Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;;Network-Mail Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Sat, 30 Jul 88 22:13:39 -0400 (EDT) Received: from via qmail ID ; Sat, 30 Jul 88 22:11:10 -0400 (EDT) Received: by (5.54/3.15) id for +dist+/afs/; Sat, 30 Jul 88 22:07:05 EDT Received: by id AA06980; Sat, 30 Jul 88 19:05:19 PDT id AA06980; Sat, 30 Jul 88 19:05:19 PDT Date: Sat, 30 Jul 88 19:05:19 PDT From: Ted Anderson Message-Id: <> To: Reply-To: Subject: SPACE Digest V8 #305 SPACE Digest Volume 8 : Issue 305 Today's Topics: Pioneer data reveals nature of the outer heliosphere (Forwarded) Re: Ramscoop engine Getting opinions to Dukakis Subroutine for computing orbital position ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Jul 88 18:41:12 GMT From: (Peter E. Yee) Subject: Pioneer data reveals nature of the outer heliosphere (Forwarded) Charles Redmond Headquarters, Washington, D.C. July 15, 1988 Peter W. Waller Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif. RELEASE: 88-100 PIONEER DATA REVEALS NATURE OF THE OUTER HELIOSPHERE As NASA's Pioneer 11 and Voyager 2 pass through the outer reaches of the solar system and NASA's Pioneer 10 speeds far beyond the planets, these distant spacecraft are measuring drastic changes in the flow patterns of the solar wind -- a million-mile-an-hour stream of charged particles which constantly boil off the Sun. NASA scientists have discovered a connection between the speed changes in the solar wind (near the spacecraft) and periodic changes in the Sun itself. The Sun's constant variations are manifested in shifts of its magnetic field and movements in the hot gases of its corona. Streams of faster wind particles tend to flow from thin areas, called corona holes, in the corona. Solar wind changes also are triggered by movements of a vast electromagnetic structure, called the current sheet, which bisects the Sun's field. Particles slow down as this sheet "flaps" toward them. Over the last 3 years, the Sun has been going through a phase called solar minimum -- a turning point in its 11-year cycle. "No one knew what happened during solar minimum in the farthest reaches of the solar system and beyond until the Pioneers and Voyager sent back their measurements. This is the first solar minimum for which we have been able to see what's going on in the solar wind out past Pluto," says NASA astrophysicist John Mihalov. The solar wind streams out from the Sun and envelops the entire solar system in charged particles, mostly electrons and protons. No one knows exactly how far this five-particle-per cubic-centimeter flow of particles extends. One recent guess is about 18 billion miles, or four times the distance of Neptune from the Sun. Before 1985, Pioneer 10 and Voyager 2, both positioned near the equatorial plane, measured periodic gusts in the solar wind called "high speed streams." The particles would speed up and then slow down about once every 27 days. In June 1985, the wind stream pattern stopped and the winds slowed down dramatically at Voyager 2's distance -- two billion miles from the Sun. There was no slowing measured at Pioneer 11, about the same distance as Voyager 2, but 15 degrees higher in latitude. Pioneer 11 measured the usual pattern of high speed streams. Eventually, the winds were flowing only about half as fast at Voyager 2 as they were at Pioneer 11. Three months later, in August, the solar wind slowed and the high speed streams also stopped at Pioneer 10, which is out twice the distance of the other two probes and in the equatorial region. Mihalov believes this change is connected to the earlier wind speed decrease at Voyager 2. The first slower particles, which were blowing past Voyager 2 in June, would have just reached Pioneer 10 by August. Solar winds actually sped up at the higher altitude position of Pioneer 11. The Sun's slower particles, that first reached Voyager and Pioneer 10, were boiling off in March of 1985. Mihalov and Aaron Barnes, Ames' senior scientist, proposed that changes in the Sun at this time, set off the changes in the far solar wind, which reached the vicinity of the distant probes months later. The changes in the Sun were part of a regular variation that it undergoes in 11-year cycles, or sunspot cycles. This cycle affects the number of sunspots, the configuration of the magnetic field, and the distribution of the 2-million-degree gas making up the solar corona. The coronal holes are located around the Sun's North and South poles. When the Sun approaches the part of its most active phase, called