Title: ASAP set file for use with Laptops that don't have a numeric keypad Author: Larry Skutchan The purpose of the LAPTOP.SET file is to give users of laptops without a separate numeric keypad access to ASAP's keypad functions. To use the LAPTOP.SET file, copy it to ASAP.SET. A command like the following will do the trick: copy laptop.set asap.set This command copies LAPTOP.SET to ASAP.SET. ASAP.SET, as you'll recall from the documentation is a set file that gets used when you're at the DOS prompt. The LAPTOP.SET file provides several user defined functions to give you the access enjoyed by users with numeric keypads. Note that if you have a laptop or notebook computer that contains a "FN" key that gives you a keypad by re- mapping keys on the main keyboard, it is much better to use that method than to use LAPTOP.SET. The following keys are defined in LAPTOP.SET: Alt-U=keypad 7 (read previous line) Alt-I=keypad 8 (read current line) Alt-O=keypad 9 (read next line) Alt-J=keypad 5 (read previous word) Alt-K=keypad 5 (read current word) Alt-L=keypad 6 (read next word) Alt-M=keypad 1 (read previous character) Alt-Comma=keypad 2 (read current character) Alt-Period=keypad 3 (read next character) Alt-Apostrophe=keypad 0