Revision 1.1 (9/26/94)
This document provides *all* the e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and other pointers associated with The Internet Adapter (tm), and also explains when to use each one. It is divided into 5 sections: A) E-MAIL ADDRESSES FOR HUMANS

TIA generates an enormous amount of e-mail to us, and our goal is to respond to all of it within a maximum of 24 hours (occasionally longer on weekends). You will receive the fastest response, however, if you send your question or problem to the most appropriate address below:

.................. ....................
Anything related to Single User ordering/licensing, including:

.................. .........................
Anything related to Host/Site ordering/licensing, including: .................. .......................
All technical support for Registered users, who receive top priority. Note: please include your Customer Number (from your .tia license file) in the Subject line of your message.

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All technical support for Evaluation users. We will attempt to serve all Evaluation users, but naturally Registered users have priority.

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All technical support for users of beta versions of ports or new releases. Please use this address so we can track you separately.

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All questions related to ports and custom port development. (Note: a complete document on current port status is always available -- see the address in section D).

.................. ......................
All bug reports, feature requests, customer service comments, etc. In particular, please send suggestions or additions for any of our TIA documents, and let us know if we may acknowledge your contribution.


The TIA online ordering system uses special "mailbots" to process e- mail requests for both Single User and Host licenses. These mailbots automatically handle all 3 steps in the process. (Note: in each step you should have your reply back within just a few minutes.)

  1. To request a blank Order form, just send a blank e-mail message to the appropriate address below:

    Single User Version:
    Host Version:

  2. To order a free limited-time Evaluation license code, just fill out the form (don't delete any part of it), and return it to the same address (i.e. you can just "reply" to the original form). SAVE A COPY for step 3 below.
  3. To order a permanent Registered license code, return the same form as in step 2, only filled out with the additional credit card information required. (Note: you can also use this form if paying by check, money order or PO. See instructions on the form.)
We also use another mailbot called a list server to maintain the TIA Mailing List. This mailing list is *only* used to send out announce- ments of new ports, bug fixes, updates and other news of interest to TIA Users. For complete information about subscribing or unsubscribing from this mailing list, send a blank e-mail message to:


To receive any of the following documents via e-mail, just send a blank message to the address listed. No subject or body is necessary. Turnaround time is usually 5 minutes or less, depending on your location and Internet mail traffic conditions. All document sizes are approximate. (Note: all of these document are also available via FTP, gopher, and WWW as described in section D).

.................. ..........................
About The Internet Adapter: an overview of what it is, who should use it, how it is sold, how you can evaluate or order it, etc. (18K)

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The TIA Single User FAQ: The most Frequently Asked Questions about TIA, how it works, how it compares with conventional SLIP, where to get more information, etc. Recommended for all Single Users. (25K)

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The TIA Host FAQ: As above, but directed specifically at system administrators who are evaluating/using the Host version. (25K)

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The TIA Single User Installation Instructions: a copy of the instructions you receive when you order either an Evaluation or a Registered Single User license. Helpful both for preview purposes or in case you lose your copy. (25K)

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The TIA Host Installation Instructions: as above, for Hosts. (25K)

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The TIA Companion for Macintosh: A step-by-step guide to setting up the TCP/IP and SLIP software you need to use TIA. Published by user demand to make this process comprehensible to the non-rocket scientist. Long but packed with info. (35K)

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The TIA Companion for Windows: as above, but for Windows users. (35K)

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The TCP/IP Help File: A compendium of other tips and pointers to other Internet resources for setting up and using SLIP software. (25K)

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TIA Site Licensing: Information about multiple-host and site licenses for TIA, including price schedules for Commercial and Academic licenses and fulfillment procedures. (15K)

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The TIA Port Report: A summary of the ports currently available and plans for future ports and additional versions. (10K)

.................. ..........................
TIA News: The latest issue of the TIA News, our periodic posting to the TIA Mailing List (see section B). (10K)

.................. .........................
The SoftAware Product Brochure: A summary of the TIA packages, including Internet Starter Kit books and disks, offered by SoftAware Co. that can be ordered from them by phone or e-mail. (10K)

.................. .....................
This document you are reading.


If you have a shell account or direct Internet connection, these are the four fastest ways to get information about TIA (including all of the documents listed in section C), or to make a purchase:

TELNET .........................
Currently, telnet only allows you to: a) view the TIA Info document, or b) order a Registered license code (either Single User or Host) using a credit card. Telnet only supports VT100, and does not yet include pop-up help (this is in development), so ordering is often easier using the more flexible e-mail system (see Section B).

FTP ............................
Allows you to access all TIA binaries (both current, old, and beta versions), plus all TIA documents listed in section C. Just login as "anonymous" using your e-mail address as your password. Change to the /tia directory for current versions of TIA binaries; the /tiabeta directory for beta releases; and the /tia.old directory for older versions. Look in the /tia/doc directory for all TIA documents (stored in ASCII formats; other formats will be added soon).

GOPHER .........................
Perhaps the easiest way for shell account users to "do it all", i.e. read all of our information in gopher text files; get copies of any of the documents listed in section C; and even purchase a Registered TIA license code (using a telnet link). (*NOTE*: although you can retrieve the TIA binary files using gopher, we have found that corruption occurs much more frequently this way than via straight FTP.)

WORLD WIDE WEB .................
We have a complete set of WWW pages that offers the same resources as with gopher, except in a fully graphical format. Of course, you can also access them via lynx and other non-graphical browsers. (Note: ordering Registered license codes currently uses a telnet link; forms support is coming.)


The majority of our resources are online simply because TIA is an online product. However, behind this interface are the very real faces of a team of enthusiastic folks who would be happy to help you with "offline" ordering and other questions (except technical support, which is currently offered only via e-mail -- see Section A).

SOFTAWARE CO. (Los Angeles, CA)........... 310-314-1466 (9-5 M-F,PST)
SoftAware handles Single User credit card sales of TIA via phone. Besides TIA itself, SoftAware sells a complete line of TIA packages that include certified TIA installation and the TCP/IP and SLIP software that you will need for your PC or Mac. For a complete brochure of their services, see the listing in section C.

INTERMIND CORP. (Seattle, WA)............. 206-545-7803 (9-5 M-F, PST)
InterMind can help you with all Host and Site licensing needs, including evaluating, pricing, or purchasing either Commercial or Academic licenses. InterMind is also the primary contact for all reseller, co-marketing, and press inquiries.

MARKETPLACE IVR SYSTEM........1-800-440-6880 or 303-440-7550 (24 hrs.)
***IMPORTANT -- NOT A HUMAN.*** Included here for reference only, this the number for the Interactive Voice Response system that allows you to obtain a Account Number to use in place of your credit card number when ordering TIA via Internet e-mail or online. (See complete instructions in the Single User or Host Order Forms.)


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