solar maximum, these coronal holes creep toward the equator by extending "tongues" 10 or 20 degrees in longitude. In the last 3 years, the Sun has been near the opposite condition, called solar minimum, when the holes retreat back toward the direction of the poles. The wind blows out fastest from these lower density holes. Barnes explains that holes form in areas where strong winds have blown the coronal particles away. As the holes retreat toward the poles, the high-speed streams migrate along with them. The Sun's magnetic field also influences the solar wind. The Sun's field, like the Earth's, has basically a North and South magnetic pole, but the Sun's more complex magnetic field deviates from this dipolar structure during parts of the solar cycle, becoming most complicated during solar maximum, when the two magnetic poles swap places. In the Earth's simpler magnetic field, field lines (the lines following the direction of force the Earth would exert on a magnetic object) wrap around the planet, connecting the North and South magnetic poles. In the Sun's field, the solar wind stretches the Sun's field lines near the equator far out into space. One region, corresponding loosely with one hemisphere, has more field lines pointing out from the Sun, and is called the positive sector, while the remaining region, with more field lines coming in, is called the negative sector. These sectors are divided by an equator, so at the Sun's surface, a point 15 degrees North of the equator would be above this equator in some areas and below it in others. Away from the Sun, the positive and negative sectors are bisected by an imaginary wavy curtain called the current sheet, which extends from this buckled equator. (It is called the current sheet because laws of physics state that there must be an electric current at the boundary between opposite magnetic fields and, indeed, there is a net flow of positive charges outward and negative particles inward in this region.) During the present solar cycle, the region above the current sheet is the negative sector and, below it, the positive sector. Back in early 1985, Pioneer 11 -- 15 degrees above the equatorial plane -- would sometimes be above and beneath the "current sheet" as the Sun rotated. Normally, as the Sun approaches solar minimum and the coronal holes retreat toward the poles, the current sheet's ridges flatten out. As the Sun approached solar minimum in 1985, Pioneer 11 was located above the current sheet, in the negative sector more of the time. By mid-1985, Pioneer 11 was always in the negative sector, indicating that the current sheet had flattened out beneath it. The closer you go to the current sheet, the slower the solar wind. As the current sheet "flapped" down toward the equator, even with Voyager 2 and Pioneer 10, the solar winds slowed in this region and sped up near the poles. The equatorial winds slowed as far as Pioneer 10, showing that the Sun's magnetic field and the associated current sheet are exerting powerful control over the solar wind even at great distances. "The Sun, its corona and magnetic fields, and the solar wind are all part of one system," says Barnes. And even well past Pluto, the solar winds are apparently still under the control of the rest of the system. ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 88 13:48:59 GMT From: mcvax!ukc!etive! (B Gray) Subject: Re: Ramscoop engine In article <2301@sugar.UUCP> peter@sugar.UUCP (Peter da Silva) writes: >Niven brought this objection up, and handwaved his way out of it by >havng the "ramjet" fuel a laser. The ship was accelerated by light >pressure from this super laser. Is this even theoretically possible >(assuming some magic 100% efficient laser)? The most recent incarnation of the ramscoop idea I have seen was in Donald Moffitt's books "The Genesis Quest" and "Second Genesis". He seems to realise this problem exists and has one of the physicists in the story explain how it works. I quote. from page 159 and 160 of "The Genesis Quest" "Under certain circumstances, it's possible to increase the energy of a photon by a factor of from one to ten bollion. And when you do, it takes on the properties of a hadron. It acts as though it has mass, like a proton, for instance." ... "It's done strictly through electromagnetic interactions that we know how to handle. In theory, at least." ... "What you do is swat pulsed laser photons with a high energy electrin beam and scatter them a hundred and eighty degrees, [....] They pick up the energy of the swat." ... "Then you focus the back scattered