Date: Sat, 5 Sep 92 05:02:08 From: Space Digest maintainer Reply-To: Subject: Space Digest V15 #169 To: Space Digest Readers Precedence: bulk Space Digest Sat, 5 Sep 92 Volume 15 : Issue 169 Today's Topics: 20 Questions About the Delta Clipper Birthright Party '92 feeler farthest Laser signal LDO shuttle and pilot readiness Mars Observer Update - 09/04/92 Space Tour ad in Final Frontier mag. Two-Line Orbital Element Sets, Part 1 Two-Line Orbital Element Sets, Part 2 Welcome to the Space Digest!! Please send your messages to "", and (un)subscription requests of the form "Subscribe Space " to one of these addresses: listserv@uga (BITNET), rice::boyle (SPAN/NSInet), utadnx::utspan::rice::boyle (THENET), or (Internet). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Sep 92 16:23:16 -0600 From: Subject: 20 Questions About the Delta Clipper Newsgroups: In article <>, (Allen W. Sherzer) writes: > This was prepared as part of a packet of information on the SSRT project > and the DCX and DCY vehicles. Permission is granted to reproduce and > distribute any way you want. > > Allen > -------------------------------- > > 20 question about the Delta Clipper > > 1> What is the Delta Clipper? > A new spaceship that will take off straight up and land the > same way, not gliding but under power, just like the rocketships > in the 1950's science-fiction movies. Because of its improved > engines, high-tech light-weight materials, and airline-like (Etc.) Good article. How about question 21: What type of system does DC use to maneuver in space? 22: How does it deorbit? -- Stokes McMillan ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 92 23:50:56 GMT From: Kent Paul Dolan Subject: Birthright Party '92 feeler Newsgroups: Birthright Party Campaign '92 Feeler Way back on 13 May 1992 [so I'm a slow reader], Johnathan Vail posted, in talk.bizarre, in response to Rich White's request for help choosing from among the losers on the California Democratic Party sample presidential ballot: >> write ins will be accepted so yes! you can vote for carasso or KIBO > Or Kent Paul Dolan. I was really disappointed he didn't run this > time around (yes, we remember). With such a groundswell of support, it could be time to make a go for it, if for no other reason than to watch rissa start to foam at the mouth again. It's a little late, and I don't have a real news reading account, but at least when the IRS comes to drag me away I can scream "it's a Republican plot to suppress viable candidates", like LaRouche did when they jailed him on tax charges, so let's put out a little feeler here: USENet, and more generally the global net, is one of the greatest untapped political resources in the world. It has access to millions of people in offices with access to all the latest yuppie desktop publishing software and copying equipment needed to mount a campaing among the non-netted folks. It has access to millions of strong legged, strong lunged college kids with time on their hands and the youth and enthusiasm to make a difference if only there were a political cause to attract their allegiance. It communicates faster and more reliably than any telephone system or broadcast news system. There are enough US participants that if each of them convinced 100 voters to join them, their cause would win overwhelmingly. So, there is this in-joke of a political party called the Birthright Party. The cause it espouses is the saving of the human species, to be done in several steps: 1) Get the US out of the World Kop business; it's some other power's turn in the barrel; I suggest Common Europe as the likely source of cannon fodder candidates. 2) Get rid of a few (thousand) other government idiocies that waste money but do no good, like agricultural support for products that kill people when used as advertised. 3) Convert the income tax to a flat tax with no deductions. Taxing unequally to promote social programs is a bad way to do social engineering and leads, through the influence peddlars trying to get tax breaks for their clients, to massively corrupt government. Deductions feed lawyers, not the poor. Get rid of it all and come up with a tax form that fits on the back of a post card. 4) Take the money saved and use it to build a real space program, one with a basis in making profits and harvesting the abundant energy, mineral, and gas resources waiting for the taking to the first crowd brave enough to make the journey. 