"Pro Motion 32bit" Order Form Please fill in every field, print the form and send it with the corresponding material to: COSMIGO c/o Jan Zimmermann Gruener Winkel 2 D-09127 Chemnitz Germany Name: ______________________________________________________ Company: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________ State : ______________________________________________________ Zip/Country: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Fax: ________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________ The following informations are voluntary. We ask you to fill in these too, because we will consider these informations for future developments to offer more efficient software. My computer has...: a CPU of type ( ) 486 ( ) 586 ( ) 686 ( ) Pentium ( ) Pentium Pro ( ) other:_______________ with a clock of:____MHz ____MB RAM a grafics-device with ____MB Video-memory I use the operating system(s): ( ) Windows 3.x ( ) Windows 95 ( ) Windows NT ( ) OS/2 ( ) OS/2 Warp ( ) MS DOS/DR DOS ( ) others:______________________________________ I wish to order the following items: Copies: Price per copy: _______ x US$ 59,- + Shipping: ( ) US$3,- within Europe ( ) US$5,- outside Europe + Fee for remittance via bank/cheque-payment from outside Germany: ( ) US$10,- from within Europe ( ) US$13,- from outside Europe = US$____,- (If you use remittance via bank or cheque-payment, you have to pay the fee your bank charges yourself!) Date:_____________ Signature:________________________