One-Night Stand sourcecode thingymajig (c)1996 Quantum Porcupine ( whoopee. this does me no good whatsoever, so why not release the source to the public. yay. that's what i was thinking about 5 minutes ago anyway, so here goes something... i think... but anyway, greetz to many people, especially the ones i forgot in the original textfile. ummm, there's the_ghost who nudged me into finally releasing this (5 minutes ago :) and there's kneebiter who suggested a few optimizations (which i was already aware of, i just didn't quite have the time to implement them y'know :) and there's um... TCA for... uh... stuff... and Tran and um... lumpy! can't forget lumpy! where ya been lately anyway? :) then there's midnight who complained loudly when i forgot about him and lessee... anyway... this will definitely NOT compile on its own, it's NOT nicely formatted, and so hopefully that will weed out all the lamers who want to rip my demo (shyeah, like they'd want to :) Mainly, I'm releasing this so that people can have a general idea of ONE WAY to do a few things, such as: 1. Multipart demos in TP (this is definitely NOT the best way btw) 2. Tunnels (also not the best way) 3. Voxels (definitely one of the worst ways around) 4. Dance of the Psychotic Smiley Face (the entire effect itself is one line of unoptimized pascal BTW :) etc. etc. Anyway, the following files should come with this: MAKEFILE my zipfile generation script :) HI MOM i have no idea what this is doing here VOXEL MP original voxel height-data VOXEL MT original voxel texture ONENIGHT NFO original onenight.nfo file (w00p) ONELIB PAS library compiler ONENIGHT PAS main file ONERES PAS shared resource unit thingy PART1 PAS part 1 PART2 PAS part 2 PART3 PAS part 3 PART5 PAS part 4 (trust me) STRIPCEL PAS program to convert AA .cel files to raw data THING TAB original larusse-interference table TUNNEL TAB original tunnel table ONESRC TXT makes your computer explode files which are required, but not included: SMILE64 OBJ le smileyface ZIPVGA TPU le graphics toolkit thingy LIKTWK TPU LikTwk converted to .TPU form MIDAS TPU MIDAS soundsystem SDEVICE TPU MPLAYER TPU MODP TPU S3M TPU MFILE TPU MMEM TPU ERRORS TPU MCONFIG TPU FASTSINE TPU Sine-table generator thingy LIBFILE TPU QPLib file management thingy EDGETABL TPU Image compression lib You may notice a few extraneous thingies, i.e. edgetabl, etc. well, that's because i was originally going to have some pictures, but two problems came up... 1. my code kept crashing 2. i was so fucking tired i couldn't draw worth shit 2 is also responsible for 1 and the rest of the demo. w00p. :) Anyway, please don't complain about lack of comments, all flames go to /dev/null on or something like that anyway. and don't ask me to explain any particular bit in the code, because chances are i won't be able to remember. :) - QP, 2/25/96