TRAVEL CHEAPER BY TRAIN INSIDE BELGIUM People who are coming to train should consider doing the following in order to get a cheaper train ticket. In Belgium we have a thing we call a GO PASS, it cost 1360 Bfr and you can make 10 train trips with it. The system is easy, you buy one GO PASS and each time you want to take the train you fill in the pass , you have to write down the station where you departure and your final destination and the date. So if you are with 2 people you fill in 2 lines. That means that you can get 10 train trips for 136 Bfr each. If you are travelling in a group with more than 3 people whom are not older than 26 it might be interresting to use one. I checked the 'Aridisk' and it seems to cost 490 Bfr for a normal trip from the border to Mons but by using a GO PASS it is a lot cheaper. What you should do is the following : You travel from your country to the first station in Belgium, there you buy a GO PASS you fill in the pass and go to Mons, when you go back home you just fill in the pass for the trip to the border and then you use the ticket you bought from the last station in Belgium till home. This way it will cost you 1360 Bfr divided the number of people you are to go from the border to Mons and back. If you are with 5 people it will cost you 272 Bfr in stead of 490 Bfr. So it only get's cheaper when you are more than 3 people, or if you plan on using it some other time again (a GO PASS is valid for approx 3-6 months) This methode is usefull if a ticked from your place till Mons is more expensive than a ticket from your place to the border + 272 Bfr. For e.g. students from the Netherlands that come on Friday and can travel for free inside the Netherlands it will be cheaper. -Sleeping Dog / The Natives ÿ