Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Mon, 12 Mar 90 01:26:28 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Mon, 12 Mar 90 01:26:01 -0500 (EST) Subject: SPACE Digest V11 #138 SPACE Digest Volume 11 : Issue 138 Today's Topics: Re: Artificial Gravity Re: Solar System Questions from a Novice Space Probe Communications Artificial Gravity Re: Artificial Gravity rephrased Re: Spacecraft drives and fuel efficiency Re: Challenger Last Words Information on planetary atmospheres Artificial Gravity rephrased Re: Saturn's Rings Re: SR-71 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 12 Mar 90 00:09:37 GMT From:!!!! (Christopher Neufeld) Subject: Re: Artificial Gravity In article <> (Zaphod Beeblebrox) writes: >How realistic is the idea that if a spaceship had a section revolving that >the astronauts could just hang around in there and experience 'gravity' >i.e. like in the movie 2001. . .wouldn't the spinning section have to keep >accelerating to have the this effect??? > But it does keep accelerating. Remember, acceleration is the time rate of change of the velocity vector (speed or direction or both). A point on the rim of a hoop of radius 'r' rotating at a constant angular velocity 'w' experiences an acceleration of r*w*w. This is a measure of the force needed to keep pushing the object in a circular path, when it would really rather move in a straight line. If you make a space ship with a large circular cross-section, and stand on the inside surface after it has been spun up, your body would like to move straight out through the skin of the space ship, but it can't. Your feet can't pass through the ship, which exerts a force on your feet. The physiological effect of this rotational gravity is almost the same as that of a planet. The larger the radius of the cylinder, the closer it will approximate a planet's gravity field. -- Christopher Neufeld....Just a graduate student | "I always think there's | a band." | Prof. Harold Hill "Don't edit reality for the sake of simplicity" | (The Music Man) ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 90 00:29:22 GMT From: mailrus!!!! (Christopher Neufeld) Subject: Re: Solar System Questions from a Novice In article <> (Lori + 8/9) writes: > >I just bought an old poster of our solar system from a swap meet last >weekend, and some of the facts on it are really intriguing. > It's got some out of date information, must be quite old. >Can someone answer a few questions about Mercury? Its temperature is >hundreds of degrees F on the sunny side, and (fewer) hundreds of degrees F >below zero on the dark side. The poster also says that it 88 days to >rotate. What would Mercury's climate be like if it rotated as fast >as the earth? How fast would it have to rotate to produce a moderate >or life-supporting climate, at least at certain latitudes (longitudes?)? > No. This used to be assumed, because it was thought that the extremely short distance to the Sun would force Mercury to be tidally locked to face the Sun. Mercury's sidereal day is 58.6462 Earth days. The climate on Mercury would be too harsh for any Earth-based life to exist no matter what the rotational rate of the planet. >Also, the earth's atmosphere is very different from all the other >planets. (In fact, they all seem unique.) Could someone explain why? > This is a long question. For the inner planets, Mercury has essentially no atmosphere, being too light to hold onto one. Venus has a very heavy atmosphere consisting of 96% carbon dioxide, and is likely the result of a lack of water and an absence of life. Earth's atmosphere evolved from reducing to oxidizing when early anaerobic bacteria produced oxygen as a waste product (and poisoned the planet against them). Mars was also too light to hold onto its atmosphere, though evidence is that it had a denser atmosphere earlier in its history. To get a more complete answer to this question, look for an appropriate book in your library. I'll post a reference as soon as I get to my bibliographic notes. >Are there dual-sun solar systems? This poster didn't seem to >think so (but hey, it's pretty old). If there are, how do the suns >revolve around each other? Would the bigger sun tend to draw the >smaller one toward it? > There are binary stars, but the presence of solar systems other than our own has not been demonstrated. A planet could orbit one of two suns, or their centroid if they were very close together (orbiting them both). The suns would revolve around each other the same way that the Moon and Earth revolve around each other. The bigger sun would draw the smaller one toward it, but only enough to maintain the orbit (if it didn't draw the smaller one toward it, the two suns would go their separate ways). The smaller sun would also draw the bigger sun toward it (action-reaction). The suns would not spiral in and collide in a small number of billions of years. Last I heard, a planet could not do a figure-eight around two suns, because such an orbit would be unstable. Maybe somebody else has more recent information on this, though. >Here's a pretty dum question, I'm sure....Does our sun rotate? Which way? >Does the whole solar system rotate with it? > Not a dumb question. The Sun rotates the same way as the solar system does, counter-clockwise as viewed from a point far above the Earth's North pole. Almost everything in the solar system has this north rotation, the planets