5) Given a space capability, move a breeding cohort of the population off planet, ASAP, and continue populating space as fast as possible. The result of such a program, carried out with planning and courage, would be high employment, unbridled prosperity, coupled in the long term with a lessening of the human burden on the ecosystem, as polluting industries and mineral recovery and energy production all moved to space. With this as a goal, perhaps this nation could return to the uplift and spirit of the sixties and early seventies, and escape from the doldrums that began with the Arab oil embargo and have never been shaken off because we are a nation without a Purpose. Those interested in such a program, and willing to try to make the Birthright Party a visible part of campaign '92, talk up the idea among yourselves, post it around in other appropriate groups, and drop me a line. I'm willing to be the candidate, or just the organizer if a more viable candidate can be found, or just the gadfly to keep things going if that is all my part can be. If it is time for the flower children to take control, then let's do it, and usher in the Age of Aquarius, rocket scientist version. Kent, the man from xanth. "The Birthright of humankind is the stars!" -- [Pay no attention to the header; it's wrong. To contact me by email, use:] or ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 92 18:12:54 GMT From: Richard Schroeppel Subject: farthest Laser signal Newsgroups: > To date, what is the farthest that a laser has been seen from? > Manmade transmitter, manmade receiver, confirmation of receipt, of a Laser (optical maser) signal. What is the maximum confirmed link distance of said system? Whether this fits your definition is borderline: The signals bounced off the lunar retro-reflectors traveled about 500,000 miles. Some possible objections: (1) Not used for communications, but to measure the distance. (2) The mirror midway in the path. (3) The distance between the send & receive points was zero. (4) The amount of signal received was 10^-x of the original; calling the received signal a laser is a stretch. (4a) The detection of the few photons received may have depended on having a phase reference from the source. Note that radar signals have been bounced off Venus, and were actually used for some mapping. I don't know if they exactly fit your definition either; wrong wavelength band, and I'm not sure if they were coherent. Assuming the purpose of your question is to consider "How feasible are lasers for high bandwidth, semi-private, space communication?", the moon reflection experiments provide an interesting lower bound. The experiment requires a big laser (high power) at the transmitter, and a big telescope (> 1 meter mirror) to receive the faint return. On the other hand, the tiny lunar reflector loses you a factor of > 10^6 in returned power. The signal power delivered to the moon is spread over something like a Km^2. Although the returned bit-rate at the earth is < 1 bit/second, the one-way bandwidth should be excellent, maybe even GHz. Rich Schroeppel ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 92 14:59:46 GMT From: Gary Coffman Subject: LDO shuttle and pilot readiness Newsgroups: In article <> writes: >Besides the obvious problems associated with microgravity, the pilot >has had 2 months in which he (or she, as there's a woman pilot now) >has done no training. Now, if you ask a fighter pilot how their reactions >are after a 2 month break from training, they'll tell you that after >as short a time as 2 week skills begin to degrade. I'd hate to see >what a shuttle pilot is like after 2 months of no sim time. This isn't necessarily so. Though they don't have the pretty movies out the windows, or the sound effects of chirping tires, they have the real orbiter to practice in for the entire two months. The on board computers can simulate any instrument condition the Shuttle may encounter. In fact, Shuttle pilots rehearse landings while in orbit *now* on their shorter flights. Though they undoubtedly use the Mark I eyeball out the window during landing, Shuttle pilots are supposed to be landing IFR *today*. Thus the ground simulator's movies aren't strictly necessary. Microgravity weakness is a different issue and is being approached cautiously. More exercise, vaccum bags, etc, may help somewhat with this problem. There may also be drugs that limit calcium loss and muscle weakness. These things are being considered as the long duration orbiters are being prepared. It may be that Shuttle pilots *can't* function sufficiently well to land the Shuttle manually after two months on orbit. In that case, Autoland is being developed to handle the problem. Gary ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1992 05:03:36 GMT From: Ron Baalke Subject: Mars Observer Update - 09/04/92 Newsgroups:,sci.astro Forwarded from Glenn Cunningham, Mars Observer Deputy Project Manager MARS OBSERVER DAILY ACTIVITIES STATUS REPORT FROM THE KENNEDY SPACE CENTER/CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION Launch Minus 21 Days Date of report: 9-4-92 Time of report: 2:30 PM EDT The encapsulated spacecraft