From: w8sdz@Simtel.Net (Keith Petersen) Subject: Simtel.Net statement of Compilation Copyright and Trademark Simtel.Net A service of Walnut Creek CDROM 4041 Pike Lane, Ste K-Simtel Concord, CA 94520, USA Phone (510) 674-0783, (Fax) (510) 674-0821 STATEMENT OF COMPILATION COPYRIGHT The entire contents of Simtel.Net are copyrighted as a collective work (compilation copyright) under the United States Copyright laws. The copying, reproduction, publication, re-sale or re-distribution of any part of this service (except for personal use) is prohibited, unless expressly authorized in writing by Walnut Creek CDROM. Some material in the Simtel.Net collections may be copyrighted by others, and their copyrights supecede our rights to that material (see below). (A compilation copyright is granted when an organization lawfully collects or acquires information and organizes it in a way that adds value to the collection. A compilation copyright grants to the owner certain rights, such as the right to control further distribution of the compilation of works.) COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Simtel.Net does not allow copyrighted material to be uploaded or distributed without the author's permission. Only the owner(s) or persons they specifically authorize may upload copyrighted material to Simtel.Net. Users of the Simtel.Net collections may download copyrighted material for their own use. Any user may also non-commercially redistribute a copyrighted program with the express permission of the owner or authorized person. Permission must be specified in the documentation, on Simtel.Net, or must be obtained directly from the author. The owner of an individual work added to the compilation ALSO retains his or her copyright and the right to control further distribution of his or her work. The copyrights asserted by Simtel.Net do not supercede an author's copyrights; in the case of Shareware, for example, the author still retains his or her copyrights. PUBLIC DOMAIN MATERIAL Any Simtel.Net user may upload Public Domain programs to Simtel.Net. Any Simtel.Net user may download Public Domain programs for their own use or non-commercially redistribute a Public Domain program. The Simtel.Net user assumes all risks regarding the determination of whether a program is in the Public Domain. Keith Petersen, General Manager of Simtel(tm) Simtel.Net is a service mark of Walnut Creek CDROM Internet: w8sdz@Simtel.Net Uucp: uunet!!w8sdz