PIXLER 1.0 Beta 3 by Foxx and Digimatic --------------------- Updated: 961231 Index: ------ 1. Making Pixler run 1.1. Minimum system requirements 1.2. Graphics Performance 2. Currently supported features 2.1. Beta release 2.3. Documentation 3. Legal stuff 4. Bug reporting 5. Miscellanious questions and (some) answers 1. Making Pixler run -------------------- 1.1. Minimum system requirements --------------------------- Minimum: 486DX, 8Mb RAM, 1Mb SVGA (Vesa 1.2 Compliant) Graphics Card Mouse, 2Mb Harddisk space Recomended: Pentium, 16mb, 1Mb SVGA Graphics Card with Vesa 2.0 drivers 1.2. Graphics Performance -------------------- Pixler will (usually) run on a Vesa 1.0 compliant machine. However maximum performance requires a Vesa 2.0 driver to be present on your system. It will run sluggish without it! Some graphics cards implements this directly in the hardware, but the rest of us mortals will have to get a software driver for this purpose. A good Vesa 2.0 driver can be found on the internet: http://www.scitechsoft.com Or check with your dealer or the manufacturer of your card. 2. Currently supported features ------------------------------- 2.1. Beta release ------------ Since the first version of Pixler is a Beta release not all functions are fully tested. You may encounter problems with some of them when using this program so try to save unfinished work whenever you can. If you want this program to be developed in the future then it is important that you fill out a bug report and send it to us. 2.3. Documentation ------------- We will try to document the functions in the program, and give you some tutorial examples, but right now we haven't got the time for it. Try to play around a bit and test the different buttons and menus (in worst case the program only hangs). A good idea is to ask a friend who has worked with similar programs on the Amiga, since he most certainly will recognize himself here. 3. Legal stuff -------------- 3.1. This program (Pixler) is protected by copyright laws. You may not copy and sell, or make any profit from it. You may not distribute it on CD-ROM or any similar medium without a written, financial, agreement from us (Rage). We are not responsible for any damage, personal or material. 3.2 This program (Pixler) is shareware and may only be distributed in the form which is defined by us. You may not change or add/remove anything in the files stored in the distribution archive(s). This program may not be used to develop the following things: * Silly birthday cards * Cute looking deer-eyed figures * Anti-Darth-Vader stuff 3.3 If you fail to comply to the terms above (3.1 & 3.2), your licence to use this program (Pixler) will be terminated. We will also take legal action against you whenever possible. By using this program you automaticly agree to the terms above. You use this software at your own risk! 4. Bug reporting ---------------- 4.1. If you should encounter a bug or some other technical problem not mentioned in this text, then send an email to: md3peter@mdstud.chalmers.se Please state the nature of the problem and specify your hardware configuration. Be sure to describe what graphics card you got. We would appreciate if you used the "bugreprt.txt" as a template for this so it can easily be understod. Since we don't have the time for all the things we would like to do, you should not expect an answer yesterday. 5. Miscellanious questions and (some) answers --------------------------------------------- Q: Why doesn't Pixler work on my computer? A: Well, have you checked you configuration so that it fits our minimum requirements? Also make sure that you don't start any suspicious programs, TSR's, or drivers that you do not always need when booting. If you still are having problems, write a bug report and send it to us. Q: My colours get all messed up, when I start the program. What is that? A: Some graphics cards does not support 8 bit DAC, but generally this is not a problem. But try starting pixler with the following switch: pixler.exe /vgapal Q: When I start Pixler the screen becomes light-gray and nothing happens. A: There is a problem with some older mousedrivers, use Microsoft mouse v8.0 or later. Q: My screen mess up in black stripes when I try to start pixler. I use Vesa 1.2. What is the problem? A: There is some problems running pixler with vesa 1.2 on some cards. We have noticed this problem on some older Cirrus and Chips&Technologies cards. Get a Vesa 2 driver for your card. Q: Will you charge any money for this program? A: Not at the time since this is a time-limited beta version, but when we get it stable enough for a real release, we will charge a small (sybolic) amount of money. Our intention with this program is clearly non-profit. Q: Is Pixler comming for other platforms than DOS? A: We are thinking of a UNIX/XWindows and a Windows 95 version. If you are interested in this, please let us know.