This is the statement that Andy Foray, co-owner of SEA and brother-in-law of Thom Henderson, made on Compuserve in retraction of his earlier assertion that Phil Katz admitted under oath to stealing SEA code: #: 212956 S9/Hot Topic [S] 18-Sep-88 17:44:04 Sb: #212134-PK Response to SEA Fm: Andrew Foray [SEA] 72617,1167 To: Phil Katz 72321,3367 (X) I made statements about the procedings based on information from our representatives who were there. At this time I am unable to verify that information. In the interests of everyone involved, I wish to retract any statements about what Phil Katz said under oath. In my haste to defend myself in this forum, I spoke too soon and said too much I apologize to anyone that this has caused problems for. I still believe that the action we took was right, but that hardly seems to matter. Press for next or type CHOICES !