and TOS (Transfer Orbit Stage) were transported to the launch pad for the second time early this morning. The journey was punctuated with the traumatic events that have seemed to be so characteristic of Mars Observer's launch campaign. The stack left the PHSF (Payload Hazardous Support Facility) at 10:45 PM. Shortly after the caravan began, under good weather conditions, the double plastic wrap covering the payload fairing shredded and tore. At the 2:30 PM arrival at the gate to the pad, about three quarters of the material covering the upper portion of the fairing had ripped off. At the same time, an unexpected thunderstorm approached. A decision was made to divert to the re-planned contingency shelter in the SMARF building. Before that plan could be implemented, the storm hit and it was decided that being by the mobile service tower afforded better lightning protection for the stack than being on the open roadway. The approach of lightning required the pad to be cleared. After the rain and lightning passed, a forecasted 1.5 to 2 hour clear period between storms was judged to allow sufficient time to complete the hoisting of the stack to atop the Titan. However, the next storm arrived earlier than predicted with more rain and lightning. Finally, after two peltings with heavy rain, the stack was hoisted and was inside the environmental shelter at about 6:30 AM. Titan reports that the payload fairing is water tight. We have asked for specifications and test reports documenting that fact. At this time, the final bolting of the stack to the Titan is being accomplished. The air conditioning inlet port will be inspected for water, and the payload fairing air conditioning will be establish as soon as possible to purge the interior of any moisture that may have entered. The science instrument purge was in operation throughout the two storms. The battery discharge cycle will be continued as soon as access to the spacecraft connectors at level 11 of the environmental shelter are available. The battery discharge activities will continue for the next approximately seven days, and after battery charging, a spacecraft GO/NO-GO test will be run. The Contamination Incident Red Team concluded its investigation today. ___ _____ ___ /_ /| /____/ \ /_ /| Ron Baalke | | | | | __ \ /| | | | Jet Propulsion Lab | ___| | | | |__) |/ | | |__ M/S 525-3684 Telos | Anything is impossible if /___| | | | ___/ | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | you don't attempt it. |_____|/ |_|/ |_____|/ | ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1992 20:14:30 GMT From: Subject: Space Tour ad in Final Frontier mag. Newsgroups: In the last issue of Final Frontier (October 1992) on page 60, there is an ad from Space Tour Corporation. They (effectively) say that they are going to attempt to build an "assisted-single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle, and it looks like the are offering a ride on it as a prize for zome contest. The address they give is in washington D.C., and the fax number is a 202 area code. They do however mention something about the Third Millenium in the ad. This name seems to stir memories of something very flakey that I saw something about on the net mebee 2 years ago, but I can't pin it down. So, the questions are: Has anybody heard of these guys? Are they on the Internet? Are they for real? What kind of funding do they have so far? Do they have any real technical names in thier credentials? If they are not really for real, who at Final Frontier is responsible for checking out the ads, and seeing that they don't get published? On the other hand, if they are for real, why didn't final frontier do a real article on them? Any info?, anybody?... John. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Sep 92 20:49:29 GMT From: TS Kelso Subject: Two-Line Orbital Element Sets, Part 1 Newsgroups: The most current orbital elements from the NORAD two-line element sets are carried on the Celestial BBS, (513) 427-0674, and are updated daily (when possible). Documentation and tracking software are also available on this system. The Celestial BBS may be accessed 24 hours/day at 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Element sets (also updated daily) and some documentation and software are available via anonymous ftp from ( in the directory pub/space. As a service to the satellite user community, the most current of these elements are uploaded weekly to and This week's elements are provided below. - Current Two-Line Element Sets #050a - Alouette 1 1 00424U 62B-A 1 92246.99698566 .00000049 00000-0 54239-4 0 5931 2 00424 80.4631 208.4215 0024135 355.6603 4.4324 13.67720468493242 ATS 3 1 03029U 67111 A 92246.38155005 -.00000079 00000-0 99999-4 0 8085 2 03029 14.1202 13.9441 0012556 241.9827 117.9121 1.00272464 