CCLINK15.ZIP 108249 04-04-97 Cclink 1.5a allow you to monitor your serial | and parallel ports by displaying lighted LEDs | on the desktop. This version works for 60 | minutes before terminating. (Gary Shaboo) | (Reg.Fee: $10) CISRATER.ZIP 803867 03-25-97 OnLine Rater 6.36 is a sophisticated program | for keeping track of your online time and | costs. Modules are included for use with | WinCIM, CsNav, NavCIS, CS3, AOL 2.5, AOL 3.0, | and TCP/IP. (Reg.Fee: $16) CM_SPEED.ZIP 45367 03-24-97 ComSpeed (SC) 1.97 shows the performance of | your modem. (Stefan Cordes) (Reg.Fee: $10) COMSPY3X.ZIP 88385 05-02-97 ComSpy3x (16-bit) 3.2 reports the activities | on your modem through COM port APIs or | Windows Socket APIs. You can also capture all | data flowing in and any commands sent out by | programs such as WinCim and IExplore. | (Prudens Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $100+) COMSPY95.ZIP 158056 05-07-97 ComSpy95 (32-bit) 4.2 reports the activities | on your modem through COM port APIs or | Windows Socket APIs. You can also capture all | data flowing in and any commands sent out by | programs such as WinCim and IExplore. | (Prudens Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $200) EZDIALUP.ZIP 341321 07-30-97 EZDialup 1.85 is a dialup file server system | for Windows. It allows users to securely | distribute files to remote callers using | pre-programmed scripts. Commands include | download, upload, zip, unzip, move up, move | down, run programs and more, plus an | automated remote-directory update function. | Client-side software is included. (Mark | Durbin) (Reg.Fee: $75) MODMMETR.ZIP 118985 06-09-97 Modem Speed-meter 2.2 monitors in real time | the transaction speed of your modem in | Windows. It graphically displays the number | of bytes received or transmitted per unit of | time. Using this tool you can see exactly how | many bytes are transmitted, when and at what | speed. (Vincent Vallet) (Reg.Fee: $15) NMT_11.ZIP 244285 07-24-97 Nexus-MT 1.1 is a Winsock Telnet 3270 | Terminal Emulator with recording, a script | language and HLLAPI support. (Hans Erik | Nęsheim) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $?) SMTSRF12.ZIP 207760 05-03-96 SmartSurf 1.20 is an on-line time and usage | monitoring system for Windows. Its tiny | display can be stuck on any window caption to | show current session time and costs (phone | and service). (Oakley Data Services) | (Reg.Fee: $0)