Crusaders bring you TG96. Proxima brings you TG96 invitation intro. Intro was made by Twaddler, Sunday, Sticky and Calvin. VGA+386 required. GUS is preferred, SB/SBPro/pas optionally supported. It won't work under Win95. This intro complies with the TG96 demo compo rules. We used Liket/Goto10s LikTwiik for 50hz mode. If you are having trouble with that mode (i.e only flicker, or the screen looks horror) set the environment variable tg96 to 70 from the command prompt: SET TG96=70. Music is played through Midas Sound-System by Sahara Surfers. The Gathering96 will be _the_ scene-event in early 1996. The invtro does only contain shortened text. Please read the included infofile for even more info about the arrangement; the relevant file is called TG96INV.TXT. Ok, now as you've seen this intro, you may contact proxima if you want to. We can be reached through the following channels: E-mail: (Calvin) (Yitzhaq) IRC: If you bump into any of us: __calvin, Sunday, yitzhaq, Oce or Twaddler; feel free to say hello! We are usually on #coders, #daskmig, #trax (anothernet), and/or #tg96. Snail: Anders Ervik (Calvin) Oyvind Neuman (Twaddler) Skrenten 2 Fagerbakken 10 N-5080 Eidsv†g N-5080 Eidsv†g Norway Norway BBS: Our WHQ, CountZero, must be called at the magic number +47 55122962. (Our distsite list is a mess nowadays, please (re)contact us if you want to support us. We do not take HQ's, only distros.) Now you just get your ass over here during easter. We know you won't regret!