90894 Cosmos 398 1 04966U 71 16 A 92248.22504326 .00093092 24910-4 31258-3 0 6508 2 04966 51.4764 113.4250 1611678 66.5521 309.6309 12.52886926686868 Starlette 1 07646U 75010 A 92247.28214262 -.00000080 00000-0 -15409-4 0 4377 2 07646 49.8258 205.8494 0205743 343.2499 16.1684 13.82178705887683 LAGEOS 1 08820U 76039 A 92244.39779046 .00000006 00000-0 99999-4 0 4517 2 08820 109.8471 271.2797 0043433 65.1296 295.4017 6.38664330125332 ETS-2 1 09852U 77014 A 92190.49579743 -.00000259 00000-0 99999-4 0 6793 2 09852 10.8042 50.2349 0005583 264.5924 95.3382 1.00110990 3382 GOES 2 1 10061U 77048 A 92245.51941381 .00000041 00000-0 99999-4 0 8249 2 10061 9.8989 53.7439 0004812 161.5796 198.5069 0.99993431 560 IUE 1 10637U 78012 A 92241.55273106 -.00000185 00000-0 99999-4 0 5802 2 10637 33.5350 105.6186 1332287 16.2153 347.9136 1.00298178 6284 GPS-0001 1 10684U 78020 A 92246.43364553 -.00000002 00000-0 99999-4 0 8959 2 10684 64.2477 64.9692 0067498 163.6478 196.5070 1.98070398 92000 GPS-0002 1 10893U 78 47 A 92246.56430083 -.00000015 00000-0 99999-4 0 6543 2 10893 63.9313 305.2203 0202289 12.9319 347.5995 2.01627495104914 GOES 3 1 10953U 78062 A 92245.69486633 .00000105 00000-0 99999-4 0 4796 2 10953 8.8128 56.4109 0004481 93.3053 266.8575 1.00282518 5171 SeaSat 1 1 10967U 78064 A 92246.73950426 .00000117 00000-0 60196-4 0 8575 2 10967 108.0127 191.7241 0003155 281.2751 78.8035 14.37664786742588 GPS-0003 1 11054U 78093 A 92243.96844857 -.00000014 00000-0 99999-4 0 7475 2 11054 63.6493 301.0169 0043804 173.1596 186.9794 1.93504817101830 Nimbus 7 1 11080U 78098 A 92238.70381136 -.00000000 00000-0 15195-4 0 9867 2 11080 99.1358 133.1225 0009735 101.0026 259.2223 13.83680911698736 GPS-0004 1 11141U 78112 A 92245.63597774 -.00000002 00000-0 99999-4 0 4624 2 11141 64.2726 65.1185 0048064 23.1218 337.1289 1.92893690100395 GPS-0005 1 11690U 80 11 A 92247.70811002 -.00000001 00000-0 99999-4 0 4020 2 11690 64.6066 66.9680 0135756 199.7196 159.7998 2.00549886106479 GPS-0006 1 11783U 80 32 A 92242.34705672 -.00000014 00000-0 99999-4 0 6774 2 11783 63.0489 300.1847 0197645 28.9727 332.1946 2.03456404 90591 GOES 5 1 12472U 81049 A 92246.42038604 -.00000250 00000-0 99999-4 0 3629 2 12472 5.4136 65.6723 0002912 355.4398 4.7555 1.00283432 40336 Cosmos 1383 1 13301U 82 66 A 92247.44271784 .00000038 00000-0 37876-4 0 9436 2 13301 82.9294 67.5957 0028612 89.5842 270.8591 13.68017031508317 LandSat 4 1 13367U 82 72 A 92247.65975002 .00000427 00000-0 99999-4 0 4309 2 13367 98.2715 303.4339 0008723 107.6114 252.6033 14.57082538539189 IRAS 1 13777U 83 4 A 92246.52948342 -.00000117 00000-0 -68516-4 0 2084 2 13777 98.9940 79.4517 0012177 319.2175 40.8088 13.99122993159961 Cosmos 1447 1 13916U 83 21 A 92247.07290597 .00000049 00000-0 45463-4 0 201 2 13916 82.9468 133.9889 0039550 46.6412 313.8055 13.74259378473766 TDRS 1 1 13969U 83 26 B 92244.69088452 .00000125 00000-0 99999-4 0 7388 2 13969 6.3395 58.2996 0003474 92.5706 267.3393 1.00281176 7491 GOES 6 1 14050U 83 41 A 92246.59061355 .00000056 00000-0 99999-4 0 7373 2 14050 4.1881 68.6367 0000271 60.1826 300.0724 1.00310975 6247 OSCAR 10 1 14129U 83 58 B 92227.67653450 -.00000037 00000-0 99998-4 0 8896 2 14129 26.7268 68.9017 6028962 8.6060 358.5849 2.05882051 40988 GPS-0008 1 14189U 83 72 A 92247.39421495 -.00000004 00000-0 99999-4 0 2698 2 14189 63.8263 62.5034 0136558 231.6013 127.2040 2.00563288 66997 LandSat 5 1 14780U 84 21 A 92247.70296198 -.00000039 00000-0 -36576-5 0 2293 2 14780 98.1831 306.6810 0003064 93.9799 266.1750 14.57127218452607 UoSat 2 1 14781U 84 21 B 92245.59552521 .00000247 00000-0 46417-4 0 2972 2 14781 97.8459 278.3356 0011321 193.8409 166.2488 14.68644156454352 GPS-0009 1 15039U 84 59 A 92246.57300498 -.00000005 00000-0 99999-4 0 6366 2 15039 63.5748 61.5316 0040944 218.2551 141.4848 2.00568989 60250 Cosmos 1574 1 15055U 84 62 A 92247.34451765 .00000043 00000-0 39311-4 0 2424 2 15055 82.9605 185.7255 0026176 229.7884 130.0981 13.73560183411143 GPS-0010 1 15271U 84 97 A 92246.51446281 -.00000014 00000-0 99999-4 0 3256 2 15271 62.7584 299.6556 0124921 339.4676 20.1063 2.00562997 57362 Cosmos 1602 1 15331U 84105 A 92246.68335917 .00000681 00000-0 81428-4 0 9112 2 15331 82.5368 328.2809 0019810 193.7005 166.3675 14.83344454427741 NOAA 9 1 15427U 84123 A 92247.53340111 .00000157 00000-0 94141-4 0 1605 2 15427 99.1387 276.2266 0014216 255.1736 104.7830 14.13429337398282 GPS-0011 1 16129U 85 93 A 92246.23896126 -.00000003 00000-0 99999-4 0 291 2 16129 64.3345 63.1954 0128628 143.5983 217.3179 2.00565194 50562 Mir 1 16609U 86 17 A 92247.52913401 .00007306 00000-0 11917-3 0 5313 2 16609 51.6223 215.8061 0004079 111.5093 248.6459 15.53736591374463 SPOT 1 1 16613U 86 19 A 92247.10923420 .00000088 00000-0 50032-4 0 7859 2 16613 98.7119 319.3455 0001533 49.5367 310.5971 14.20028955 24019 Cosmos 1766 1 