( 22/12-96 ) Sleeping Facilities Due to massive booking we have converted the sleeping hall into a party hall, only a small area is left for sleeping. Therefor we have made an arrangement with a school, where there are plenty of quiet sleeping space. The school is located 1 km. from the party place, so there will probably be a bus driving to and from the school. Voting The voting system has been moved from disks to the network, via a webpage. You will receive a votekey when you arrive, so that you can access the page. All computer with a network card and a browser which can run in secure mode can be used for voting. There might be an unsecure votepage available also, so that Amiga users with networking cards also has the possibility to vote. Contributions Online All contributions will be made available on the network after each competition has ended, so that everyone can view the contributions once again before voting. BeBox at The Party We now have an agreement with Be Europe, so there will be a BeBox demonstration in the laserdisc room on the 27th. at 19:00. If too many show up for the demonstration, there will be additional demonstrations right after the first one. Phase 5 Not at The Party Due to Phase 5's inability to reply to any communication, there will not be any a/box demonstration at The Party. Remember the Free Bus If you travel by train/plane then you can use the free bus from Aalborg bus/trainstation to the party place. It will be driving nonstop on the 27.th from 8:00 until 17:00 and on the 29.th from 8:00 until 15:00 ( 5/12-96) New demo size in PC Demo Based on the discussion on IRC about the PC Demo size limit and the huge amount of E-Mails on this subject, we have decided to change the max. size of PC Demos to 6MB. This decision is final! ( 2/12-96 ) Extra tables available at The Party 1996 We have managed to get an alternativ sleeping area and have therefor converted some of the sleepinghall into party area. This mean that we can host an extra 400 seats. The reservation system has yet again been opened to receive your registration, but hurry up - the tables won't be there for long... ( 30/11 1996 ) The Party 1996 sold out! It has already happend, The Party 1996 is completly sold out! And therefor we do not accept reservations anymore. We are though working on getting external sleeping facilities and converting the sleepinghall into a party hall so that more people can get tables. Stay tuned to this page for further updates. Meanwhile it is still possible to get in at The Party 1996 without a reservation as long as you don't bring any equipment - there is simply not any free tables left. ( 29/11 1996 ) PC Demo size limit? Some people has been complaining about the fact that the PC demo compo size limit is 10Mb. They would like to have it lowered to 5Mb, therefor we will have a discussion about it on IRC in channel #coders this Thursday at 20:00 GMT (europe + 1 hour), be there if you want to be heard. ( 24/11 1996 ) VESA 1.2 VS VESA 2.0 Some sceners has been complaining about the fact that the PC compos has to run on a PC which gfx board "only" support VESA 1.2. The compo computers will be using a PCI SVGA S3 TRIO64 2MB gfx board which has a VESA 1.2 bios onboard. If anyone want's to use VESA 2.0 then you must include a UNIVBE driver in your production. The reason for choosing this gfx board and not a board with VESA 2.0 onboard is that wery few people has such a board, and the idea of a demo is that everybody can run the demo, otherwise it would just be like the WiLD demos, which you will only see at The Party. ( 15/11 1996 ) Phase 5 A/Box Demonstartion We are currently working on getting Phase 5 to host a conference at The Party 1996, to show off their new project: The A/BOX computer. We don't promise anything yet, but we are working on it. Registration record! A new record in The Party history has been set. By now, we have registered 1119 guests. Just to compare, last year at this date we only had around 300 guests registered. Remember that this year we do have a max. of 2500 guests allowed, SO HURRY UP AND REGISTER! ( 16/10 1996 ) C-64 competitions The C-64 is still a computer on which impressive productions is beeing made and therefor we have introduced 2 new C-64 competitintroduced 2 new C-64 competitions. Besides the Demo competitions there will now also be C-64 music and C-64 Gfx competitions. C-64 users with a modem but no www access can make reservations and get news from the organizers of the C-64 competitions on the C-64 BBS Westpoint. Phonenumber is: +45 75168120, logon: the party, password: the, phonenocheck: arty. ( 15/10 1996 ) Bowling Tournament A new bowling center has been build right beside the party place in Aars. We will use this new facilities to arrange a 5 hour bowling tournament on the night of the 27th of December, Remember to sign up when you arrive. The rules in short form: Each team consist of 4 members which must be from the same group, playing time will be 55 minutes and the winner will be the team with the highest score. The prize will be....still a secret. The bowling tournament will ofcourse be for free. Shower Facilities Due to bad shower facilities at the party place, we have made arranged with the locall swim hall in Aars, so that it will be possible each day for some hours to get a shower and even go swimming if you want to. It will take about 15-20 minutes to walk to the swim hall, so therefor we have arranged a bus which will drive back and forth between the party place a couple of times every day. Access to the swin hall and the bus is ofcourse for free. Amiga on the Network Epic Data DK will supply The Party with an Amiga server to ensure that all Amiga users with a network card will have access to the software released at The Party 1996 and the prevoius years. And as a guest you can ofcourse also share your latest creations on the Amigaserver with the rest of the guests. If you are an Amiga user and still don't have a network card, then you can buy one at the party at a fair price. Work in Progress: Serial Link for Amiga User We are currently working on getting a Multiple serial uplink box, so that Amiga users wiithout a networking card still has the possibility to get onto the internet during The Party for free. This is not a promise, but a possibility. Stay tuned to The Party web for updates on this. Coorperation with The Gathering The party called The Gathering (held in norway), has some excellent networking organizers who will join up with The Party organization to ensure that we will have a fast and reliable network, which will work 99.9% of the time (we hope). The Party are strong supporters of working together with other parties, and this is just the beginning. This way we believe that the party scene will grow stronger and better. ( 29/09 1996 ) Subsonic is back, Zod is gone After a minor break Subsonic is now back as a graphician for The Party's web presence. This has resulted in new and improved graphics that we hope you will like. Unfortunately we do not have contact with Zod anymore. This mean that we are looking for another person to maintain the archives. ( 27/06 1996 ) BeBox at The Party 1996 Be Inc. has promised to be present at the christmas party to do a show off of their new computer called BeBox. This is the computer where everything is done right - right from the beginning. It has 2 (two!) PowerPCs built in, because "One processor per person is not enough". If you want to know more, you should check out their website. Maybe you should begin coding your BeBox demo now. IBM backing out of The Summer Party IBM has backed out of sponsoring The Summer Party network after reading an article in a Danish computermagazine called Komputer, in which The Party is reffered to as a gathering for crackers and nothing else. Ofcound nothing else. Ofcourse we all know that this is not true, and therefor we can only say that it is too bad for IBM that they don't get this chance to show off their networking capabilities. But don't worry, instead The Gathering organizing will set up the network, and make sure that it will run just as smoothly as at The Gathering 1995, so that The Summer Party 1996 still will be able to offer free internet to everybody! Amiga Conference As a special event at The Summer Party, Jesper Christensen, former manager of Commodore DK, will establish a conference about Amiga computer, technology and visions. Subject concerning the past, present and the future will be treated, and every is welcome to participate with their viewpoints and/or questions. Cracker Conference Be prepared for a very vehement conference about a hot subject at. Participant from "both sides" of the cracker scene will be present at The Summer Party and confront each other unrestrained in a discussion where strong opinionstrong opinions so far have been somehow tabooed. The Danish anti-cracker organization have signed an agreement to bust absolutely nobody during the party. In other words a safe-conduct has been granted. Catering Due to past experience concerning unsound prices for food, we have at finally decided to organize catering ourself at The Summer Party. This means prices for food, drinks (oh no no no, still no alcohol), chips, candy etc. are much lower than ever before.