignorance of the law is not | punished." Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) | Material is divided into eight sections: | Essence, Opposites, Insight, Positive, | Negative, Advice, Poetry and Prose, and Jokes | and Humor. (Barry Fetter) (Reg.Fee: $0) PPL.ZIP 225502 02-03-94 Portable Punchline Kit lets you keep | maintain a database of jokes, funny quotes, | or just humorous incidents. This program may | be ideal for a professional comedian, public | speaker, as well as for someone who just | enjoys humor. Some riddles jokes, dialogues | and anecdotes are already included. Requires | a hard disk. (U.D. & Associates) (Reg.Fee: | $20) SPKR_RSR.ZIP 307250 02-04-94 Speaker's Resource 1.0 makes it easy for | public speakers (eg: ministers, teachers) to | save and recall stories, quips, jokes, etc., | by key word search. PCX graphics can be | linked to a text record. A sample database of | stories is included. Requires a hard disk. | (Alan C. Elliott) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $49) STARSPEK.ZIP 139279 03-28-95 Star Speck is a collection of parodies of | Star Trek. Some parodies are all-original, | and many are direct satires of particular TV | episodes and movies. (Stanley Dunigan) | (Reg.Fee: $12)