16881U 86 55 A 92247.40163301 .00000533 00000-0 64785-4 0 7601 2 16881 82.5174 25.9371 0018368 211.9929 148.0171 14.82459971328857 EGP 1 16908U 86 61 A 92235.68484192 -.00000025 00000-0 99999-4 0 5823 2 16908 50.0063 324.2455 0012478 66.6300 293.5846 12.44404234274152 NOAA 10 1 16969U 86 73 A 92247.54174668 .00000052 00000-0 30696-4 0 64 2 16969 98.5337 264.8620 0014452 73.8829 286.3934 14.24697246309810 MOS-1 1 17527U 87 18 A 92247.60918659 -.00000172 00000-0 -11508-3 0 2616 2 17527 99.1152 316.3126 0000228 62.4781 297.6385 13.94863031282104 GOES 7 1 17561U 87 22 A 92246.35941059 -.00000025 00000-0 99999-4 0 1380 2 17561 0.0389 206.6532 0002047 292.0767 221.2798 1.00271224 3498 Kvant-1 1 17845U 87 30 A 92247.97935957 .00011317 00000-0 18035-3 0 861 2 17845 51.6182 213.5718 0003951 99.0334 261.1146 15.53751629374530 DMSP B5D2-3 1 18123U 87 53 A 92246.76331966 -.00000010 00000-0 42717-5 0 5637 2 18123 98.8010 76.6291 0013384 238.8981 121.0882 14.15174155268723 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87 54 A 92247.68877834 .00000175 00000-0 18085-3 0 3217 2 18129 82.9235 90.3774 0012798 37.7174 322.4829 13.72293666260551 Meteor 2-16 1 18312U 87 68 A 92245.75544944 .00000032 00000-0 23281-4 0 8981 2 18312 82.5536 10.0600 0012519 141.0988 219.1076 13.83957488254678 Meteor 2-17 1 18820U 88 5 A 92245.58206244 .00000050 00000-0 39421-4 0 7450 2 18820 82.5399 68.4722 0015522 214.9014 145.1130 13.84647775231904 DMSP B5D2-4 1 18822U 88 6 A 92246.69159063 .00000076 00000-0 42525-4 0 4603 2 18822 98.5268 114.5914 0007725 86.1542 274.0535 14.22698323237731 Glonass 34 1 19163U 88 43 A 92243.86453001 .00000018 00000-0 99999-4 0 5433 2 19163 64.9366 132.3581 0007019 190.2052 169.8586 2.13102323 32695 Glonass 36 1 19165U 88 43 C 92240.16733969 .00000018 00000-0 99999-4 0 7879 2 19165 64.9197 132.4577 0028376 97.8108 262.5753 2.13102209 33239 METEOSAT 3 1 19215U 88 51 A 92242.20699280 -.00000258 00000-0 99999-4 0 4524 2 19215 0.2365 67.6298 0000083 11.2226 283.0944 1.00284809 3329 AO-13 1 19216U 88 51 B 92245.05390046 .00000055 00000-0 -35769-3 0 4472 2 19216 57.2613 4.2579 7292862 295.0477 8.6176 2.09714672 794 OKEAN 1 1 19274U 88 56 A 92248.07307900 .00000268 00000-0 32715-4 0 4646 2 19274 82.5154 124.5118 0020524 356.6943 3.4148 14.81379042224659 Meteor 3-2 1 19336U 88 64 A 92247.01473148 .00000005 00000-0 19218-5 0 9519 2 19336 82.5404 65.1632 0018082 91.0431 269.2768 13.16949646197418 Glonass 39 1 19503U 88 85 C 92244.41149075 -.00000021 00000-0 99999-4 0 7901 2 19503 65.6581 11.3661 0006501 180.0082 179.9935 2.13102454 30817 NOAA 11 1 19531U 88 89 A 92247.13611993 -.00000001 00000-0 99999-5 0 9025 2 19531 99.0908 211.9003 0011959 161.6115 198.5468 14.12731880203144 TDRS 2 1 19548U 88 91 B 92244.22957797 -.00000258 00000-0 99999-4 0 4611 2 19548 0.0848 274.7333 0002821 293.8418 151.7157 1.00275234 1828 Glonass 40 1 19749U 89 1 A 92246.33003774 .00000018 00000-0 00000+0 0 7398 2 19749 64.8767 131.9069 0005826 271.2932 88.7031 2.13101533 28383 Glonass 41 1 19750U 89 1 B 92244.04112959 .00000018 00000-0 99999-4 0 7763 2 19750 64.8963 132.0137 0006779 257.0543 102.9483 2.13101955 28332 GPS BII-01 1 19802U 89 13 A 92246.09092395 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 4565 2 19802 55.0516 165.5689 0040910 172.4474 187.6394 2.00561698 25953 Akebono 1 19822U 89 16 A 92247.78998429 .00021302 00000-0 13485-2 0 5926 2 19822 75.0807 183.0201 3926850 39.9640 343.2973 7.56941728 59228 Meteor 2-18 1 19851U 89 18 A 92245.68938515 .00000052 00000-0 41236-4 0 6979 2 19851 82.5218 304.9124 0013130 261.8077 98.1594 13.84297017177276 MOP-1 1 19876U 89 20 B 92239.07173262 .00000020 00000-0 00000+0 0 4034 2 19876 0.2806 7.1532 0001768 162.0157 190.8806 1.00281163 476 TDRS 3 1 19883U 89 21 B 92248.15974248 -.00000239 00000-0 99999-4 0 4836 2 19883 0.0542 290.5527 0000124 194.3505 235.1246 1.00272341 83022 GPS BII-02 1 20061U 89 44 A 92245.43024231 -.00000033 00000-0 99999-4 0 4615 2 20061 54.8893 343.0663 0110741 195.5578 164.1340 2.00561181 23689 Nadezhda 1 1 20103U 89 50 A 92245.93539509 .00000049 00000-0 45471-4 0 5964 2 20103 82.9566 49.4820 0037107 311.3532 48.4434 13.73794671158613 GPS BII-03 1 20185U 89 64 A 92245.26878379 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 4075 2 20185 54.8896 166.3130 0011363 196.5140 163.4711 2.00556016 22257 -- Dr TS Kelso Assistant Professor of Space Operations Air Force Institute of Technology ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1992 20:49:46 GMT From: TS Kelso Subject: Two-Line Orbital Element Sets, Part 2 Newsgroups: The most current orbital elements from the NORAD two-line element sets are carried on the Celestial BBS, (513) 427-0674, and are updated daily (when possible). Documentation and tracking software are also available on this system. The Celestial BBS may be accessed 