CPCALC2.ZIP 512899 12-17-96 Conversion Pro for Windows 2.0 allows you to | perform over 1800 "on-the-fly" scientific and | engineering unit conversions. It also | includes a button calculator and a | temperature conversion utility which can | convert temperature data in either | fahrenheit, centigrade, or Kelvin. (J. F. | Kaminsky) (Reg.Fee: $20) CV35516.ZIP 514252 02-11-97 Convert It! SE 3.55 is a unit of measure | conversion utility with 14 categories of | conversions and a 15th for custom | conversions. You can edit the conversion | factors, add or delete units. Convert | temperature, mass, volume, time, area, angle | and more. On-line context sensitive help is | provided and a section is included on other | conversion factors that you might use. (SMI | Corporation) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25) CV35532.ZIP 1324976 03-19-97 Convert It! SE (32-bit) 3.55 is a unit of | measure conversion utility for Win95/NT with | 14 categories of conversions and a 15th for | custom conversions. You can edit the | conversion factors, add or delete units. | Convert temperature, mass, volume, time, | area, angle and more. (SMI Corporation) (ASP) | (Reg.Fee: $25) MC16_172.ZIP 313086 10-23-96 Master Converter (16-bit) 1.72 can quickly | and easily convert to and from 266 different | units in 21 categories. Categories include: | length, area, volume, time, speed, mass, | density, force, pressure, energy, power, | flow, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, | temperature, conductivity, thermal | conductivity, angle, light, numbers, and | fractions. (Rodney M. Savard) (Reg.Fee: $15) MC32_172.ZIP 326000 10-31-96 Master Converter (32-bit) 1.72 can quickly | and easily convert to and from 266 different | units in 21 categories. Categories include: | length, area, volume, time, speed, mass, | density, force, pressure, energy, power, | flow, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, | temperature, conductivity, thermal | conductivity, angle, light, numbers, and | fractions. (Rodney M. Savard) (Reg.Fee: $15) MEASR21.ZIP 150766 04-15-97 Measures 2.1 converts hundreds of U.S. and | Metric measures including area, volume, | speed, pressure, temperature, weight, etc. | Requires WIN31+ and VBRUN300. (R. M. Parks) | (Reg.Fee: $18) MEASURE.ZIP 53077 02-13-97 Measure 97 2.1 converts a variety of metric | and British measures back and forth including | linear, surface, weight, volume, liquid, | temperature, energy, power, paper sizes, | number base, and more. Requires VB40032. | (Georg Lewe) (Reg.Fee: $0) SICON70.ZIP 789783 03-11-97 SICon 7.0 converts values from Imperial to | Metric, Metric to Imperial, as well as | to/from many other systems. Over 30,000 | conversions are possible, and conversion | results may be printed, copied to the Windows | Clipboard, or saved to a file. A pop-up tape | calculator is also included. (Harold | Schwartz) (Reg.Fee: $15) UCONVERT.ZIP 1944383 01-29-97 U-Convert-It 3.00 provides a convenient way | to convert units from Metric to English or | back. Features include an easy-to-use | interface with built-in calculator, the | ability to save personal settings, and more. | (Fred Block) (Reg.Fee: $15) UNITCONV.ZIP 118501 02-19-97 Unit Conversion Tables allows you to quickly | convert between two units of measure. You | simply select the two unit types from the | provided lists, as well as the number of | original units in order to determine the | corresponding number of new units. (Tom | Khoury) (Reg.Fee: $0)