RESETTING THE NAG PROGRAM If you have set your Nag program to 'Check & Quit', you have reached a Catch 22 situation. The program runs as designed but it quits before you have a chance to enter anymore data. The quick way around this problem is to run the program with a command-line parameter. This temporary sets the program to 'Check & Run'. It now runs as designed and the program remains open, allowing you to enter data. Run the program like this: NAG N You can of course, set up a Program Item, in one of your folders, with the command-line parameter entered. Then all you have to do is click the program icon. You can also make Nag 'Check & Run' by editing the Nag initialization file (NAG.INI). More information on doing this can be found in the Nag help file (NAG.HLP). The Nag help file can be viewed by using Windows Help program.