24 hours/day at 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. Element sets (also updated daily) and some documentation and software are available via anonymous ftp from ( in the directory pub/space. As a service to the satellite user community, the most current of these elements are uploaded weekly to and This week's elements are provided below. - Current Two-Line Element Sets #050b - GMS 4 1 20217U 89 70 A 92244.66662827 -.00000254 00000-0 99999-4 0 4503 2 20217 0.2034 331.3380 0001095 152.6992 235.9866 1.00283837 11578 GPS BII-04 1 20302U 89 85 A 92245.30148405 -.00000014 00000-0 99999-4 0 4062 2 20302 54.0254 283.9212 0015862 326.5226 33.4345 2.00566876 21054 Meteor 3-3 1 20305U 89 86 A 92245.74418261 .00000043 00000-0 99999-4 0 6012 2 20305 82.5483 8.3495 0015936 111.4839 248.7984 13.16003035137164 COBE 1 20322U 89 89 A 92246.07594508 .00000057 00000-0 48021-4 0 5553 2 20322 99.0085 258.7682 0007678 292.5753 67.4600 14.03355374142781 Kvant-2 1 20335U 89 93 A 92247.97935712 .00003312 00000-0 54341-4 0 1856 2 20335 51.6237 213.5624 0004165 116.9321 243.2100 15.53743528374538 GPS BII-05 1 20361U 89 97 A 92246.31224449 .00000007 00000-0 99999-4 0 3571 2 20361 55.1830 108.2684 0066699 84.1131 276.7263 2.00563647 10556 SPOT 2 1 20436U 90 5 A 92247.13928063 .00000068 00000-0 40590-4 0 9272 2 20436 98.7377 320.4587 0000401 30.2665 329.8537 14.20030439135556 UO-14 1 20437U 90 5 B 92246.23192599 .00000088 00000-0 42359-4 0 6151 2 20437 98.6377 327.4125 0011099 312.3355 47.6886 14.29667168136283 UO-15 1 20438U 90 5 C 92242.09374458 .00000045 00000-0 25805-4 0 4875 2 20438 98.6394 322.9074 0010067 327.0878 32.9677 14.29059782135655 PACSAT 1 20439U 90 5 D 92246.03439168 .00000070 00000-0 35288-4 0 4890 2 20439 98.6417 327.8611 0011066 315.7837 44.2460 14.29731036136265 DO-17 1 20440U 90 5 E 92242.55157438 .00000080 00000-0 38745-4 0 4894 2 20440 98.6422 324.5410 0011377 326.0982 33.9472 14.29857669135779 WO-18 1 20441U 90 5 F 92243.21772978 .00000073 00000-0 36136-4 0 4895 2 20441 98.6423 325.2458 0011916 323.9643 36.0735 14.29848364135879 LO-19 1 20442U 90 5 G 92246.73599032 .00000076 00000-0 37495-4 0 4896 2 20442 98.6420 328.8597 0012064 313.0040 47.0130 14.29933319136389 GPS BII-06 1 20452U 90 8 A 92246.71648446 .00000009 00000-0 99999-4 0 4075 2 20452 54.1902 223.0794 0045629 62.1550 298.2883 2.00564540 19060 MOS-1B 1 20478U 90 13 A 92247.72631154 .00000017 00000-0 25987-4 0 9631 2 20478 99.1114 320.7119 0000510 17.0999 343.0182 13.94880636 51827 DEBUT 1 20479U 90 13 B 92240.76841713 .00000023 00000-0 10164-3 0 4332 2 20479 99.0706 146.0199 0541368 30.9613 332.2250 12.83285982119684 FO-20 1 20480U 90 13 C 92243.74437316 -.00000008 00000-0 11889-4 0 3828 2 20480 99.0703 148.4108 0541132 24.2642 338.2951 12.83213243120065 MOS-1B R/B 1 20491U 90 13 D 92246.76566383 .00000173 00000-0 37331-3 0 5689 2 20491 99.0682 176.6116 0469313 296.1987 59.1587 13.02957476121696 LACE 1 20496U 90 15 A 92242.19568922 .00002802 00000-0 11198-3 0 9857 2 20496 43.1043 170.4970 0016080 82.6200 277.6830 15.27353142140842 Nadezhda 2 1 20508U 90 17 A 92245.33827865 .00000019 00000-0 14029-4 0 5565 2 20508 82.9563 184.6746 0042963 260.6374 98.9905 13.73425425125798 OKEAN 2 1 20510U 90 18 A 92246.97450096 .00000212 00000-0 27926-4 0 9130 2 20510 82.5200 70.2709 0019761 157.5986 202.6102 14.77531449135329 INTELSAT-6 1 20523U 90 21 A 92243.15498464 -.00000218 00000-0 99999-4 0 9727 2 20523 0.3729 271.5812 0001106 289.9283 158.3543 1.00248994 2064 GPS BII-07 1 20533U 90 25 A 92246.62274580 -.00000033 00000-0 99999-4 0 4098 2 20533 55.2121 343.3453 0038891 92.5058 267.9719 2.00565138 17834 PegSat 1 20546U 90 28 A 92247.10632212 .00004228 00000-0 14354-3 0 1007 2 20546 94.1310 293.7920 0096097 245.3931 113.7269 15.26257699132352 HST 1 20580U 90 37 B 92246.56181873 .00000947 00000-0 84544-4 0 8433 2 20580 28.4693 116.5660 0004725 267.8894 92.1129 14.91718526128511 MACSAT 2 1 20608U 90 43 B 92244.34138417 .00000352 00000-0 60495-4 0 6012 2 20608 89.9162 185.6442 0104769 218.7262 140.6411 14.64126961123449 Glonass 44 1 20619U 90 45 A 92247.16893827 -.00000021 00000-0 00000+0 0 2563 2 20619 65.2602 11.2157 0024506 209.9501 149.9102 2.13102934 17864 Glonass 45 1 20620U 90 45 B 92245.40997886 -.00000021 00000-0 00000+0 0 2896 2 20620 65.2540 11.2515 0006552 50.6949 309.3671 2.13102629 17834 Glonass 46 1 20621U 90 45 C 92245.47103391 -.00000021 00000-0 00000+0 0 1770 2 20621 65.2577 11.2617 0014745 199.8733 160.0760 2.13100791 17837 Kristall 1 20635U 90 48 A 92247.97935947 .00005992 00000-0 95325-4 0 9852 2 20635 51.6219 213.5677 0003764 99.4393 260.7041 15.53731454374530 ROSAT 1 20638U 90 49 A 92246.85872900 .00000730 00000-0 60458-4 0 6739 2 20638 52.9965 41.8100 0011533 247.6263 112.3508 15.05110767123777 Meteor 2-19 1 20670U 90 57 A 92245.76589471 .00000036 00000-0 