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DATE| BYTES | ZIP FILENAME | SORT OF PRODUK.| |========================|=========|=======|==============|================| |THE REAL DENTRO | 27/08/95| 300Kb | RPDENTRO.ZIP | DENTRO | |RED MOTIONS | 16/10/95| 738Kb | RPMOTION.ZIP | MUSIK DISK | |INJEKTION | 01/01/96| 2.0Mb | RPINJECT.ZIP | MUSIK DISK | |KONFUZION! |) | 26/01/96| 53Kb | RP-CONFZ.ZIP | S3M MODULE | |KARMAGNOLA | 01/05/96|1.44Mb | RPCARMGN.ZIP | MUSIK DISK | |TOASTY | 01/09/96| 951Kb | RPTOASTY.ZIP | MEGA DEMO | |GARD'96 REPORT v 1.2 | 01/01/97| 946Kb | RPG96REP.ZIP | PARTY REPORT | ============================================================================ LAST UPDATE: 01/01/97 WEDNESDAY Þ°°°±±²²ÛÛ²²±±°°°Ý ÞMEMBERS' CHANGESÝ Þ°°°±±²²ÛÛ²²±±°°°Ý - "SEXY" IS A PAST! Yes, no lamers are allowed in our group...That's all...I'm not going to write more things about him... Þ°°°°±±±±±²²²²ÛÛÛ²²²²±±±±±°°°°Ý ÞINFORMATION ABOUT THIS REPORTÝ Þ°°°°±±±±±²²²²ÛÛÛ²²²²±±±±±°°°°Ý - This is the first greek report of a greek demo-party ever in the greek Demo-Scene... =) - The report supports:  FOR SOUND : All MIDAS Known Sound-Kards.  FOR LANGUAGES : Greek and English Languages Supported.  MODES : a) Non-Interaktive Mode b) Interaktive Mode c) Slide Show Mode d) Loop Mode - Read below to get informed in what each mode means... - The photos were all taken from the party-place of Gardening'96 by Mr.Mortal Orthodox/Red Power and one photo (NAViS/ASD) was taken by ORPHEAS/HELiX. - The code was written in Pascal and a lot of parts in BASM... it's about 2000 lines of code! - HOT HINT: Rename the *.DAT files (Except MUSIC.DAT which is a S3M) in *.PCX files and watch them using a PCX-Viewer...too simple =) Þ°°±±²Û²±±°°Ý ÞUSEFUL INFOÝ Þ°°±±²Û²±±°°Ý - Use the + - keys to adjust the Skroller's Speed. - Use the Arrow Keys (Left,Right) to change Artikles. - Press the Esc key to Exit the Report. MODES: ~~~~~  Non-Interaktive: - The report kontinues automatikally when each artikle finishes...  Interaktive Mode: - The report waits you to press a key in order to show the next artikle...  Slide Show: - You will see no text in the skreen...just watch a slide show of the G'96 Report's Photos...  Loop Mode: - It looks like "Non-Interaktive Mode" but there is a small difference...the report restarts after the last artikle (RESULTS) and stops only using ESKape key... Þ°°±±²²²Û²²²±±°°Ý ÞTROUBLESHOOTINGÝ Þ°°±±²²²Û²²²±±°°Ý - Before running the report don't forget to run the SETUP.EXE program to konfigure: Language,Mode,Sound settings...This kreates 2 data files: REPORT.CFG and MIDAS.CFG which must be in the direktory in order to run the report. - Run the report with EMS Memory.Without EMS it won't run properly. - The demo kan run under windows'95 and OS/2 =)...but I don't think that you'll enjoy it more... Þ°°±±²²±±°°Ý ÞDISKLAIMERÝ Þ°°±±²²±±°°Ý - The Red Power's members hold no responsibility if anything happens with this release. Hardware, software or any other kind of problem. - Check it for viruses to be sure it is 100% uNViRuSeD! (!) =)) - If you worry that it will format/destroy your HDD, simply, delete it! :'-( | /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ < RUN THE REPORT AT YOUR > \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ !@-- OOOOO WW WW NNN NN --@! !