around the sun and around their own axes, and the moons around the planets. There are a few notable exceptions, such as the rotation of Venus around its own axis, and some of the smaller outer moons, which are probably captured. This uniformity of rotation is a consequence of the original north rotation of the cloud out of which the whole solar system condensed. > >...lori -- Christopher Neufeld....Just a graduate student | "I always think there's | a band." | Prof. Harold Hill "Don't edit reality for the sake of simplicity" | (The Music Man) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 11 Mar 90 20:53 EST From: Chuck Rothauser Subject: Space Probe Communications Greetings, I am taking a graduate course in Telecommunication Networks and recently had a problem using an idealized 'Go-Back-N' (GBN) model to determine the optimum data frame size when communicating with a space probe. Communication over VERY long distances implies that many frames can be in transit between the transmitter and the receiver. The bit error probability was given as 1/10000....... is this reasonable? Seems to me that there is a lot of 'noise' out there, resulting in many requests for retransmission of data frames. Perhaps higher power trans- mitterrs, lower temperature receivers, and larger antennas overcome the requirement to retransmit many data frames? Chuck Rothauser United Technologies Research Center ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 90 20:26:34 GMT From: psuvm! (Zaphod Beeblebrox) Subject: Artificial Gravity How realistic is the idea that if a spaceship had a section revolving that the astronauts could just hang around in there and experience 'gravity' i.e. like in the movie 2001. . .wouldn't the spinning section have to keep accelerating to have the this effect??? ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 90 05:23:54 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc3! (Sir Six) Subject: Re: Artificial Gravity rephrased There's an interesting scene in _2001_ when Commander Poole (or was it Bowman? hmm. whatever) jogs around the spinning carousel. I was just thinking, would he get a better workout by jogging in the same direction as the spinning of the carousel than be jogging in the opposite direction? (My thinking is that one would effectively increase the angular velocity while the other would effectively decrease it, and therefore that one would increase the centrifugal force while the other would decrease it.) eh? ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 90 19:52:55 GMT From: mailrus!!!! (Christopher Neufeld) Subject: Re: Spacecraft drives and fuel efficiency In article <> (Brian or James) writes: > > I think perhaps Mr. Ryan is incorrect in his statements about energy contents >of high exhaust velocity boosters. It's true that mass ratios go down as >Ve increases, but the energy tied up in getting the reaction mass to Ve goes >up exponentially (E~V*e2). > Actually, that's quadratically. Exponential growth is well defined, and this isn't it. >A pure 'photon-drive' style booster would be one >hell of good light show before your eyes ran down your face, and would be a >good way to drive a mohole at the same time (My texts are inaccessable >right now. >Could someone post the power output of a hundred ton launch vehicle boosting >at 4ish gs propelled by a pure annihilation booster?). >Not that anyone advocatedusing these extreme approach, of course. > For a pure photon drive, accelerating upwards at 3g (so that the occupants experience 4g), a hundred ton vehicle would annihilate 13.1g per second. This would slag a medium sized state and would cost more in terms of energy than any modern launchers. > Whem I said that the detonation of an annhilation energised booster would >be survivable at short ranges, I meant on the order of 1000 meters or so, and >I assumed a launch mass of only a few hundred tonnes using a couple of mg of >antimatter. Mr. Maroney advocates only producing this stuff in space (Lunar >Farside, anyone?). The problem with that is the current lack of well developed >power generating systems in space (OK, there's one *big* fusion generator, but >it's currently hard to get a direct feed cheaply). If you put the am source >on Earth, you can use the powergeneration systems in place now. If prudence >dictates a remote location like Farside, then I suspect that antimatter is >unlikely to contribute anything useful for a long time. > JDN In order for an annihilation explosion on the Moon to dissipate a power flux at the Earth equal to that the sun puts out, it would have to be converting 30 tons of matter to energy every second. In other words, a nearside antimatter containment facility is perfectly safe for any but absurd antimatter requirements. For an object in Clarke orbit, the mass-energy equivalent is 250kg per second to match solar flux. There seems no reason to stockpile more than grams in any one place (assuming 1mg for a shuttle launch, and mere grams for a continuous burn flight to Mars). If you were serious about an antimatter-fuelled space program, you might put solar collectors on Mercury to manufacture the fuel, and shuttle it to Earth vicinity regularly in gram amounts. This might or might not be more economical than using fission or fusion reactors on the moon or in Earth orbit. Most economical, of course, would be to do it on the Earth, but there are political difficulties with this approach. -- Christopher Neufeld....Just a graduate student | "I always think there's | a band." | Prof. Harold Hill "Don't edit reality for the sake of simplicity" | (The Music Man) ------------------------------ Date: 11 Mar 90 19:57:37 GMT From: rochester!rit!ultb! (C.E. Johnson) Subject: Re: Challenger Last Words In article <3271@viper.Lynx.MN.Org> dave@viper.Lynx.MN.Org (David Messer) writes: >Yes, the last words recorded were: "No, I wanted a BUD Light!" :-) Not Funny. ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 90 00:35:34 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!! (Christopher Neufeld) Subject: Information on planetary atmospheres There's a good book detailing planetary atmosphere's for those interested. _Planets and Their Atmospheres - Origin and Evolution_ by John S. Lewis and Ronald G. Prinn ISBN 0-12-446580-3 (1984). -- Christopher Neufeld....Just a graduate student | "I always think there's | a band." | Prof. Harold Hill "Don't edit reality for the sake of simplicity" | (The Music Man) ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 90 00:11:12 GMT From: psuvm! (Zaphod Beeblebrox) Subject: Artificial Gravity rephrased Before I get majorly flamed here I would like to rephrase my question about artificial gravity on a ship. . .sure a spinning 'donut' at part of the ship and the astronauts can jog around or whateven on the inside circumference experiencing a normal force from the floor. . . and a person who falls out of an airplane feels 'weightless' (no air resistance) because there is no normal force exerted on him by the floor, the earth, etc. but concerning circular motion to induce artificial gravity. . is this same exact effect as gravity? Sure the floor is pushing the guy up and he feels 'heavy' but there is no force say on his arm pulling it down. . .??? Sure his arm is attached to his body and his feet are being pushed 'up' and his arm comes along for the ride but is this the same exact effect as gravity pulling equally over his whole mass?? This may be a dumb question. . . sure on the carnival ride where they drop the floor out you can't pull your arms off from the wall. . .maybe a better question is what scale would this have to be attempted say on a trip to Mars. . and how much energy would be needed to make up for friction on the bearings etc. and would the angular momentum of such a spinning section make turning the ship more difficult during the flight etc.. . .hey I only saw the movie. . Mark. . MXP122 at ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 90 00:48:20 GMT From:!wuarchive!swbatl!texbell!nuchat! (Steve Nuchia) Subject: Re: Saturn's Rings In article <> (Stephen Thomas) writes: [questions about rings] According to a talk I heard at Rice recently: >The first query is this: What is the composition of the rings? I have >read that they are composed of ice and rock, but I would like to >know a little more about the makeup of the rings. There was a slide of "what a ring would look like from ~3 meters". Basically they are very thin, like a few (tens of ?) meters, and composed of particles ranging from the microscopic up to fist size, with occasional "boulders" up to a meter or so. I don't recall the composition any better than "ice and rock", but would suggest that you read "ice" as whatever compound forms ice at the planet in question. For saturn, water basically falls into the "rock" category and CO2 might be the ice, farther out you may have methane ice, etc. This paragraph is deranged speculation. >The second query: Last I heard, the ring system was maintained by a >shepherd (sp?) moons arrangement. How delicate is this system? In other >words, if some of the moons were removed (somehow), what would happen The word on this is that the estimated lifetime of an unshepherded ring system is much shorter than the age of the solar system, probably around 10,000 years. There were some problematical ring systems for which the moons had not been found, but the Voyagers seem to have found moons for all of them. It is now believed that ring formation is a normal part of the planet forming process, and that ring preservation is a fairly common thing when there are enough moons. -- Steve Nuchia South Coast Computing Services (713) 964-2462 "You have no scars on your face, and you cannot handle pressure." - Billy Joel ------------------------------ Date: 12 Mar 90 03:08:04 GMT From: crdgw1!sixhub! (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) Subject: Re: SR-71 In article <51611@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV> (Kris Chubb) writes: | | Someone told me last night that they cheated on the coast to coast | flight. Seems that the SR-71 flew west about 100 miles, turned around, | and with a running start and altitude already gained, started being timed | as it passed over the coast (or Edwards AFB?). Any comment (or clarification)? As long as the type of flight is clear, I can't call that cheating. One record would be for running start and continue past destination, like the flying mile landspeed records at Bonneville, and the other for a flight takeoff to landing. -- bill davidsen - davidsen@sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen) sysop *IX BBS and Public Access UNIX moderator of "Getting old is bad, but it beats the hell out of the alternative" -anon ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V11 #138 *******************