27281-4 0 4465 2 20670 82.5443 7.4516 0015066 177.5317 182.5921 13.84135324110223 CRRES 1 20712U 90 65 A 92247.69816725 .00001905 00000-0 23383-2 0 32 2 20712 17.8031 91.3625 7194508 63.2190 351.5080 2.34229806 10587 GPS BII-08 1 20724U 90 68 A 92245.94230112 .00000015 00000-0 99999-4 0 3104 2 20724 54.6667 164.0858 0110099 135.6468 225.2698 2.00563923 15242 Feng Yun1-2 1 20788U 90 81 A 92243.29643751 .00000393 00000-0 28373-3 0 4154 2 20788 98.8963 271.5890 0016443 36.6827 323.5458 14.01277881101845 Meteor 2-20 1 20826U 90 86 A 92245.69526559 .00000069 00000-0 57051-4 0 4486 2 20826 82.5277 305.9039 0014828 81.0555 279.2295 13.83509547 97396 GPS BII-09 1 20830U 90 88 A 92244.99702115 .00000006 00000-0 99999-4 0 3598 2 20830 55.1097 106.4406 0070356 109.7034 251.1381 2.00562924 14307 GPS BII-10 1 20959U 90103 A 92245.89572320 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 2603 2 20959 54.8616 165.8185 0062785 218.4717 141.1191 2.00566040 12913 DMSP B5D2-5 1 20978U 90105 A 92246.74114779 .00000251 00000-0 98404-4 0 7663 2 20978 98.7780 294.9724 0078514 281.4507 77.7859 14.32002016 91716 Glonass 47 1 21006U 90110 A 92247.38399868 .00000017 00000-0 00000+0 0 8938 2 21006 64.8632 131.2601 0060344 186.0773 173.9123 2.13102552 13554 Glonass 48 1 21007U 90110 B 92247.09577957 .00000018 00000-0 00000+0 0 9431 2 21007 64.8744 131.3031 0038011 178.8648 181.2160 2.13100885 13542 Glonass 49 1 21008U 90110 C 92247.44887419 .00000018 00000-0 00000+0 0 8932 2 21008 64.8474 131.2867 0008845 292.7586 67.2156 2.13099527 13557 INFORMTR-1 1 21087U 91 6 A 92247.09307405 .00000079 00000-0 76069-4 0 4911 2 21087 82.9412 265.2713 0036954 100.9269 259.6029 13.74492427 80000 Cosmos 2123 1 21089U 91 7 A 92245.75159092 .00000039 00000-0 35060-4 0 3014 2 21089 82.9272 136.0098 0029519 125.8862 234.5039 13.73999249 78914 MOP-2 1 21140U 91 15 B 92243.06375511 .00000015 00000-0 00000+0 0 2507 2 21140 0.2120 282.1520 0001991 320.6749 117.1324 1.00294921 429 Nadezhda 3 1 21152U 91 19 A 92245.61999373 .00000046 00000-0 42916-4 0 3563 2 21152 82.9267 91.2806 0041024 234.8323 124.8985 13.73453889 73962 Almaz-1 1 21213U 91 24 A 92247.54649665 .00059361 00000-0 29014-3 0 1483 2 21213 72.6474 229.1306 0006349 329.3916 30.7995 15.82006410 82863 Glonass 50 1 21216U 91 25 A 92247.40256213 -.00000022 00000-0 00000+0 0 8517 2 21216 65.0249 11.1609 0009305 214.0148 145.9349 2.13103638 11054 Glonass 51 1 21217U 91 25 B 92247.46329154 -.00000022 00000-0 00000+0 0 8452 2 21217 64.9824 11.1553 0011408 228.7850 131.1223 2.13101523 11058 Glonass 52 1 21218U 91 25 C 92246.64164817 -.00000022 00000-0 00000+0 0 8354 2 21218 64.9975 11.1813 0007687 300.1903 59.7452 2.13102429 11036 GRO 1 21225U 91 27 B 92247.23724223 .00010757 00000-0 12380-3 0 6770 2 21225 28.4614 209.6056 0006157 59.0886 301.0323 15.60037811 80183 Meteor 3-4 1 21232U 91 30 A 92245.54559247 .00000043 00000-0 99999-4 0 2478 2 21232 82.5438 271.8364 0019142 30.7602 329.4638 13.16810948 65331 NOAA 12 1 21263U 91 32 A 92247.54539083 .00000123 00000-0 64097-4 0 3620 2 21263 98.6904 276.3365 0012351 328.2021 31.8418 14.22097272 67907 OKEAN 3 1 21397U 91 39 A 92244.73177102 .00000376 00000-0 53330-4 0 5948 2 21397 82.5281 342.1854 0021934 229.3720 130.5608 14.75532098 66976 GPS BII-11 1 21552U 91 47 A 92245.16829709 .00000006 00000-0 99999-4 0 2167 2 21552 55.4006 103.8115 0042182 224.4297 135.3158 2.00571715 8498 ERS-1 1 21574U 91 50 A 92247.35843761 .00000294 00000-0 12371-3 0 4879 2 21574 98.5488 320.2788 0001423 89.9119 270.2202 14.32250435 59356 UO-22 1 21575U 91 50 B 92242.24070605 .00000112 00000-0 45030-4 0 1899 2 21575 98.5052 316.6000 0008438 85.9913 274.2237 14.36688836 58749 ORBCOMM-X 1 21576U 91 50 C 92247.18713599 .00000148 00000-0 57870-4 0 2507 2 21576 98.5039 321.0032 0004680 76.7104 283.4603 14.36032700 59423 TUBSAT 1 21577U 91 50 D 92246.17508663 .00000072 00000-0 31744-4 0 1877 2 21577 98.5045 320.2575 0007423 76.9145 283.2870 14.36272384 59292 SARA 1 21578U 91 50 E 92246.06971630 .00000514 00000-0 18398-3 0 3124 2 21578 98.5076 320.7868 0005662 81.5061 278.6768 14.37888366 59310 TDRS 4 1 21639U 91 54 B 92247.53167258 .00000111 00000-0 99999-4 0 2200 2 21639 0.0678 289.5442 0003027 232.0542 198.4067 1.00273903 2123 Meteor 3-5 1 21655U 91 56 A 92245.85260884 .00000044 00000-0 99999-4 0 3141 2 21655 82.5540 218.1274 0014567 34.5257 325.6809 13.16807252 50473 UARS 1 21701U 91 63 B 92235.16609408 -.00001169 00000-0 -91982-4 0 1797 2 21701 56.9891 299.9089 0004813 88.1664 272.0055 14.96350401 51534 DMSP B5D2-6 1 21798U 91 82 A 92246.73973125 .00000404 00000-0 23426-3 0 2303 2 21798 98.9403 240.7184 0012774 181.0193 179.0935 14.13506332 39433 Glonass 53 1 21853U 92 5 A 92247.32520100 .00000017 00000-0 99999-4 0 2633 2 21853 64.7866 131.0211 0005675 195.6917 164.3566 2.13102463 4656 Glonass 54 1 21854U 92 5 