photons - hadronic photons now - in the electromagnetic throat of the drive, and since they have a temporary non-zero mass, your vehicle not only gets a healthy kick, but gets it at the speed of light." ... "[a] four wave conjugate mirror [....] collect[s] all those muscular photons thatr'e scattering in all directions and herd them into a tight beam." ... "Of course, these aren't real photons [....] They're virtual photons. They exist by courtesy of the uncertainty principle." ... "The hadronic photon has no right to be. It's supposed to hold hands with another photon, so that the momentum and energy can be balanced. But it doesn't. It lives it's brief and solitary life violating all the superstitions of quantum electrodynamics. The universe finds this a very unsatisfactory state of affairs. So [it] disappears before it can be detected. It materializes into a rho vector meson, which immediately decays into two pions [......] By that time out mythical photon's given it's mythical kick to the vehicle. Now, anyone who has bothered to read this far is either rolling around with laughter or thinking "I wonder if it works". Given the number of other mistakes Moffitt makes with elementary physics I think it unlikely that the above is anything more than handwaving rubbish with buzz words thrown in. Would any real physicists like to comment. I have crossposted this article to the sf-lovers newsgroup with followups directed there. This stuff is getting too far from reality to be posted in Bob. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 17 Jul 88 12:42:11 PST From: Peter Scott Subject: Getting opinions to Dukakis X-Vms-Mail-To: EXOS%"," A friend of mine tells me that Carol Rosin of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space meets regularly with Jesse Jackson and has agreed to pass on all requests, opinions, etc, received in respect of directions national space policy should take; and that Jackson has Dukakis's ear. This compares favorably with writing letters to Dukakis, which he is unlikely to see personally (although opinions may be tallied, I guess). If you wish to write, the address is: 8 Logan Circle, Washington, DC 20005, tel. (202) 462-8886. I am neither a member of ISCOS nor any political party and do not represent them here; I am merely passing along a suggestion that had some face-value merit for a certain segment of the population. Peter Scott ( ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jul 88 17:03:04 GMT From: linus! (Robert Munck) Subject: Subroutine for computing orbital position ------------------------- I'd like to call on the combined expertise of the net for something I've been unable to find; it's entirely on a "hobby" basis, no connection with anything commercial. I want a simple, fast subroutine that will compute orbital motions. The ideal subroutine would be something like this: Input parameters: position, velocity, mass of a free-falling body (whatever coordinate system and units works best) array of positions and masses of relatively massive bodies (planets, sun) an elapsed time (small, minutes or less) Output parameters: position and velocity of the free-falling body at the end of the elapsed time, accuracy at least 1% and .0001% is more than enough. This can be in any programming language that I'd have a prayer of being able to figure out -- APL, Ada, FORTRAN, even COBOL. I want to re-code it in the tightest machine code I can manage for the 80387 arithmetic chip (in my Compaq 386) and use it to drive 2-D and 3-D graphic displays of various things. I would pre-compute the motions of the massive bodies and use the subroutine to move one or several small things like satellites. My AB in Apple Math is twenty-one years old and rusty, but I'm very good at squeezing microseconds out of a program. Request II: for the second generation program, I'd like to add to the original a constraint on the motion of the free-falling body, say the actual position and velocity of it at the end of the period, and get as output the force or acceleration on the body. This could be used to fool around with things like orbiting tethers and Beanstalks. Request III is the inverse: add a force or acceleration to the original subroutine. Any help anyone can give, from an actual working program to references to a book or two that might help me, will be appreciated. Any software I manage to get working will be freely available. -- Bob Munck, MITRE Corporation ...!linus!munck.uucp 617-271-3671.bell ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V8 #305 *******************