Goudy Twenty is based on Forum Title, which is number 20 in " Goudy's Type Designs" from Myriade Press. It is an all caps font. I have also included a few of the type ornaments shown in "Goudy's Type Designs", and a couple of extra sets of brackets. I produced this font on an Atari ST with Genus, Font Designer, MegaKern & Bitmaker. A very nice commercial version is available from Giampa Textware in Vancouver, B.C.- I think they have the original matrices. They added a Goudy Oldstyle-like lowercase and an italic to make it a face suitable for text. If you like Goudy's types, they're a great source for them. This font may be distributed freely, as long as this text file is included. If you are so inclined, drop me a line: John Nolan - Rag & Bone - 1693 Boyer Rd., Orleans, Ont. (613) 824-5972