Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Fri, 29 Sep 89 03:38:31 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <> Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Fri, 29 Sep 89 03:37:43 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPACE Digest V10 #87 SPACE Digest Volume 10 : Issue 87 Today's Topics: NASA Headline News for 09/20/89 (Forwarded) Air Navigation & Assisted Landing Systems Re: Galileo Jovian atmospheric probe -- is it sterilized??? Re: Plutonium-power for space craft .. how ? Re: Magellan Status for 09/19/89 (Forwarded) Re: Saturn V- Were they ever in production? Re: Galileo RTGs Lost Papers of Edward Ruppelt Pluto meets Neptune ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Sep 89 00:24:39 GMT From:! (Peter E. Yee) Subject: NASA Headline News for 09/20/89 (Forwarded) ----------------------------------------------------------------- NASA Headline News Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1989 Audio: 202/755-1788 ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is NASA Headline News for Wednesday, September 20..... As Hurricane Hugo continues to move in a northwesterly direction towards the U.S. East Coast, Kennedy Space Center launch officials have decided not to make a decision yet on moving the Space Shuttle Atlantis back to the Vehicle Assembly Building. Launch Chief Robert Sieck says that KSC will maintain a posture to allow for a 24 hour move, but personnel are continuing launch processing activities. There are indications the storm will come ashore well north of the Cape Canaveral area. But, as part of contingency plans, the Solid Rocket Booster on Mobile Launch Platform-3 was removed yesterday and the platform itself moved out of the Vehicle Assembly Building to make way for the STS-34 stack, if necessary. Meanwhile, launch officials have made a tentative decision not to demate the FltSatCom satellite from the Atlas-Centaur booster at the Cape. The launch has been slipped to no earlier than Sunday at 4:13 A.m., Eastern time. The Virginia Attorney-General has asked the Circuit Court in Richmond to order the immediate shutdown of the Avtex fiber plant in Front Royal. The plant produces high quality rayon yarn used in NASA and DoD solid rocket motors. The state contends the Avtex plant is the source of highly toxic PCBs that are allowed to flow into the Shenandoah River. The Washington Post says the court will hold a hearing on the request tomorrow. The plant is the sole producer of the rayon yarn in the United States. The Senate has completed debate on the bill that contains the NASA FY 90 appropriations. Senators are expected to vote on the measure today. The $12.3 billion money bill contains $1.85 billion for Space Station Freedom. The House version of the NASA appropriation allows about $1.65 billion for the station. That and other differences in the bill must be worked out in a House-Senate conference in the near future. And a Landsdale, Pennsylvania, student has been named winner of the Space Station Freedom experiment proposal competition. Diane Fogel was awarded a $3000 scholarship and a personal computer at a space science student involvement program meeting in Washington this past weekend. * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the broadcast schedule for public affairs events on NASA Select TV (GE SatCom F2R, Transponder 13). All times are Eastern. Thursday, September 21.... 11:30 A.M. NASA Update will be transmitted. Friday, September 22......... 2:00 P.M. News briefing on the FltSatCom launch from Kennedy Space Center. Sunday, September 24...... 3:00 A.M. NASA Select TV coverage begins of FltSatCom launch at KSC. Window opens at 4:13 A. M. All events and times are subject to change without notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------- These reports are filed daily, Monday through Friday, at 12 noon, Eastern time. ----------------------------------------------------------------- A service of the Internal Commiunications Branch (LPC), NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. ------------------------------ Date: 19 Sep 89 16:33:21 GMT From: mcsun!goya!colon! (Javier Romanach) Subject: Air Navigation & Assisted Landing Systems Hello there, I'm trying to gather information about air navigation routes, navigation and Assisted Landing Systems. I'm absolutely lost, and would appreciate any clues (bibliography, courses, specialized publications....). Thanks in advance Javier Romanach Ph. +34 1 534 30 04 Grupo de Mecanica del Vuelo, S.A. (GMV) Fax +34 1 533 32 50 Cristobal Bordiu, 35 Telex 48487 GMEV E E-28003 MADRID SPAIN mcvax!! uunet!mcvax!!jromanach ------------------------------ Date: 19 Sep 89 18:57:10 GMT From: mnetor!utzoo!bnr-vpa!bnr-fos!bmers58!! (Henry Troup) Subject: Re: Galileo Jovian atmospheric probe -- is it sterilized??? In article <14692@bfmny0.UU.NET> tneff@bfmny0.UU.NET (Tom Neff) writes: >... that an RTG can indeed end up, and has ended up, in the drink -- >a factoid NASA would be unlikely to want to harp on just now. :-) And, the Apollo 13 LEM RTG wound up in the Earth's atmosphere, didn't it? Frankly, after the megatonnes of radioactivated junk that the 1950's dumped in the air, two RTGs are a small dose. But, I know that public opinion has to do with loudest shout. utgpu!bnr-vpa!bnr-fos!hwt%bnr-public | BNR is not | All that evil requires (BITNET/NETNORTH) | responsible for | is that good men do (613) 765-2337 (Voice) | my opinions | nothing. ------------------------------ Date: 19 Sep 89 18:10:40 GMT From: mnetor!utzoo!censor!geac!yunexus! (Tony Wallis) Subject: Re: Plutonium-power for space craft .. how ? Thanks to the many people who e-mailed me the answer. Heat from radio-isotope decay and thermo-couples. No moving parts. Actually, I had thought of that - but although I knew Pu was warm (warm enough to make the oxide "creep") I didn't know it was that hot. Significant contribution from isotopes with shorter half lives than Pu-239 ? ------------------------------ Date: 21 Sep 89 01:02:48 GMT From: rochester! (Cesar Quiroz) Subject: Re: Magellan Status for 09/19/89 (Forwarded) | Magellan Weekly Status | Sept. 19, 1989 | | [...] The spacecraft continued to cool slightly after the | MGA offpoint maneuver at the beginning of the cruise 10 load. Is it only me, or someone else has noticed that no hard data on the actual temperature has been released in recent memory? Is there any word on the mechanism that cause[ds] the heating? What is the current prognosis? (And thanks to Peter Yee for keeping us posted.) -- Cesar Augusto Quiroz Gonzalez Department of Computer Science University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 ------------------------------ Date: 20 Sep 89 17:02:54 GMT From:!utgpu!utzoo! (Henry Spencer) Subject: Re: Saturn V- Were they ever in production? In article ruane@andromeda (Michael T Ruane Jr) writes: >... 2 posters said that the S5 production line was shut down by NASA. >I didn't think that S5 ever went into *production*. I thought that they >were still pretty much custom built... Well, bear in mind that there were only 15 built. However, within the limits of that, they were well advanced in the transition from prototypes to production. For example, the first few were built at Marshall by a mixed contractor/NASA team, but the last few mostly came from contractor plants. Remember that the planning was based on a much longer production run -- it made sense to try to move towards production-line techniques as soon as possible, even though in hindsight this was pointless. -- "Where is D.D. Harriman now, | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology when we really *need* him?" | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry ------------------------------ Date: 21 Sep 89 12:28:53 GMT From: crdgw1!crdos1! (Wm E Davidsen Jr) Subject: Re: Galileo RTGs There was a very good program on NPR Tuesday night, about a number of space topics including the telescope and RTGs. The danger was discussed realisticaly, and hopefully listeners will get a true idea of the problem. Then again, NPR listeners probably understood already. -- bill davidsen (davidsen@crdos1.crd.GE.COM -or- uunet!crdgw1!crdos1!davidsen) "The world is filled with fools. They blindly follow their so-called 'reason' in the face of the church and common sense. Any fool can see that the world is flat!" - anon ------------------------------ Date: 21 Sep 89 05:45:00 GMT From: pikes!udenva!isis!scicom!paranet!f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG! (Michael Corbin) Subject: Lost Papers of Edward Ruppelt To All UFO Researchers.... Public Service Announcement FOR SALE: THE LOST RUPPELT PAPERS THE 35 TO 40-YEAR-OLD SECRET, HIDDEN PERSONAL PAPERS OF CAPTAIN EDWARD J. RUPPELT (OF PROJECT BLUE BOOK FAME) Sellers: Researchers Robert B. Klinn and David Branch (authors of "The Continuing UFO," the 1970's weekly investigative columns in The Orange County Register and The Anaheim Bulletin) Captain Edward J. Ruppelt's "The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects," published in 1956 by Doubleday, stood as a monument of candor and honesty in research at a time when Government UFO activities were shrouded in secrecy. Ruppelt had briefly pulled aside the curtain of secrecy, revealing UFO sightings and pro-UFO official documents previously unknown to the public. Early UFO writer Max B. Miller summed up reactions of many