HTML Quick Reference Guide (ITCP)

This card appears in printed form in Spinning the Web (1-850-32141-8) by Andrew Ford, and The WorldWideWeb Handbook (1-850-32205-8) by Peter Flynn, both published by International Thomson Computer Press.

Elements marked with a pilcrow (¶) are not in HTML 2.0 but are supported by browsers: elements marked with an asterisk (*) are obsolescent. Optional attributes are given in [square brackets]. The full DTD can be found at

Sample document

    <!-- A sample document --> 
    <title>Document title</title> 
    <link rev="made" href=""> 
    <h1>Top-level heading</h1> 
    <p>First paragraph of text.</p> 
    <ul> <!-- A bulleted list --> 
      <li>First list item</li> 
      <li>Second list item, with a hypertext 
          <a href="info.html">link<a> to another
    <h2>Second-level heading</h2>
    <p>Another paragraph, <img alt="Picture of me" 
       align="bottom" src="mypic.gif">  with an

Header elements

Document running title (not part of the text), recommended maximum length 64 characters
<link ...>
Relationships for the document as a whole: attributes rel, rev, href
<base href="url">
Defines the default structure for any partial (incomplete) URLs in the document
Document is a script which handles searches
<meta ...>
Embed meta-information for the server: attributes http-equiv, name, content
<nextid n="id">
Editor assigns next identifier to be generated

Section headings

Section headings, six levels available <h1> to <h6>

Block-oriented elements

Paragraphs of regular text
Address information
Block quotations (may contain paragraphs)
Preformatted text (fixed-width characters)
Horizontal rule


Ordered lists, items numbered consecutively
Unordered lists, items bulleted
Menu lists
Directory lists
List items within ordered, unordered, menu, and directory lists
Definition lists
Definition term in a definition list
Definition discussion in a definition list, may contain other block-oriented elements

All lists may be nested. The <ol>, <ul>, <menu>, <dir>, and <dl> elements may have a compact attribute.

Inline elements

Logical markup

Computer code
<dfn>...</dfn> *
Defining instance (see HTML3)
Keyboard input
Literal characters
<strike>...</strike> *
Strikeout (see HTML3)
Strong emphasis
Variable name

Visual markup

Bold type
Italic type
Typewriter type
<u>...</u> *

Hypertext links

<a href="url">...</a>
Link to another document or resource
<a href="url#label">...</a>
Link to a specific destination in another document
<a href="#label">...</a>
Link to a specific destination in the same document
<a name="label">...</a>
Labels the surrounded text as a target destination

An <a> element may contain both href and name attributes.

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

These specify the location of a resource for a hypertext link:
one of...                                       #location
    http:  Internet server      dir   filename  options:
  gopher:  hostname or IP       name            searching means
     ftp:   address with                        URL must be a
  telnet:   optional port.                      script; using a
  mailto:   Email address.                      location implies
    news:  Newsgroup name.                      target label
Note mailto: and news: have no double slash.    exists (see <a>).


External images are specified with the <a> element as hypertext links. Inline images are specified with
<img src="url" [align="..."] [alt="..."] [ismap]>.
The value of align can be top, middle or bottom. The alt attribute provides text for non-graphical users and is strongly recommended. An image map (clickable image) is an <img> with ismap inside an <a> element pointing to a server map file:

<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Image map" ismap>


<form method="..." action="url">...</form>
The URL should be a script or may use mailto:. The method is GET or POST, depending on how you want the data returned. Within a form, input fields are defined with:

Example form

    <form method="GET" action="">
      <p>Name: <input name="name" type="text" size="20"><br>
         Operating system: <select name="opsys">
      <p><textarea name="comments" rows="4" columns="40"> 
         Please write your comments here...</textarea></p>
      <p><input type="submit"> <input type="reset"></p>

Special characters

ISO Latin-1 characters

&Agrave;  À  capital A, grave accent      &iuml;    ï  small i, diæresis/umlaut   
&agrave;  à  small a, grave accent        &ETH;     Ð  capital Eth, Icelandic
&Aacute;  Á  capital A, acute accent      &eth;     ð  small eth, Icelandic
&aacute;  á  small a, acute accent        &Ntilde;  Ñ  capital N, tilde        
&Acirc;   Â  capital A, circumflex        &ntilde;  ñ  small n, tilde               
&acirc;   â  small a, circumflex          &Ograve;  Ò  capital O, grave accent      
&Atilde;  Ã  capital A, tilde             &ograve;  ò  small o, grave accent             
&atilde;  ã  small a, tilde               &Oacute;  Ó  capital O, acute accent      
&Auml;    Ä  capital A, diæresis/umlaut   &oacute;  ó  small o, acute accent        
&auml;    ä  small a, diæresis/umlaut     &Ocirc;   Ô  capital O, circumflex   
&Aring;   Å  capital A, ring              &ocirc;   ô  small o, circumflex            
&aring;   å  small a, ring                &Otilde;  Õ  capital O, tilde             
&AElig;   Æ  capital AE ligature          &otilde;  õ  small o, tilde               
&aelig;   æ  small ae ligature            &Ouml;    Ö  capital O, diæresis/umlaut 
&Ccedil;  Ç  capital C, cedilla           &ouml;    ö  small o, diæresis/umlaut   
&ccedil;  ç  small c, cedilla             &Oslash;  Ø  capital O, slash                   
&Egrave;  È  capital E, grave accent      &oslash;  ø  small o, slash          
&egrave;  è  small e, grave accent        &Ugrave;  Ù  capital U, grave accent           
&Eacute;  É  capital E, acute accent      &ugrave;  ù  small u, grave accent        
&eacute;  é  small e, acute accent        &Uacute;  Ú  capital U, acute accent      
&Ecirc;   Ê  capital E, circumflex        &uacute;  ú  small u, acute accent        
&ecirc;   ê  small e, circumflex          &Ucirc;   Û  capital U, circumflex          
&Euml;    Ë  capital E, diæresis/umlaut   &ucirc;   û  small u, circumflex            
&euml;    ë  small e, diæresis/umlaut     &Uuml;    Ü  capital U, diæresis/umlaut 
&Igrave;  Ì  capital I, grave accent      &uuml;    ü  small u, diæresis/umlaut      
&igrave;  ì  small i, grave accent        &Yacute;  Ý  capital Y, acute accent      
&Iacute;  Í  capital I, acute accent      &yacute;  ý  small y, acute accent        
&iacute;  í  small i, acute accent        &THORN;   Þ  capital Thorn, Icelandic       
&Icirc;   Î  capital I, circumflex        &thorn;   þ  small thorn, Icelandic         
&icirc;   î  small i, circumflex          &szlig;   ß  small sharp s, German sz           
&Iuml;    Ï  capital I, diæresis/umlaut   &yuml;    ÿ  small y, diæresis/umlaut



