!!!!WARNING!!!! !!!!WARNING!!!! !!!!WARNING!!!! The program BACKTALK.COM, (12,160 Bytes) has been HACKED. I have unassembled and checked it with a P/D check routine and it contains BIOS routines to format disks and destroy sectors. It you run the hacked version of this program, it will seem to run normally until the end, when it will display "GOTCHA!" and then proceed to destroy your data! BURN THIS PROGRAM!! KILL IT!!! It is yet another example of some sicko's desire TO DESTROY YOUR DATA. Do not take any chances. PLEASE spread this message around to every BBS system you can, and we can nip it in the bud. It appears that ALL VERSIONS of this program are BAD. This includes all .ARC, .COM, .CQM, .LBR, Everything! DELETE THEM! Alex Kowalski Sysop, The Cyclotron RBBS