- Competition Rules [Dot] AMIGA DEMO [Dot] PC DEMO [Dot] WiLD! DEMO * Take up no * Must be a * In this competition there more than 6 MB standalone are practically no on disk in executable with restrictions. uncompressed or without data * Allowed audio connectors: form. files. (mini)jack (mono/stereo), * Max. one demo * Use no more scart, phono (mono/stereo). per coder. than 600 KB of * Allowed video connectors: * No more than conventional Phono composite pal, 10 min. will memory. VGA/SVGA 15 pin SUBD (max. be shown. * Support silent 800 x 600), RGB 23 pin SUBD mode (Amiga), scart composite (-nosound). pal, SVHS mini din. * Take up no more * Note: If your contribution than 6 MB on can take part in other disk in competitions it cannot take uncompressed part in WiLD!. form. * A complete list of the * Run while hardware & software used HIMEM.SYS is must be available. loaded. * Entries may also be * Max. one demo delivered on VHS or SVHS per coder. tape. * No more than 10 * No more than 15 min. will min. will be be shown. shown. [Dot] AMIGA INTRO * Max. size 40 KB. * Max. one intro per coder. * Must be right mousebutton exitable. * No more than 5 min. will be shown. [Dot] PC INTRO * Must be a standalone executable with or without data files. * Use no more than 600 KB of conventional memory. * Exit by pressing ESC-key at any time. * Support silent mode (-nosound). * Take up no more than 64 KB on disk in uncompressed form. * Run while HIMEM.SYS is loaded. * Max. one intro per coder. * No more than 5 min. will be shown. [Dot] 4 KB AMIGA/PC INTRO * 4 KB is a joint competition for Amiga and PC. The rules are the same as for the intro compos, but with a 4 KB filesize limit. [Dot] GRAPHICS [Dot] 4 CHANNEL MUSIC [Dot] MULTI CHANNEL MUSIC * Max. size is 1 MB. * Max. size is 1 * Max. size is 1 MB. * Max. screenmode is MB. * Any filetype that 800 x 600 pixels. * Must be Cubic-Player v1.7 * Max. screendepth is Protracker recognizes is 24 bitplanes. format. accepted. * Accepted filetypes: * Will be played * Entries will be IFF, TIFF, GIF, with Accessible played on a Gus Max. PCX, JPEG, TARGA. Player (Amiga). * Max. one tune per * The pictures will * Max. one tune musician. not be scaled or per musician. * Max. 5 min. will be converted. * Max. 5 min. will played. * Max. one picture be played. per graphician. [Dot] C-64 DEMO * Standard C-64 without accessories. * Must be executable. * Max. length 10 min. [Dot] C-64 MUSIC * Must be executable. [Dot] C-64 GRAPHICS * Standard C-64 without accessories. * Must be executable. * No sprites or moving parts.