2 4 0 0 B A U D M O D E M D E A L ! ! ! The Multi Tech 2400 baud modem can be purchased by any legitimate SYSOP for BELOW dealer cost!! It is fully Hayes compatible and runs under RBBS 12.4A. A down/upload of 331 blocks just takes over 3 minutes. - Any modem updates will be made available to Sysops at no charge and will be among the first notified of any such updates. - The rules of purchase are: 1. Must advertise that you are using the Multi-Tech modem in the WELCOME message(s) 2. Only one for each legitimate SYSOP 3. Deal direct with the company 4. You will be verified as a SYSOP by the company and must have a track record as a Sysop. - Call the company direct at (612) 631-3550 and ask for Peter Hanlon. You may also use their 800 number to order: 1-800-328-9717 (outside MN) - Tell him that Loren D. Jones, Fargo IBM PC Users Group RBBS, sent you. This is a SYSOP offer only and not for end users. Pass on this information to other SYSOPS, along with *these* rules. - LDJ