readers of Ruppelt's UFO book: "A feeling of 'At last the truth!' surges within the reader." In that book, Ruppelt had dared to present unsolved UFO cases that challenged science's and the Government's UFO stance of the 1950's. And he had done it years before J. Allen Hynek made known his real UFO views, before the Freedom of Information Act, before there was a NICAP or a MUFON, before physicist James E. McDonald's significant UFO research, before the controversy about MJ-12, and before UFOlogists became aware of "disinformation." Now after 20 years, the 35 to 40-year-old papers and notes that Ruppelt used in the preparation of his all-time classic book, as well as other documents prepared by or belonging to Ruppelt, are being made available for purchase. Invaluable for research purposes are cases edited out of the original manuscript and never published. Preventing imminent destruction of these files, in 1969 researchers/columnists Robert B. Klinn and David Branch purchased from Mrs. Edward J. Ruppelt the complete original papers, constituting several boxes of material. These priceless personal papers of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt include: -- A file marked "Not For Publication Under Any Circumstances," in which Ruppelt sets down the involvement and views of certain key UFO officials and individuals such as Dr. Donald Menzel. The late Dr. J. Allen Hynek, after finding this file among all the others in this collection, stated, "This is worth the price of admission." That file has been seen only by Hynek and the owners of the Ruppelt papers. -- A complete, original [carbon], unedited, unexpurgated manuscript of "The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects" with information not included in the published book. An example of material this manuscript presents is a reference to a UFO intelligence agency so secret that Ruppelt writes that if he named it, it would not be recognized. However, he writes, it was headed by a renowned scientist. -- A file compiled by Ruppelt detailing many UFO reports. -- Personal letters written to Ruppelt, including at least one official military/[AF] letter denying Ruppelt key material for a followup book. -- An unpublished report by Ruppelt on UFO contactees. There are also intriguing and revealing quotes by highly placed individuals in the intelligence community, including candid remarks by General Cabel, a high ranking official in the CIA, who says, with respect to the situation on UFOs, "I've been lied to! I've been lied to!" (What would a man with that attitude about UFOs and that position of power in the CIA then likely do to investigate UFOs?) More details later on ParaNet re the upcoming sale of this remarkable, previously unavailable UFO find. ======================================================================== ParaNet has been retained as the exclusive marketing agent for this incredible cache of treasures. Direct all inquiries to ParaNet by phoning our offices at 303-431-3703 during business hours or by phoning our data number at 303-232-6115. Details of the sale and asking price are available on request. More information will follow. UUCP inquiries can be directed to -- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Sep 89 09:39:23 EDT From: To: rochester! Cc: Subject: Pluto meets Neptune Cesar Quiroz's answer is needless technical for such a simple question. In <1145@corpane.UUCP>, sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) wrote: | Something I've wondered: | | Does Pluto's orbit actually intersect Neptune's orbit? If so has | any body ever done a computer simulation to see if and when they | would ever collide? Pluto's orbit is tilted so that at the distance of Neptune from the sun Pluto is far from the plane inwhich Neptune orbits. Thus, Pluto's orbit doesn't actually intersect Neptune. (Although it appears to do so on a 2 dimensional map).... Yours +-----------------------------------------------------+ Dr. Daniel E. Loeb | Internet: | | ATT: 617/776-1605 (w/ Answering Machine) | "The best defense is a | Bitnet: s19990@mitvma.bitnet | good offense." | UUCP: pnet01!pro-angmar!loeb | -Thesis Defense 9/12/89| USnail: 45 Concord Avenue, Apartment 32, | | Somerville, MA 02143-3939, USA | | MIT: 2-032, x2190 | +-----------------------------------------------------+ PS: I will be moving to France October 2. My last login here will likely be on September 28 or 29. I hope to have a permanent address available soon there. However, in the meantime, I can be reached in France in care of the Cohen-Scali family, 13 Bd Fontenelles, 31940 L'Union FRANCE; Phone: 011-33-61-096815. ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V10 #87 *******************