B 92245.27223236 .00000017 00000-0 99999-4 0 2568 2 21854 64.7963 131.0779 0016543 13.8088 346.3127 2.13102557 4604 Glonass 55 1 21855U 92 5 C 92244.86188210 .00000017 00000-0 99999-4 0 2611 2 21855 64.8065 131.0890 0006729 203.5376 156.5183 2.13101623 4589 JERS-1 1 21867U 92 7 A 92247.56688552 .00003389 00000-0 28706-3 0 3679 2 21867 97.7039 321.8812 0002670 98.8722 261.2873 14.98653431 30788 GPS BII-12 1 21890U 92 9 A 92236.65342449 -.00000014 00000-0 99999-4 0 1097 2 21890 54.5886 283.9560 0060260 145.4881 214.9830 2.00563326 3698 GPS BII-13 1 21930U 92 19 A 92244.34335040 -.00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 1094 2 21930 55.1154 44.2250 0074203 156.3616 203.9921 2.00567244 2771 EUVE 1 21987U 92 31 A 92232.33773712 .00002181 00000-0 10297-3 0 77 2 21987 28.4322 199.3801 0010738 262.4472 97.5038 15.15165949 11029 SAMPEX 1 22012U 92 38 A 92245.73479904 .00003029 00000-0 27687-3 0 307 2 22012 81.6763 139.4576 0126485 10.8536 349.5353 14.88732859 8953 GPS BII-14 1 22014U 92 39 A 92243.38106907 .00000010 00000-0 99999-4 0 289 2 22014 55.0730 223.8509 0085352 275.0853 84.1510 2.00568579 1083 GEOTAIL 1 22049U 92 44 A 92206.64237056 -.00131104 90558-3 00000+0 0 23 2 22049 28.6538 338.8611 9629268 150.8029 1.2170 0.11656475 04 Soyuz TM-15 1 22054U 92 46 A 92247.97935686 .00001723 00000-0 30058-4 0 366 2 22054 51.6236 213.5624 0004068 114.6931 245.4456 15.53742028 6007 Glonass 56 1 22056U 92 47 A 92246.17121764 -.00000022 00000-0 99999-4 0 501 2 22056 64.8508 11.5176 0004681 256.0353 103.9163 2.13102817 695 Glonass 57 1 22057U 92 47 B 92246.28851507 -.00000022 00000-0 99999-4 0 576 2 22057 64.8511 11.5209 0004103 266.0135 93.9654 2.13103189 691 Glonass 58 1 22058U 92 47 C 92247.40282458 -.00000022 00000-0 99999-4 0 531 2 22058 64.8490 11.5184 0011542 296.6453 63.2304 2.13103108 757 EURECA-1 1 22065U 92 49 B 92234.28289317 .00004844 00000-0 20599-3 0 246 2 22065 28.4548 209.8494 0003591 39.0226 321.0637 15.20595564 3168 Molniya1-84 1 22068U 92 50 A 92246.90647253 .00000144 00000-0 00000+0 0 295 2 22068 62.8447 194.2316 7351360 288.2548 9.4911 2.00622352 555 1992 050B 1 22069U 92 50 B 92247.74103008 .00908707 11242-4 13193-2 0 504 2 22069 62.8135 93.7605 0180507 126.5469 235.2601 15.80973745 4383 PRC 35 1 22072U 92 51 A 92245.55765935 .15718039 43361-4 15487-3 0 575 2 22072 63.0380 293.3405 0015473 145.3581 215.0326 16.49990719 3746 TOPEX 1 22076U 92 52 A 92248.36044101 -.00000001 00000-0 99999-4 0 126 2 22076 66.0405 202.8526 0001043 252.9002 107.1879 12.82203402 3137 KITSAT-A 1 22077U 92 52 B 92241.42395033 .00000034 00000-0 29078-3 0 170 2 22077 66.0650 217.7092 0064837 142.2062 218.3378 12.77679514 2245 S80/T 1 22078U 92 52 C 92241.30361355 .00000000 00000-0 99999-4 0 126 2 22078 66.0835 217.3905 0017105 255.9173 103.9946 12.86552294 2224 1992 052D 1 22079U 92 52 D 92228.01182115 .00000822 00000-0 34392-2 0 109 2 22079 66.0834 245.2331 0015902 263.8032 96.1188 12.86273610 537 Cosmos 2208 1 22080U 92 53 A 92236.99441735 .00000086 00000-0 39073-4 0 86 2 22080 74.0419 33.8621 0013093 342.4273 17.6425 14.28336615 1682 1992 053B 1 22081U 92 53 B 92245.72549189 .00000282 00000-0 11832-3 0 192 2 22081 74.0453 17.9459 0019156 30.6488 329.5773 14.29997211 2939 AUSSAT B1 1 22087U 92 54 A 92242.63854388 -.00000149 00000-0 99999-4 0 101 2 22087 0.3373 266.9761 0029033 228.2176 225.0459 1.00299354 166 1992 054B 1 22088U 92 54 B 92248.13950617 .00293270 -76538-5 63334-3 0 280 2 22088 27.9981 175.6673 0556953 353.3544 6.4155 14.93122125 3164 1992 054C 1 22089U 92 54 C 92247.97138542 .00000597 00000-0 13894-2 0 162 2 22089 23.3730 303.7481 7321224 191.8705 129.4056 2.16751929 446 ProgressM14 1 22090U 92 55 A 92247.97935702 .00007312 00000-0 11919-3 0 224 2 22090 51.6222 213.5676 0003903 102.0724 258.0599 15.53744583 2975 RESURS F-16 1 22093U 92 56 A 92247.58472395 .00121689 00000-0 80290-4 0 345 2 22093 82.5673 132.9022 0007631 248.8036 111.2376 16.17062305 2459 1992 057A 1 22096U 92 57 A 92247.25790877 -.00000054 00000-0 99999-4 0 36 2 22096 20.4307 322.5340 6755516 359.2041 0.1491 2.17349915 89 1992 057B 1 22097U 92 57 B 92245.77813523 .00000029 00000-0 99999-4 0 26 2 22097 25.2013 318.0541 0507387 4.9387 355.5735 10.91983514 158 1992 057C 1 22098U 92 57 C 92247.25544011 -.00000054 00000-0 99999-4 0 46 2 22098 20.4407 322.2901 6750772 359.4917 0.2120 2.17548994 83 1992 056C 1 22099U 92 56 C 92247.15153330 .00171091 -14917-5 10864-3 0 78 2 22099 82.5655 133.3933 0008848 243.4611 119.2161 16.17536496 2381 1992 056D 1 22100U 92 56 D 92247.15153330 .00247247 -13579-5 15903-3 0 36 2 22100 82.5670 133.3949 0008800 249.1217 111.9470 16.17373384 2388 -- Dr TS Kelso Assistant Professor of Space Operations Air Force Institute of Technology ------------------------------ End of Space Digest Volume 15 : Issue 169 ------------------------------