FFLYER60.ZIP 554120 04-22-97 The Frequent Flyer Manager 6.00 assists | travelers in maintaining an accurate record | of their status in up to 35 different travel | incentive programs offered by the airlines | and associated partner companies. It | estimates and keeps track of the credits | achieved for each airline flight and partner | use; calculates and displays the distances | and airport code/city name relationships for | virtually every registered airport in the | world; continuously monitors award and bonus | status; and much more. (Bill Phillips) | (Reg.Fee: $35) GPSVGA20.ZIP 345838 01-09-97 GPSVGA 2.0 enhances basic GPS (Global | Positioning Systems) units by providing | moving map displays as well as city/airport | related navigation information. Any | user-provided B/W map in PCX-format may be | utilized. System-provided city and airport | data can be modified and updated. (COMACS) | (Reg.Fee: $49)