@-- OO OO WW W WW NNNN NN --@! !@-- OO OO WWW WWW WWW NN NNNN --@! !@-- OO OO WWWW WWWW NN NNN --@! !@-- OOOOO WW W NN NN --@! -ú- !@-- RRRRRR IIII SSSSS KKK KK --@! !@-- RR R II SS KK KK --@! !@-- RRRR II SSSSS KKKK --@! !@-- RR RR II SS KK KK --@! !@-- RR RR IIII SSSSS KKK KK --@! :-) Þ°±²Û²±°Ý ÞKREDITSÝ Þ°±²Û²±°Ý - KODING : Report : Orthodox / Red Power 3d-Intro: Orpheas / Helix - PHOTOS : Mr.Mortal / Red Power Orthodox / Red Power - GRAPHIKS: Mr.Mortal / Red Power - MUSIK : Mr.Mortal / Red Power - ANSI : Mr.Mortal / Red Power Þ°±±²²ÛÛ²²±±°Ý ÞREQUIREMENTSÝ Þ°±±²²ÛÛ²²±±°Ý REQUIRED: --------- - Things needed to run this report: þ CPU 486 or higher. (Not tested on 386) þ Standard VGA Kard With 256kb Of Memory. þ Hard Disk. þ At least 2MBs of free EMS. (Bekause of MIDAS) REKOMMENDED: ------------  Pentium 100MHz or higher.  Graphiks Kard: Diamond Stealth.  8MBs of RAM. (at least 8MBs of EMS free)  Fast HDD.  A GOOD Sound Kard. * Sound Kards - MIDAS Supports:  Sound Blaster 1.0,2.0,Pro,16.  Gravis Ultra Sound PnP,Max,Ace.  Pro Audio Spektrum Plus/16.  Windows Sound System. and some others... Þ°°±²ÛÛ²±°°Ý ÞKONTAKT USÝ Þ°°±²ÛÛ²±°°Ý - Internet E-Mailing Addresses: orthodox@beryl.kapatel.gr -=> Orthodox's Personnal E-Mail address. death@beryl.kapatel.gr -=> Mr.Mortal's Personnal E-Mail address. NO VOICE ALLOWED ... E-Mail only ... Þ°°±±±²²²ÛÛÛ²²²±±±°°Ý ÞPERSONNAL GREETINGSÝ Þ°°±±±²²²ÛÛÛ²²²±±±°°Ý EARTH REALM GREETINGS: ------------------------------- Orthodox : moT/dEUS => Goa Rulez! =) AmusiK/Bass => Well Tv Guy! Kj DiB/RS => Ehm..See You After Kristmas With Our Promo KDs =) Navis/A.S.D => Argh.. Try To E-Mail Me Please. Orpheas/HELiX => The 3D Intro Was Very Good But Slow =( Simus Lekter/RS => Impulse Tracker RULEZ! Cebil/Helix => The Fisrt 4Kb Greek Intro Was Great Dude =) Mr.Mortal : moT/dEUS => Nice speakers... =( Duh! Drakul/Arkadia => How's England? =) Kj DiB/RS => Happy MilitarING! AmusiK/kRUX => OLD Channel Rulz! Daremon/Arkadia => :-) dEUS & dEBRiS => READ THIS!!!!!!! -) * Greetings to all the Greek Demo Groups and Musicians From Everyone! OUTWORLD GREETINGS: ---------------------------- Orthodox : Future Krew => Still Inaktive ? Nooon => Well Any New Demo ? Purple Motion => Try To Make Some Goa Trance Tunes =) Paskal / Kubik => Waiting For KP 2.0 =) (With .IT Support eh?) Mr.Mortal : Skaven => Disappeared from the musik/demo scene? Purple Motion => You too... master...? Pariah => Krimson Eyes Rulz =) Lioz => Defeated ? Jefferson Lim => Waiting for IT v3.21! :-)) * Greetings go to everyone who's reading this INFO File! :))) Happy New year Wishes to some demo-groups: A.S.D ARkADiA dEUS dEBRiS DeMaNiAkS DuBius Future Krew HELiX HoRnEt K.F.M.F KlooN KompleX Kubic Team NoOoN Orange OxYgEne Psychic Link TrItOn UltraBeaT Þ°±²²ÛÛ²²±°Ý ÞLAST WORDSÝ Þ°±²²ÛÛ²²±°Ý - We hoped you enjoyed our report... We'll try much better next time =) (KuT iT HeRe) -8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------8<----- (KuT iT HeRe) ! Do Not Forget To Visit Red Power's World Wide Web Home Page ! ! D e ! ! D WWW.KAPATEL.GR/MATRIX/USERS/GATE7/RP.HTM e ! ! D e ! ! Do Not Forget To Visit Red Power's World Wide Web Home Page ! < < < Koming Soon on the web... > > > Signed: ------- - Mr.Mortal / Red Power - - Orthodox / Red Power - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <<>>