Header elements

<style notation="...">...</style>
Encloses stylesheet information
<range from="label" until="label">
Specifies range marked in text with <spot id="label"> elements

Structural markup

All structural elements can have class, lang, id, clear and background attributes. Heading and list-oriented elements can have seqnum, dingbat, src, and nowrap. The align attribute can be used to affect visual positioning (e.g. align="center").

Encloses static information to remain on display
Synonymous with <blockquote>
<div class="...">...</div>
To mark divisions (chapter, section, etc)
In lists, supplies a list header or title before the first <li> or <dt>
<note role="...">...</note>
Identifies footnotes, sidenotes etc
<spot id="label">
Marks a reference point for <range>

Logical markup

<a id="label">
Use of id replaces name in anchors
Identifies an abbreviation
Identifies an acronym
Authors' names
Marks text as having been deleted but kept for reference purposes
Defining instance
Marks new text inserted
Identifies a language other than the basic one of the document
Personal names
Encloses quoted speech (adds ``quotes'' automatically)
<sub align="...">...</sub>
<sup align="...">...</sup>

Visual markup

Designates bigger text (see <small>)
Replaces <strike> for strikeout text (see also <ins> and <del>)
Designates smaller text (see <big>)
<tabstop id="label">
Sets tab stop at current location
<tab to="label">
Tabs to the labelled position


<figure src="/url">...</figure>
Encloses a figure
Supplies a caption
Supplies a credit

Within figures, <a> elements can have a shape attribute which identifies a polygon in the image that the user can click on:

<figure id="d69" src=" pat/house.gif" align="center">
  <caption align="bottom">My house</caption> 
  <p>Picture of my mansion in the hills above Naples, note the 
     <a href="fire.html" shape="rect 20,120,50,140">hole in the 
     roof</a> where the lightning struck.</p>  
  <credit>The local paper took this shot.</credit>


<input type="file"...>
Allows uploading of files to a server, permitted types specified with accept (change enctype of <form> to multipart/form-data)
<input type="scribble"...>
For pen input
<input type="audio"...>
For sound input


<math [model="..."]>...</math>
Encloses a formula
Surrounds symbols to be treated as a whole, optional delim attribute
<over> and <atop>
Separate lined and unlined fractions
Identifies numerator
Identifies denominator
<root root="n">
Root, degree specified as n
LaTeX-like arrays
Row within an array
Item within a row in an array

To minimize typing, <sub> and <sup> tags can be replaced with the underscore (_) and caret (^) respectively, and <box> tags can be replaced with {curly braces}, e.g. E=mc^2^


<table [border]>...</table>
Defines a table
Supplies a caption
Encloses a table row
Encloses a column or row header inside a row
Encloses table data (a cell value)
<table border>
  <caption>Fig 1. Survey Frame</caption> 

The <th> and <td> elements can have align and span attributes.

Additional characters from ISO 8859-1

&#160; &nbsp;     non-breaking space          &#177; &plusmn; ± plus-or-minus sign          
&#161; &iexcl;  ¡ inverted exclamation mark   &#178; &sup2;   ² superscript two          
&#162; &cent;   ¢ cent sign                   &#179; &sup3;   ³ superscript three        
&#163; &pound;  £ pound sign                  &#180; &acute;  ´ acute accent             
&#164; &curren; ¤ general currency sign       &#181; &micro;  ´ micro sign                
&#165; &yen;    ¥ yen sign                    &#182; &pilcro; ¶ pilcrow (paragraph sign) 
&#166; &brvbar; ¦ broken (vertical) bar       &#183; &middot; · middle dot               
&#167; &sect;   § section sign                &#184; &cedil;  ¹ cedilla                  
&#168; &uml;    ¨ umlaut/dieresis             &#185; &sup1;   ¹ superscript one          
&#169; &cright; © copyright sign              &#186; &ordm;   º ordinal indicator, male  
&#170; &ordf;   ª ordinal indicator, fem      &#187; &raquo;  » angle quotation mark, right   
&#171; &laquo;  « angle quotation mark, left  &#188; &frac14; ¼ fraction one-quarter          
&#172; &not;    ¬ not sign                    &#189; &frac12; ½ fraction one-half             
&#173; &shy;    ­ soft hyphen                 &#190; &frac34; ¾ fraction three-quarters       
&#174; &reg;    ® registered sign             &#191; &iquest; ¿ inverted question mark        
&#175; &macr;   ¯ macron                      &#215; &mult;   × multiply sign                 
&#176; &deg;    ° degree sign                 &#247; &div;    ÷ division sign                 

Copies of this card can be downloaded in PostScript and .dvi format for A4 and Letter size stationery from using anonymous FTP. Information about ITCP's titles can be obtained from